Thursday, January 3, 2013

Diets and Parties and Kisses….OH MY!

Miscellaneous New Year Comments

*This was originally written on December 31, 2012*
Yep, it's that time of year again.

Time to set unrealistic resolutions like Dieting, Quitting Smoking or Drinking(or both for some people), time to leave a bad relationship or go out on a limb and start a new one.

 Resolutions are hokey if you ask me. How many people seriously keep to their resolutions all year long? I mean the WHOLE year, not six months out of he year, or even six weeks, but the WHOLE STINKIN' YEAR. Raise your hand, and I shall pat you on the back, because you deserve a medal. I know some people have great willpower.Yay! But some of us, like myself for instance, are standing over here eyeballing that last piece of holiday cake and dive into it without the guilt.

I was talking to some coworkers of mine last week about diets. I hope they didn't take my words as rudeness, I was merely speaking a general truth. They both talked about going on diets. I said in no uncertain terms, "Diets don't work".

Especially when you simply say the word diet. It's like your brain panics and everything you probably wouldn't have eaten you now want to have it. "Healthier Eating Plan" sounds better, in my opinion anyway. There is no way to flub up a healthier eating plan. You can eat salads, and diet sodas and fruits all you want, but you can also have a cookie or a doughnut too. You aren't counting stupid points, or reading labels on bags of pretzels, you simply say, "okay, I"m going to eat this this and this, go for a walk and my reward will be two cookies. I see people on diets, and I can tell they try to make excuses for why they opened that candy bar. "Well, I'll just have to do an extra ten minutes of situps". Okay. I am not judging you at all. I am not your priest, your mother or your husband. You owe me no explanation. I understand how cravings can be. True they may not always be healthy, but the way I see it, we get one life to live and as long as it's not a case of candy bars you are eating then by all means, enjoy that candy bar. You want to eat that candy bar, that's your business.

I smoke like a chimney on really stressful days when I get home from work because I don't smoke before I go in, or on my breaks or in my car because my children ride in there, and to be honest it stinks. The only time I smoke, is at home, by myself out on the patio. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, that is my vice. Coffee, Chocolate and that order. Some days I smoke a lot, others, if it's a good day, not so much. I would expect the same courtesy from you as well, if I were to light up in front of you, provided we were in an open area that was well ventilated. It's my guilty pleasure. I'm not going to make excuses for my behavior. It's not harming you or my children(I smoke outside) or others kids so I will continue to do it until I decide not to if that ever happens to be the case.

 Another thing I just think is amazing about New Year's is how all these people squeeze themselves onto Time's Square, or the Las Vegas Strip(or wherever the party is happening) just to ring in the New Year. Please tell me what is so enjoyable about having some stranger's ass pressed up against yours in a crowd of a Million People? Or having a drink spilled on a dress that half your check went to purchase? I suppose it's cool to be in that atmosphere, and maybe some people are so inebriated that being slammed into or spilled on doesn't phase them at all. What I've always wondered is, if you go to use the restroom, how do you find your way back to your spot? Do you leave breadcrumbs, or a confetti trail back to your spot? Not to mention, how do you get through all those people to get back to said spot?

 I'm not getting a kiss at the stroke of midnight this year. Do I care? NOPE. It bothered me the first couple of years I went "kissless"(is that even a word?? Apparently not, as spell-check has told me no). But the year before last I spent it with my babies and they each gave me a sweet little smooch, and we blew poppers and pop-its and bells and whistles. It covered the next 3 years in my opinion.

 Do I wish I could get a New Year's Kiss? Sure, but I'm not crying in my Cheerios because I won't get one. There is always next year, and the year after that and the year after get a kiss at the stroke of midnight from some kind, handsome, compassionate man that isn't drunk. As long as I'm sucking air, there's a chance. Anything's possible. So work hard, play more, enjoy life and hopefully life will be good to you in the coming year.
Dark Gothic Witchy New Year Comments Magickal Graphics

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