Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Yeah, I'm Thinking That Humor Train Derailed Somewhere

Well, what a weekend I had.

Enjoyed the storms of course, and as with movies and reality TV the sequel is never as good as the original, but still enjoyable nonetheless.

What I didn't mention, however,  was the excruciating pain I was in all weekend.

It's finally subsided, and I'm feeling like more of myself today. I only ache a tiny bit. Nothing that a little sleep and Advil can't cure.

Well, today was a fast-paced day.  I'm not complaining by any means. I wish that Friday were here already, but they (whoever THEY are) always say "Be careful what you wish for" maybe I'll take that wish back.

I'm watching Hollywood Game Night. Cheesy Tuesday night entertainment of a bunch of celebrities trying to outdo each other with the better joke.


It's either this or QVC or HSN...which I have no money to spend there either, so I'll just stick to these famous people making idiots out of themselves on live TV.

Better them than me I suppose.

I don't quite understand celebrities sometimes. For instance, when they come on a talk show, why do they do that thing where they point to someone in the audience and wave, wink or nod like they just said a joke to one another that we all can't be a part of too. Or are they doing the point and wave thing to the band?  Or else they point and wave all across the audience as though they are the Pope sharing a blessing of waves and winks instead of holy water.

What IS that?

Of course they make a million dollars or billion more than me, so I suppose they can do whatever they want pretty much. They can cartwheel across the stage in their birthday suit and end with the splits, however, in that case we'd all be in on the joke.

Random thought #200838 above....cause right now I got nuttin'.(I know not proper English, get over it you grammar ghouls out there, this is MY blog not yours)

Hmm...what to talk about. Crap it's a slow week for my brain this week.  The humor train has left the building.

Let's see...

OH...! Today at work, one little girl just woke up from nap and told me, "Miss Barb when I was sleeping you gave me oranges."

~~Biggest smile on her face~~

*quizzical look from me to little girl*

"I gave you oranges?",...still puzzled.

"Yes, I dreamed you gave me oranges."

"Were they good oranges?"

She nodded that they were, still grinning too.

Thank goodness. Wouldn't want her to have some Snow White rendition of the evil witch and the poison apple associated with me. Ya know?

After the orange dream, she was my little shadow, following me around, which I didn't mind.  Those oranges really must have been tasty ones.

She asked to sit by me.

So I moved her chair and she spent the afternoon sitting next to her favorite produce buddy. *giggles*


So I was listening to the radio today and as luck would have it, the song I have been waiting on to listen to again...found me...again.

I got to a stop light and wrote down the words. Wouldn't you know it though, I left the damn lyrics in the van. And my lazy ass is going nowhere because I am in my socks now and plan on removing them in a moment here soon.  I wanted to Google that song and save it and listen to it a hundred times.  It was a really good song.


It's now Wednesday morning and I never did finish this blog post. I walked away from the computer and was watching an act on America's Got Talent when I just plum forgot I was blogging and went to bed shortly after.

The mind of a 40-something year old....not a great thing sometimes.

Three more days of work. 

I'd rather have the three weeks of work my mom has before she retires.

Lucky her.

I'd love to be able to lounge around all day in my jammies or go shopping whenever I wanted to not having to worry so much about a time schedule...or money. Don't get me wrong, she is not by any means made of money but has been financially responsible enough with the help of my father, that she doesn't need to worry as much as I would if I decided to just up and quit my job so I could hang out with my kids or lounge around all day in my jammies.  

Would really love to win that lottery.

(wouldn't we all?)

I'm going to get ready for work now. I still have another hour and a half before my shift starts.

It will fly by too.  I still can't believe tomorrow is the first day of August. Where did the summer go? I blinked, and POOF it was gone.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Happy Wednesday
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