Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tomorrow's Monday....Booo!!!

Well, I blinked and my weekend was over. 

It's already after nine here and in just 10 hours I'll be back at work again. (*booooo!!!!) I hate Mondays. Unless someone comes knocking on my door with a big fat check for me to cash on a Monday, I will always hate them.  

Perhaps hate is a strong word.

I despise Mondays.

There, that's a much better word.

I did the cardinal sin of all shopping sins today. I went to Wally World to return a pair of pants that didn't fit me and ran around to do a bit of shopping($60 worth of shopping to be exact). Anyway, I was strolling around at the front by the registers and I noticed there wasn't much of a line going on at the 20 items or less counter. My cart wasn't full, and I wasn't about to count all my items so I went there.

A kid who I shall just call "A" was working the register. As I started pulling the plastic eggs and foam art projects from my cart and the yogurts and string cheese and wash cloths and paper towels and Cadbury eggs I realized as I kept digging that I did, indeed have more than twenty items. 


This guy behind me was with his son. I could feel the glares from him and some other guy behind him. I didn't care. And I tell you why I didn't care in a minute.  So, instead of being rude to him, I simply said, "You can go ahead of me." He starts rambling all these excuses telling me, "It was the guy behind me rolling his eyes" and "I didn't say anything", as though I cared.

I didn't.

He only had one item and I wasn't about to make his poor kid stand there, probably away from his World of Warcraft game(or whatever kids his age play these days) any longer.  So I said to the guy, with a smile upon my face, "You can go ahead of me, I'm in no hurry."

He kept rambling on with whatever reasons(probably feeling guilty for rolling his eyes at me and giving the deep sigh he didn't realize I had heard) and thanked me for letting him go ahead of me.

I just said, "Have a nice day!" and kept unloading my items (maybe 25 items) out of my cart. I even put some stuff back....Easter Grass that I had for my kid's art in class this week and one thing of plastic eggs. I will pick it up tomorrow after work instead. This trip to that stupid store already cost me an arm, leg and half a toe for the miniscule amount of items I got. Four bags filled with nothing but lettuce for my salad tomorrow, shrimp scampi for dinner this evening and the other items I mentioned earlier. There was other items, but I can't remember what they were. 

I get my items rung up and thank the kid (by name) and told him to have a lovely day as well.

I get home, unload my groceries, start making my dinner, take a shower, do some laundry and call a few folks then I decide to finish unloading the rest of my bags to see what needs to go to work with me and what stays here.

Low and behold the damn string cheese is in the bag with the plastic eggs. And my peach chobani yogurt is in the bag with the washcloths.  Dude, learn proper bagging procedures and put all the dairy/perishable items in one bag next time. I had to throw out my string cheese too. 

I was not happy at all.

Thing is, last week I went into Wally World to get my kids some clothes. When I did, I spent almost ten minutes in a line with no cashier. My kids were going crazy and were driving me and everyone else behind me crazy as well. Fighting and playing with an Etch-a-Sketch they found someone who I'm sure some else whose kids went crazy opened.

This woman told me to stand in this line as her register was down and she couldn't help me. She directed me and a few others to go to this line with an imaginary cashier that wasn't there. I saw a manager walk by talking to another associate, I saw another cashier walk by and that woman, who directed me to that lane, went to another register all together three lanes down.

I was like, "What the hell?!"

So, today was my day to not give a damn either. Screw you Wally World, I'm going to take my 25 items through your twenty items or less lane and my apologies to those behind me who I piss off in the process.

I did feel bad for the poor guy with the Rubbermaid three-drawer storage container. But I just wanted to get the hell out and go home.

Because see, prior to that visit, I had stopped to wash my car and that was enough to wear me out. My car doesn't even look like I washed it. I didn't use that brush they have at the car wash place, I only used the "super rinse" cycle on the sprayer and the "Mega soap up your vehicle" sprayer.  I vacuumed it out too. I could have made a snack bag from all the Cheetos crumbs and pretzels and whatever other crumbs were all over my car floor. I even found a smashed brownie(my son sat on it during an argument between him and his brother) behind the front passenger seat.

I tried to clean that car as best I could for the five minutes my $3 worth of tokens would allow.  There was still dust on that car of mine after it dried and more spots than an African leopard. 

Didn't care though. 

I know I cleaned it. That's all that matters. I'll deep clean it another day. My tires need a good washing too, but I didn't have time for all that. It was already after three, almost four when I finally decided to go to begin with. 

I was just lazy today.

I also decided to quit smoking. So if my posts here for a while get a little nasty/snarky/rude my apologies. But I have to have an outlet somewhere and I don't feel like beating up some kid who didn't bag my groceries properly just because I decided to give up nicotine.

Not his fault I was a smoker since I was 19.  Not his fault that I quit for five months about 2 years ago and started up an idiot.

So yeah, my posts should be really fun the next few weeks. If I don't drive off my one and only follower/commenter it'll be a miracle. (hang in there "Eb" ha ha)

I will share a funny story here though. Just to lighten the mood a bit around here. Last week, I went to the grocery store and my usual "friend"(i.e. acquaintance) was working customer service. We were talking about being single and I said sometimes I'd love to have someone just for "cuddle time" on a bad day, and she looks at me and says, "I can get you a vibrating man if you'd like."

I felt my self turn five shades of pink.

She sells adult toys/lotions etc on the side. I just started laughing. I'm not a prude, clearly I have seven kids so they didn't just pop up in a tank full of water and grow food like sea monkeys, I know how that happens, but she said it in front of a store full of people walking by and it caught me off guard.  

I told her "No thanks, I'm good."

She grinned at me and said, "If you change your mind you know where to find me."

Oh lordy!

Then one of my students asked me "Do you have a husband?" I said, "No." He said, "Why not?"  I sat there and thought for a moment to choose my words carefully (he's a very inquisitive child) and I said, "Well, I have just enough love for me and my kids I don't need any more."

And he said, "Oh."

***waiting for more questions***

there were none...

Whew! *wiped brow and breathed a sigh of relief*

Anyway, that's all I got for now. 

I'm feeling a bit sleepy and it's almost 10 here. Time for this chicky to put the last load of laundry for the day into the dryer.

I hope whomever reads this has a very lovely start to your week.

I'll try and come back to post more if I have the time. But with spring here, I've been trying to get my apartment organized and my mind off smoking. I have two smokes left and then I'm done.

Tomorrow I hope won't be a stressful day.

I'll keep ya posted.





Anonymous said...

Hi Bard,
Eb here.

You can almost smell it can't you?
That really faint smell, the one you crave but have to do without.
Just out of sniffing range.
You notice your hands assuming the proper position.
Just there, so close, so dang close, but just out of range.

But you need to consider one very important thing.
The monies you are saving, well...
(in a Bob Barker voice)
"It's Your New Car!"
Man I miss that smell.
Don't you?
(I know it's the carpet glue, but still.)
By stopping smoking, you are way closer to having that New Car Smell then me.

You didn't think I was talking about the smell of a cigarette did you?

Loved the story.
Bummer you had a suck-ish experience.
I hope your week is full of rainbows & puppy dog tails etc.

Take care Barb,

Barb said...

I survived the week.

That's all I'll say.

Blog coming soon.....