Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's Another Sunday Posting

Well, what did I do with my Sunday afternoon?

I went for a little drive. I was actually looking for the metaphysical shop out here so I could pick up some stones and a small Buddha statue.  I have a nice little decorative set up of flowers, plants and statues/candles on my kitchen bar. There is an Angel candle(those tall candles), a purple flower that was a gift from one of my students, my kids' cactus plants, and my little Buddha statue. 

I got some stones to show the kids at school tomorrow during science. This will be fun. They love stuff like that. I am going to do research on each of the stones and where they come from and share with the students. 

I also got myself a hematite charm to put on a necklace to wear to work. I needed a grounding stone and one that is a protective stone as well. So I have it out in the sun right now and will place it on the chain I bought to wear tomorrow. 

When I was leaving the metaphysical shop, I went to my car and got in and I noticed something on my windshield wiper....a chicken bone.  Yep, that's right...a dry as a bone chicken bone. I picked it up and flipped it on the ground in the parking lot. Seriously folks, let's leave our trash where it belongs...not on my car. It felt like a plastic bone, but it was real I think. Don't ask me where it came from...maybe instead of the sky falling, Chicken Little is falling out of the pieces.


Oh well....

Just realized it's almost 5 p.m. here and I haven't had anything to eat but a few Pringle's and some coffee. I am not really hungry, but my tummy is rumbling here so I thought I'd go and make myself a taco pizza...Red Baron...good stuff I tell ya.

So what else is going on around here?


I'm just hanging out with the birds, sea monkeys and fish. I got my living room and dining room area organized and vacuumed. Goodness, underneath the table where the bird cage is there was a good ton of feathers to be found. I scooped up most of them as I didn't want to clog my vacuum. It looked like someone had gone pigeon shooting in my dining room area. 

Then I started the daunting task of what to throw away when I cleaned off the table.  The kids use it as their own personal Lego playground, but I finally had to say enough is enough as they kept putting more and more junk on it and less and less table was showing. There was construction paper, mini Lego men, Sea Monkey food packets, empty Capri Sun containers, straws, wrappers, gum, candy, and other stuff on that table. It's so nice to finally have my table back. Now, I only have to share it with the Maneki Neko and three sea monkey tanks.

I'm really at a loss for a good blog this afternoon. Sorry if it's not as entertaining as it normally is. I'm still stuck on what I'm going to do in this house as far as cleaning and organizing goes.  I really wanted to tackle my room. I have piles of folded clothes all over the place and need to pair up socks before my kids return from their dad's next week.  

I don't know why I'm cleaning all of this. The kids are just going to mess it up anyway when they come back.

I really need a chore chart.   These kids need some responsibility and I need a break from housework period.

I can't believe my Sunday is almost over. Time flew by today. I had to do my taxes and wanted to get a small Buddha today. Those were my goals and I achieved them. I did want to bake, but we'll see how that goes. pizza is just about done and I am starving.  Maybe I'll be back with something more entertaining later.





Anonymous said...

Ummmmm Pizza!

Barb you got more done on Sunday then I did all last week.

I'm such a slacker.

I'll just go to my room and feel bad, until I forget why I'm in my room. Five to ten minutes tops.

Safety Tip: Don't get old.

Of course you save money on books once your old. I look on the book shelf and don't recognize a title and wonder what the books about and reread it. It's just like reading a brand new story. Money saved.

Have a good week Bard,


Barb said...

You are with books like I am with movies. I don't watch them for a while and then I end up watching them and forget how they ended. So it's like watching a new movie too. called me Bard?? Yeah with a D not B. Does this me I call you Eb now? LOLLL I know probably typing quickly or just woke up. Was funny when I read it.

Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

I thought you are a Bard?
Who's this Barb woman you're on about?

My name is Eb!

I used to be on Green Acres.
Dude your memory is shot.
You need to see somebody about your memory loss.
Do you have blackouts too?

Hey Bard, have a good week.
No biggie.
I've been called a lot worse then Ed.

Later Barb, [;{)
Ed (I think?)