Friday, January 18, 2013

Just Random Banter

It's day 5 without The Beast.

I have someone coming to look at it tomorrow. Wish me luck as I will need it.

I'm broke and only have about a 100 bucks to spend on repairs. I'm trying to stay positive here.

Last day of work before my three-day weekend, which I so desperately need at this point. It's been a crazy week. I was blubbering like a baby on the phone with a friend of mine, and I kept apologizing for it. I was just so overwhelmed. My life is Murphy's Law, I swear.

I get tired of having so much bad crap happening to me. I could see if I was some type of thief, or someone who beats people up and bullies them, but I'm a nice, compassionate, person. I try to help others when I can, but it seems lately I am the one needing help and to be honest, I hate it.

I've been dealt this hand for whatever reason.

So I just go with it. Take it a day at a time as my mom tells me to do. That's all I can do.

It's almost 6:30 in the morning here and there is a brisk chill in the air.

I have to get ready for work in about 15 minutes or so, my clothes are twirling around in the dryer. My ride will be here in about 45  minutes or so, provided she gets herself going on time.  Poor thing has been running late as she has her own drama to deal with too. I'm just glad she is willing to come get me. I'm about 5 minutes out of her way on her route to work.

Hopefully I will have something more insightful or humorous to share this weekend.

Wouldn't that be nice?

I just felt the need to blog this morning.

Not that I have much to say, huh?

I'm going to run now and get ready for work.

Hoping whomever should glance at my page here has a wonderful day.

Until next time....

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