Thursday, January 3, 2013

Random Ramblings

I have to say I love to write. I should write a book.

Maybe I will.

Actually I have written a book. 237 pages I wrote back in 2000. It's collecting dust in my closet. Can't get any royalties sitting in my closet now will I? I suppose I should dust it off and give it a whirl. Or maybe I'll write a new one.

I actually had one I started. A paranormal type book. I posted it online at one of the many sites I blogged at before my puter tanked on me, but for the life of me I can't remember where I put it. I remember the password, but not the email or the website. I need to scour through my FB and find it.

I'll do that another day.

I also have some stories I use to write with my son Christian. He's my little special needs guy. I just love him to pieces. We had made up stories about "Stewey the Spider". I have them somewhere too. I need to find an illustrator and maybe I can publish those as well.

I also had a blog called "The Spiritual Soul" but for the life of me I can't remember where that one went. It talked about different spiritual paths and the meaning of religion vs. spirituality. Would love to find that one. It's out there, somewhere, in the internet abyss.

I have never blogged so much in one day. I did five blogs(that counts this one) in one day. I really did miss blogging.

Truth is, I am procrastinating.

I did some cleaning around here. Put some laundry in the dryer, did some dishes, and even cleaned my coffee pot out with vinegar. I need to take down my holiday decorations. Ugh...the dreaded holiday decoration dismemberment.

That sounded morbid didn't it?

I want to have a clean house in the new year. I remember reading somewhere that clutter doesn't allow room for good things in one's life. I have to say I'm beginning to believe that. When I first moved into this apartment last year things flowed fairly well into my life. I got a wonderful job, money was good, and I was happy.

Now I seem to be bitter and depressed.


Ick, I hate it.

I want to do more with my life. I dreamed of opening up a bakery one day. I also dreamed of starting an organization to help runaway children. Then there was the "Baking for Books" idea I had, where once or twice a year a bake sale would be held at my kids school for two days straight and parents who were interested could bake as much as they wanted to, donate it to the school and all proceeds would go to the school for workbooks and books and all that stuff the piddly budget doesn't cover from the school district.

Or help out children who don't have meals at home, to provide them with some type of weekend meals once a month at least. That one would have been called "Baking for Bread".

Unfortunately we have this stupid law now that only "store bought foods" can be brought to school. No more bake sales, no more cake walks, no more ice cream cupcakes to bring in for birthdays for my kids.

That bums me out.

So here I sit, looking at the pair of my daughter's jeans lying on the floor and my dining room table that needs to be cleared. Then out the door in the living room awaits the tree with all it's pretty decorations adorning every side and my bar that has several statues and snowflake globes that I must gently pack away for next year.

I stopped at Walgreens today to see if they had any last minute buys on clearance for Christmas, but what to my wondering eyes should appear....Valentine's Day Candy...already on the shelves.

Bah humbug.

Maybe next year I'll get some good sale stuff.

I'm sure by next month(meaning February) the good old Cadbury eggs will be packed in mass in the seasonal aisle at Walgreen's, before you know it July will be here, and that same aisle will be dressed with pumpkins and ghosts. *SMH* What a shame how they push the season on us, well before we are ready.

Okay, I really do need to get some work done around here. Thank Goodness the days are once again getting longer. Not only does my overly depressed and stressed mind love the daylight, but so does my sanity. My kids go nuts sitting inside for so long. Where I live, I won't let them out when it's dark. Too risky in my opinion.

I'll be back later I am sure.

Hopefully I will have some followers to keep me company.

Even just one soul would be nice. :)

Until next time......

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