Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Like a Vacuum the Christmas Season is Sucking My Energy Dry

This has been ONE.LONG.DAY!

I am so glad to be home. Been home since 8:30...left work at do the math here.

Got a nice little surprise from my parents back home in the form of some Christmas Cash for the kids gifts(and me too). I haven't gotten myself anything yet, but will eventually. I just wanted to get stuff for the kids so I could wrap it before they get back here on Friday. This was the last week I could shop and wrap before Christmas.

Overall this was a good day.

I walked into work to find 3 gifts for me atop the counter. One little girl excitedly told me "Miss Barb! I got you a surprise!!" She was glowing. More excited than me I believe that she got me that surprise at the time because I JUST got there and was still waking up.

I had my peppermint mocha frappe from Mickey D's with Whip Cream on top so I knew that it was going to be a good day, despite the asshat drivers on the road who were determined to cut me off or drive on my ass like their ass was on fire.

I made it to work.

Yay me!

So anyway, I opened my gifts after snack time as the kids kept telling me they got me something. I was going to wait until my lunch, but their enthusiasm made me give in early.

I got a book to read to the kids and a gift card for amazon. I was joking with my friend about how my book had stickers in it. We were cracking up. I also got some popcorn from this place called Popcorn Girl, never heard of it, but it looked tasty. I also got a gift card to this ice cream place called cold stone creamery. Hmm...never been there, can't wait to go either. Will have to take the kids on that trip.  My kids that is, not the entire class. Couldn't afford that. I would if I could but I can't so I won't. I thanked all the parents and hugged the kids who gave the gifts to me as they left with their parents.

Then after work I got into my vehicle and headed straight to western union to pick up the Christmas Cash and then shopped around Wally World for what seemed like an eternity.  Yesterday I had gone there(or was it the day before? What day is this anyway?? Oh yeah, it was Monday....!!)

So,...anyway....I saw this unicorn, a "My Life" unicorn and it was beauuuuutiful. I wanted to get that for my daughter. I thought to myself, "Gee, I'd be the coolest mom on the planet if I got her this." It was about 1-1/2 to 2 feet tall and so soft and white and sparkly. I wanted to get it for her and had it in the cart, but when I got to the checkout and realizing it was almost 30 bucks, I put it back.

I almost cried.

No Joke.

Then I was talking to my mom on the phone telling her the story and low and behold the Christmas Cash Conversation came up the next day and there I was telling my mom "I hope it's still there." It was the only one. I didn't see a display with any other My Life pets/dolls etc. It had to be meant for my daughter.  My mom told me "If she is meant to have it, it will be there."

So grama and papa get to be the coolest grandparents in the world. That's cool. I'll take the spot light next year when I buy her a car.

Just kidding. She is only 9. 

I got my sons some transformers and some R/C helicopters. I wanted to buy them scooters but that area in Wally World was such a disaster. Still a mess. Messy aisles, messy shelves, just a plain old mess it was in there.

I did not enjoy shopping there at all.

Got out and couldn't find my van. I knew it was in the parking lot somewhere. Thankfully I was on the phone with my mom and she is laughing at me and I am laughing at me with her. I finally found it, turns out I was walking in the completely wrong direction.

Go figure.

Story of my life.

Always going in the wrong direction.

But I found my way.

Let's hope the same applies in my life as well.

Now I'm tired. But I still have to do a load of laundry and my kitchen. Vacuum my living room and still wrap those gifts. I'm just going to put them under the tree. Pray that my kids don't drive me insane asking to open "just one gift" under the tree all weekend.

Why can't Christmas just be celebrated the weekend before actual Christmas day? Like most major holidays...

Labor Day...first Monday in September.  Memorial Day Last Monday in May...simple.


Well, I have so much to do and so little time to do it in.

I don't know how I manage to function on the little sleep I get each night.

18 more hours of work to get to a 48 hour weekend.


Got to go. It's after 10 here and I have too much to do.

As long as my ass is in bed(i.e. on the couch) by 12, I'm good to go. Any later and I'll be walking like a slug tomorrow.

Have a lovely day/night whatever it is when you read this.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi B,

Even if I need food, you will not be able to force me into Wal Mart before the New Year. Shoot me first. Given the choice the bullet will be less painful. The toy section. Not happening.

I watched Hogfather for the 8th or 9th time this year. Charlie Brown Christmas 2nd time since Thanksgiving. The Claymation one I couldn't locate. DVDs & Boo Rays are alphabetical. Can't remember the name?

Gifts from the students. So cool. You must be a good mom. Moms make the best teachers. Glad to hear how well you are loved by the school kids.

Makes me smile and think back to long ago, to a teacher that was kind and good to our class. Mrs. Toronto. I kid you not. Over 40 years ago and I still think about her and hope she is well and happy.

Forty years from now. An adult will reflect on a good, kind teacher. They will hope that you Barb, are well and happy.

Merry Christmas.