Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hanging Out With My Daughter

Tonight my friend and her kids stopped by to play with my kids.  Her son was in the hospital, thankfully he is all better now.

So, after having a nice visit with my friend and her kids, I started dinner and the kids and I watched the end of Zookeeper. That was a funny movie.

Wish we had caught it from the beginning.

The boys decided they wanted to watch their own show, so me and my daughter decided we were going to play a game of Sorry. After she kicked my butt in that game she went in her room and was playing with her dolls. She is always alone in her room, and I feel so bad, because her twin brothers have each other so I went in there and asked her if she wanted to put her Hello Kitty puzzle together.

Her eyes lit up and she shouted "YES!"

So we put the 100 piece puzzle together in about 45 minutes or so.  This is the product of our hard work this evening.

We gave each other a high five when we finished.

Then she looked at me and said "I don't want to take it apart mom." 

So I suppose for now our dining room table is a puzzle display for a night or two.

I love my daughter so much. She is such a sweet thing most of the time. True, she has her moments, but I love spending time with her. We do our nails, for Christmas I did alternating green and pink(we had no red unfortunately) on each finger, we watch Honey Boo Boo(we laugh so hard at them...that show is hilarious), we read together and I try to do as much as I can with her.

She curled up on my lap tonight and said  "I'm gonna miss you tomorrow Mommy. The first day is always hard." I just held her and told her "I wish I could go to school with you like I use to, but for now I have to work."

"Can't you volunteer Mom, pleeeeeease!", she looks at me with those baby blue eyes of hers and I wish I could say "Sure I'll quit my job and live in a box," but instead I said "Sorry baby girl, but I have to work so we can have this apartment and food and clothes."

Ugh, I just try to enjoy her as best as I can.

These kids grow up way too fast.

About two months ago, she went as one of the monster high girls for Halloween.  She had some make up left over and we were on our way out the door to school. I look at her as I grab my keys and I said "OH NO! You can't go to school wearing makeup!"

I have to say she applied it correctly, which being 8 yrs old, I'm not sure if I should be proud of her or frightened.

She grinned at me, then let out this tiny giggle and I pointed to the bathroom and said "Remove it now please, before we are late."

Silly girl.

She was telling me about a time when she was visiting a friend, and her friend told her "One of my boobies is bigger than the other." My daughter looked at me and said "We don't have boobies yet Mom, what is she talking about!" so matter-of-fact and then we both burst out in laughter.

I couldn't help it. It was funny.

I just want my little girl to be a little girl as long as possible.  I hear about all the little crushes, and the notes in class that say "circle yes or no",  and I hear about how this girl is dating this boy.  And what constitutes a date, meeting in the cafeteria for a fancy Lunchable that includes a drink and an Oreo?

I just hope I can set a good example for her and teach her how to respect others, how not to be a doormat(like I was), how to be treated respectfully by a man, and how having a man is a want, not a necessity in life.

But those lessons will come in time.

For now I'm just enjoying spending time with her and making memories that will hopefully last a lifetime for us both.



Unknown said...

Aww that sounds like a fun time. I can't wait until my daughter it's a bit older so we can have our little moments. Right now I'm still trying to survive the terrible twos. I look forward to reading more in the future. I actually blog over at

I didn't want to post on an older post but I laughed at the missing the Christmas dinner because it was just written on Facebook. I'm actually on Facebook fairly often for my biz and blood but I'm still always missing stuff like that. Call me or at least send me a direct email if you wasn't to make sure I see something.

Barb said...

I want to follow your blog too. I guess I have to do the Google+ thing. I am also still figuring out how to add buttons so people can follow me and I can see who is following me. I'm new to this whole blogging thingy, as far as formatting it and using codes and all that good stuff.

I'm glad you got a good laugh at the Christmas dinner post. I wouldn't be surprised if that's actually happened to more people. LOLLL

Unknown said...

The simplest way I find for following blogger blogs is through the follower button. I have one in my side bar, I think on the right. But i have a few ways up there to follow me.

Since I read my blogs in Google Reader it automatically subscribes me for all future posts. Here is a link on how you can add one. I know Google is trying to flip people over to using Google + to follow and I often follow blogs there also but it doesn't sync with Google reader.

Hope this helps and if you have any questions just ask. :)