Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Itch, Itch, Scratch, Scratch....

I've been gone for a bit here.

Life has been happening around me these days. 

Drama soon followed.  

It's been "fun". (attach sarcasm to that comment please)

I originally took my blog down to "pretty it up" a bit, make a few changes, add some gadgets and what not. However, last week the horror of all horrors when one has grade school children hit with a vengeance and is still tormenting us to this day.  

Head Lice.

Yep, that's right. Those smarmy little bastards, pardon my french, but they are just that.  They have invaded our heads and our home. I will never visit another movie theater again, because I do believe that is where this suckers came from.

Let me give you the background on this.  About two weeks ago, my daughter and I were itching furiously on a Sunday after a football game.  I had just assumed the sun had burnt us badly on top of our heads and didn't even think to check for the critters.  We went a whole week of not checking, until the following week my ex informed me by Wednesday that the boys had been scratching too. 


So my daughter proceeds to tell me last Friday she saw a bug in her head. She tried pulling it out. I thought it was dry skin. I went to Wally World and picked up four kits because as any mother can tell you, despite all denial of "this can't be head lice", deep down inside you know the real deal when your kid is pulling dry skin(er, umm lice) from her head. 

Then began the treatments. It has been one hell-ridden week of laundering sheets, pillows, comforters, vacuuming couches and floors and organizing. I'll tell you right now, if you ever want to get motivated to REALLY organize your home, this will do it for you. I guarantee that.  I stayed up until 2:30 that first night, combing all four of our heads after the shampoo treatments.  I was crying. I couldn't believe we got this. Where? How?? Why us? Lice thrive on clean hair, damn you daily showers and personal hygiene!

So one day of work missed.  

Monday rolls along and still some bugs. My daughter still has live bugs so I take her to the pediatrician. She can't find anything and said that they were probably dying, clears her for school. Boys are cleared and we head to the office as we were late. Get to school, the nurse gives the boys a green light, my daughter on the other hand apparently still had nits. 


How'd the doc with a PhD miss that one?  I was not happy. 

Again, Monday night same deal as the night before. Laundering pillows, vacuuming, checking heads with the combs, long night ahead and finally in bed by the time I do my head at 2:45. 

Two days and barely six hours of sleep total.

Tuesday and Wednesday are still the same deal pretty much. Wednesday I made an appointment so I could get my head checked and cleared and go back to work.  I got a complete physical while I was at it too. Another story for another time there, things were found, worry set in. I'll talk about that another day, but right now it's these critters....

So I am excited to be able to go back to work. So far I have one day(Friday) to my name on my paycheck. I'm sick to my stomach because I have now lost 4 days on my check. How am I going to pay my bills? Right now I am still not thinking about that. I can't think about that, I wake up in the wee hours of the morning thinking about that.  I have near panic attacks thinking about that. 


Thursday rolls in and during Friday evening's comb through a live one was found on my youngest twin's head. I didn't even realize it was live. I had combed through, set the comb on the counter and went to boil the water for the combs and my son yells, "Mom it's moving!" Panic set in yet again and I run to the bathroom and my eyes which can barely see to begin with are straining to see the bug in the comb. Sure as hell, they were moving.

Damn bug. I rinse it in hot scalding water burning both my fingers and the bug as it went down the drain. I continued to comb through my son and the following morning a visit to the pediatrician came to order. 

Another day of work, missed.

Took both boys, just to make sure. Oldest was cleared as was my youngest. I don't understand because it was ALIVE. I saw it! With my 44-yr old eyes I saw it move and my son, with his 10-yr old eyes saw it as well. 

It's now 10 days after and I am still combing heads and got a break for a few days with them visiting dad this week, but I'm not taking any chances. Better to be safe than sorry.  I will probably be nit-combing them til they graduate high school. 

This is not fun.

I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. 

I'm not sure if I'm bug free. Friend at work thoroughly checked my scalp. Said I did a good job considering I did it solo. I told her it was me and God in that bathroom. Had to be, because there is no way I did this alone. 

Just trying to figure out my house stuff now. Organizing and doing normal cleaning I would have done had this little **(&($_# 'S had not invaded our heads and homes. 


Also had some medical tests done. Haven't seen a doc in 9 years.  I'm afraid of what may come from her mouth next Wednesday when I go in for a follow up visit for the results. 

I have to have "the girls" know that lovely chest x-ray every woman loves having yearly. Never had one. Think I'll ask my neighbor to run my boobs over with his truck just to get a feel for what it will be like.  Maybe desensitize the girls a little so they won't hurt in that machine so much.

Oh well.

Whatever happens, happens. Scared of a lot of things, being evicted, losing my electricity, what the tests may share, losing my mind, not paying my bills on time and ... no particular order do I fear these things. 

So that is what is going on here.

Sorry no new gadgets. I have no time for gadgets. I barely had time to find the new background. 

Anyway....I'm here.

Buried under housework, and thankfully no longer bugs.  *knock wood*

I went to church with a friend of mine. We'll see how this goes. Would love to believe in God, actually, I do believe in him, because without him and me calling him every five seconds after every comb through, I would not have survived this apocalyptic event in my life. 


Will be back later. Maybe days or weeks later.

But I'll be back.

More to come....good things I hope.


Anonymous said...

Some days it's just better to stay in bed.
Hope things are better. Ed

Barb said...

Glad to see you are still around here Ed.

Thought I lost my most faithful follower. :)

I'm glad this week is just about over, last week was surely a week from hell no doubt.