Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saving Spidey

Last night my kids dad picked me up from work as the Beast is still not working.

As I was getting into the truck one of the twins yells from the back seat, "Hey Mom, look at the tryantula(yes, TRY not TAR ) we found!" There on my son's lap was a giant blue Reebox shoe box and in it a tiny boulder, some desert rocks and this furry little, *supposedly pregnant according to my boys*, tarantula.

"You are NOT bringing that to the apartment!" I quickly yelled.

"Dad, can you stop at your house really quick?"

Their dad kept on driving, right past the turn to his house.

They named her Spidey.

So we make it home. They show it to all the neighborhood kids. I open my apartment door to see a 12  year old and a 10 year old admiring the little home my boys have made for this poor furry friend of theirs. They struggled with what to do with this friend of theirs and finally decided to let her go. So at 8 p.m. last night, they were out, box in hand searching for the perfect place to protect this little arachnid from the coming rains.

I had called my son's cell phone to tell them to come in, and his butt answered the phone. As I continued to yell into the phone in the hopes he would hear me, I couldn't help but listen to their conversation.

Peter(youngest twin): "This looks like the perfect spot. We need to build a trench so the water doesn't get to her."
John John(Oldest twin): "There's some dirt, let's dig here!"
I don't recall all of the conversation, however it sounded like a deep secret mission they were planning as the three boys concocted a way to save this spider and find her a new home.

So this morning, rain and all going on out here in the desert, my boys are up, bright-eyed and ready to go at 7:21 a.m. They run out to see the spider, and I really didn't think she would still be there.

Peter informed me that yes, she was still there as there were leaves piled up around the hole they had made for her and he also let me know that Tarantulas use leaves to protect themselves from the water and burrow as far as they can go in the ground.

I looked at him, impressed by his knowledge of spiders.

"It's their instincts mom," He said, as if I was an idiot.(which apparently I am because I had no clue about any of this at all).

They are still out there now, at 8:00. Walking around with a giant stick, in the damp cold air looking for other creatures to save from impending doom.

I love it when they are like this.

Just being normal, innocent children.

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