Friday, October 18, 2013

Another Full Moon Awaits

Eight minutes to write a decent blog, then I have to get ready for work.

Can I do it?

Let's see.

My week has been very crazy to say the least. The kids at work have been bouncing off the walls. My coworker laughs at me because I keep saying "it's the full moon", but I don't think she believes me. She likes to mock my full moon theory.

That's okay, we have fun with it.

Yesterday I made a rhetorical statement "I wonder why the kids are acting so goofy today."
Her reply, "It's the full moon."
"Are you mocking me? You're mocking me. Go ahead, I know you don't believe me."

Her response, "I know tides and people and all things happen because of the full moon."

I just look at her with this smirk of disdain and then smile.

"You're hilarious," as I take on a hint of humorous sarcasm.

I do believe planetary activity influences human behavior. Call me crazy, weird, insane. I don't care. I live on the island of misfit toys socially anyway, so who cares what everyone else thinks right?

I don't.

I had one kid try to slap me, once during the day and again as his mother came into the room to pick him up.  She was not very happy with him. We had kids climbing up on the tables and chairs and pushing and shoving more so than other times. It was like a zoo had let the animals free in there yesterday.

 I had another child tell every parent that came in to pick their kids up, that "Miss Barb is not nice to me."  Thankfully these parents know me and know what I am like. When her mother came to pick her up, she informed us that this little girl gave her father the cold shoulder for three days. We were all cracking up over it.  She's a cute little bugger, and has some witty sayings from time to time that have us all in stitches.

But apparently the full moon brings out her dark side in full bloom.

Okay not really the full moon, but it's fun to blame her moods on the moon anyway.

My kids always seem to fight worse when there is a full moon approaching.

Of course my twins were born on full moon, with a lunar eclipse that morning to boot. Talk about tons of energy.


And the drivers on the road are crazier as well.

I almost got hit, not once, not twice, but three times by drivers who had no respect for the rules of the road(or other drivers for that matter).  It was like they were the only ones on the road and nobody else mattered. Forget a four-way stop too, those are like a death trap these past few days.

Hoping that when I get in my van today the people that come into contact with me, do so without craziness or zombie-like attitudes.  I hope that the kids in my class listen and aren't bouncing all over the walls like they were the past three days.

Well, eight minutes are up.

I have to go now.

I will be back later this weekend.

Have a good one all!

Days of the Week Comments
~Magickal Graphics~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi B,

"I Believe."

I worked the night shift, 11 pm to 7am, at a 7-11 in Australia. Stones Corner, Brisbane. Three years of dreading each and every full moon. Well, not the first two or three.

People were crazier, stupider, weirder etc. during the full moons. Even the cops who frequented my shop at 3 am hated the nights around the full moons.

You think that people get weird during the day? At night it's worse. Don't believe me? Come out at 2 am and go to a 'Stop N Rob' or whatever a corner store chain near you is called.

FYI Bring a gun or better yet a cop or two as escorts. It's like a Zombie Apocalypse after dark.

Weird is the new black.

All the Best B,
Enjoy your weekend,
