Monday, July 15, 2013

Another Monday

I refuse to turn on my A/C this morning.

I turned it off last night and slept with the fan on. I was thinking that takes less energy than the air running; suppose I'll find out when I get my bill. I woke up in a bucket of sweat. Probably lost two pounds in the process.

One can hope so anyway.

Now I'm just sitting here twiddling around until I go take a shower and head off to work.

Man, it's really hot in here. I suppose this cup of hot coffee isn't helping matters any. Think I may decide to head to Starbucks for a Very Berry Hibiscus Ice Tea....Venti please. Hold the Berries. I don't like it when one of the seeds makes it through the straw, it's like swallowing a bug when you are riding your bike really fast down the street.  Just a very unexpected, uncomfortable feeling, ya know?

I'm working on some stories I wrote a few months ago. One is a semi-horror story the other a type of Lifetime Made for TV movie story.  Can't think of the genre that falls under....I suppose drama/fiction perhaps?

I don't DO Mondays. They are the worst day of the week for me. I'm always lacking the energy and passion on Mondays that I have by Friday. Although last Friday I barely made it home from work. I was seriously way out of it, and surprised that I made it home. No joke. A coworker of mine saw me at a stop sign on my way home, and she waved and I felt like I was waving to her in slow-motion.  I didn't say a word, just smiled and waved.


I had plenty of time to think about a bunch of stuff this weekend.  I keep thinking about that conversation my kids had with me about wanting a stepdad(check past blogs, too tired and lazy to link it for ya! ha ha).  Watching romantic comedies and sitcoms with these happy families makes me think about that a lot more these days. This phase will pass; about every couple of months I find myself missing a man in my life, then I remember why I am still single to begin with and the phase passes.  Plus, my kids have all these standards that the "future" stepdad has to comply with. First of all he needs to be either a Firefighter, A soldier or a Police Man.  I'd prefer a mechanic myself, but those are fine.  Next they want a guy who will buy them tons of stuff. Just stuff. Nothing in particular. They want to go to Disneyland, and they want me to have a new vehicle so we can drive cross country to see my family back in Indiana.

Their standards are a little higher than mine. And truth be told, I highly doubt there is someone who will put up with the rantings of my children when fights ensue between them. I'd need someone like Vin Diesel or Chuck Norris to separate them on any given bad day.

Perhaps I'll date a sumo wrestler.
They think those guys are cool too, however, they weren't on the list.(thank God)

The other thing I was thinking about this weekend was my job.
Oh how I like my job, I use to LOVE it, but so much drama has taken over and it feels more like a "job" than a "career". I want to share my concerns with my employer, but I don't think what I have to say will make a difference.  I think we should have bi-monthly potlucks or some incentive to make everyone feel appreciated and improve employee morale. Everyone seems so miserable around there. I can feel the icky energy and it's affecting me and I don't like it. The winds of change rolled in a few months ago and blew in a bunch of ick with it.

I don't like it. Yuck.

Work use to be my happy place, now it's more my sappy place. I don't want to leave of course, I have grown too attached to those children.  On days I think I want to quit, I think of those kids and I it.

Okay I have to shower and get to work. My mornings go way to quickly these days.

I normally don't blog in the mornings, and now you see why.

They just aren't that entertaining.

Have a great Monday readers. I will see you all later!

Days Of The Week Comments
Magickal Graphics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi B,

The answer is; Bugs.

The question is; Why you never smile when you're riding your motorcycle over 20mph.

What if he was a helicopter pilot?
I'm not one, I'm just asking a question? Would that be acceptable?

BTW Is "House of Anubis" still playing on NICK?

Mondays are the bane of people who love weekends. "We Hates the Monday." (It's a paraphrase)

Good Luck B,