Friday, January 10, 2014

A Little Bit of (Un)Reality

I still have my internet....for now.

As long as I have internet, I shall blog!

I have to call them in the morning and see what they can do for me.

I am hoping to keep my internet. Let's hope that someone is watching over me and those folks at the cable company will be compassionate towards a single mom like myself.

I'm trying to stay positive.

So while I said my good bye the other night, there is a part of me that hopes it might be just a simple, "see ya later" instead of good bye.

Let me fill you in on my week's activities.

I had a busy week at work. We had lots of kids this week in our room.  My friend/coworker and I have managed to keep one another entertained throughout this first full week back to work. Thursday was a rough day. My tire had something in it and had a slow leak when I went to work and to take the kids to school. So I had to call my boss and let her know that I would be somewhat late. I was not a happy camper.  But I managed to keep it together because the way I saw it, this was an unforeseen circumstance.

Out of my control.

The boys were running around the building where I was waiting to have the tire fixed. They found their cap guns in the van and decided to play some kind of shooting/hiding game in the bushes and near the dumpster. I finally corralled them in and we sat and watched the end of The Price Is Right.  The guy won a thousand bucks on the wheel and some chick won a new car.

As I sat there watching the guy hoist the van up on the jack with my daughter and two boys, I wished that chick on the Price is Right was me.

Floating back to reality, I gave the guy a tip and headed out the door with my kids, now 2 1/2 hours late to work and school. Was late getting out of work, as we had some parents who were running late and that in turn meant that I was late too. I didn't mind staying with their kids at all, because these kids make me laugh so hard sometimes and they are just some bright entertaining children.

Went to pick up my kids at their dad's and we headed to Wally World for a "few things" which ended up costing me fifty bucks. I got my daughter a shirt, she really wanted it and rarely am I able to afford that simple luxury, not that I could really afford it this time around, but I got it anyway. Damn you Hello Kitty and your cuteness and $7.50 price tag.

Then we headed to the pet store for some bird seed after I loaded the groceries in the van.  My boys decided to peruse the fish aisle while I got the bird seed and I paid for my order, handed the bag to my daughter and went to get the boys. Next thing I know, after 20 minutes later, my boys, with their own report card money from dad, decided to get a Betta fish. They were begging me for a hamster, and I flat out told them no way.

So we get to the register and pay for their items and fish, whom they named Squishy(from Finding Nemo), and the woman is telling them all about how to care for the Betta fish. I am utterly exhausted and after chomping at the bit to get them to leave and reiterating that I had chicken and frozen food in the van, we finally exit the building...40 minutes later from when we arrived.

I come home only to find out that my daughter had set the bird seed down in the fish aisle on a shelf....and it was still there.

Now I was mad.

We weren't about to go back to get it, so I called the store. They laughed and said they had it.

I picked it up yesterday.

Yet again another long-winded trip to the pet store that I didn't want to begin with.

We were suppose to just get the bird seed and go, but with any kids you can't just go in and out of a pet store in the blink of an eye. They have to look at birds, cats, dogs, fish, and whatever else is enclosed in a cage. They even found a cricket on the floor of the store and tried to save it.

I was yelling at the cricket, "run, flee, save yourself!"

Eventually he got away. He was headed towards the door I believe.

Reminded me of that scene in Toy Story 2 or 3, where Buzz is trying to escape...or maybe it was Woody. I can't remember now.

Then today we were late to work and school yet again because as any day goes around here my kids, being my animal loving rescuers, saw the cat they named Leroy outside our apartment. Of course Leroy has a collar on, but I'm not quite sure he has a home. Because they went to feed it a slice of ham and that poor cat scarfed that up like there was no tomorrow. I told the kids we had to go. It was 8:30 and we still had to get gas and my job and their school is a good half an hour drive depending on traffic give or take five minutes or so either way.

So I finally make it to work ten minutes late, and as I look over at the passenger's seat I realize that I still had their Iphone chargers sitting over there.

I just rolled my eyes, grabbed my stuff and out the door I went.

Strolled into work with nary a skip in my step, tired and just plain exhausted from this past week.

Now I'm sitting here procrastinating when I should be cleaning my apartment.


I have trash to take out too, but it's dark and I don't feel like going all the way to the dumpster with this stupid stinky trash.

Hoping that 2014 gives me a break.

A nice break that includes a really good stroke of financial luck and maybe a nice looking fella who has a heart of gold and loves to be around kids even when they are bouncing off the walls or having a bad day.

I'll be honest, I was talking to a friend of mine, and we were discussing my singledom and hers as well, and I told her, after all the heartbreak and all the tears from me and my children over men in my life and stupid choices in them, I have set my standards so high that it would be impossible to find a guy that fits those standards.

I'm like Sally in Practical Magic.  Remember the Amas Veritas spell?

Let me refresh your memory on that one, as I love watching this scene anyway....

In the same spirit of Sally's Spell this would be mine if I were to ever make one like she did:

1. He will be compassionate
2. He will love to cuddle and not afraid of showing emotions
3. He will treat my children as his own and be kind to them as well
4. He will respect me and my children
5. He will not drink more than one or two beers a week and will not EVER do drugs.
6.  He will be able to cook.
7.  He will be handsome and smart and witty
8.  He will understand my quirky sense of humor
9.  He will be my equal, nothing more nothing less
10. He will understand that sometimes I have meltdowns and he will hold me when I do and he will tell me "Everything will be okay."...and it will be okay.
11. He will truly love me as much as I love him and invest as much as I do in the relationship. Again, nothing more, nothing less.

Don't ask me where this all came from.

I started talking about my crazy week and now I'm talking about True Love Spells in a movie.


I did get all warm and fuzzy inside though, thinking that maybe a man like that exists, somewhere out there in the universe.  But like Sally in the movie, I sit here pondering the existence of True Love...period. 

"The man I dreamed up doesn't exist and if he doesn't exist I'll never die of a broken heart." -Sally in Practical Magic

Forget spells.'s been fun.

Nothing like a "teaser" post here from yours truly. Not sure if these will continue.

But if weeks pass, and a blog doesn't pop up,  you'll know why if you've read my post prior to this one why I'm not around blogging anymore.

Time for a shower  and then cleaning and then.....bedtime.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi B,

It wouldn't let me post a reply to your last blog. Leap of faith here that it will let me do so this time.

Good luck with the spell. He's out there somewhere.

As for money? I can tell you this, disability doesn't pay worth the pain. Don't get hurt.

Good luck with the Beta. They are fairly hardy. Try to give them more then a glass of water to swim in.

Enjoy your weekend.
Wishing you the best.