Sunday, September 8, 2013

All Is Well In My Little World

Well, I have been a busy little bee here today.

Someone give me a gold star please on my chore chart. I did just about every chore I could in this apartment today.  The only thing I didn't do was my room and the bathrooms. I just did the kids' bathroom two days ago. So I'm good there. I did the tub in my bathroom and the toilet but no mopping or sink duty yet.

I wish I had taken a picture of the madness that was in my kids' rooms. You would not believe the amount of Monster High Dolls, Monster High Doll shoes/dresses/brushes, papers, fake nails and stuffed animals I found all over my daughter's room. Not to mention the amount of clothes that I had to hang up that she got from a neighbor of ours who knew I am a single mom and is also a single mom herself.

I rearranged her furniture, vacuumed and I still have to clear off her dresser. But I figured it's her room the more I thought about it....let her clean it. I did enough in there.

Then I went to the boys' room.

Holy Cow Batman!! There were football and Angry Birds cards from a game they got last Christmas just strewn all over the floor, Army men, Easter Grass(don't ask, don't know why that's still in their room), two robes, clothes hanging out of their dresser(because God forbid they slowly file through the shirts in their shirt drawer neatly, no they have to toss it all about and make it look like a grenade exploded in their shirt and pajama drawers), their closet floor was nowhere to be found.  I found parts to a wooden dinosaur set a friend of mine sent them in the mail last Christmas and tons of water balloons....broken balloons....everywhere.  Then I picked up something, I couldn't really see what it was, but it felt like a dried up bug. *shivers* No telling what the hell it was, but it's gone now.

I was racing to get the rooms done before the sun set, because I wanted to vacuum and toss the vacuum bag into the trash and take out the kitchen and bedroom trash as soon as I was done.  By the time I got to vacuuming, I was a giant ball of sweat. My eyes were burning. No joke. The sweat was so intense I felt like a sponge that needed wringing. I could just feel the calories  from the ice cream with Reddi Whip I ate after lunch pouring out of my body I was working so hard to finish cleaning up the rooms.

Boy did I feel good after I was done. I smiled so big. Nobody could see me, didn't matter, because I finally got my home looking more like a home and less like a landfill after all my hard work today.  It was so nice to be able to walk the laundry to my boys' room without having to worry about stepping on a Lego or Army man. 

Speaking of Army Men....uh, goes the transition thought.....why are there no Army women in the package of Army men? Actually I think the packaging says "soldiers", but still, women are soldiers. Where are the Women in the soldier bag? Perhaps I should get a petition going to those soldier marketing departments and request women be put in the bags too.


Common sense folks.  Common Frickin' Sense.

So after my cleaning spree I headed out onto my patio to relax. I really needed a shower and that's exactly what I did. I hate taking a shower when I'm all sweaty because when I wash my hair I never really feel like it's clean. (weird..I know...)  Anyway, I did it anyway, just to get all the funk off me. I felt so rejuvenated after that shower too. I could have taken on a whole other cleaning project, but chose to throw one more load of laundry in the wash and get on here and blog.

So here I am.

Aren't you thrilled?

What else have I done today? I watched Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, and Sister Wives. I have to say that Sister Wives show is a real hoot. I love that family. They are like Yours, Mine and Ours only it's Yours are Mine and Ours are Yours. Know what I mean?  It's really cool how they all work together and there is no jealousy really between the wives, or no "favorites". I do think the husband comes off a little bossy. I like a man who is in charge and knows what he is doing, I just can't handle bossy.

Bossy and Arrogant are two major turnoffs.

Kudos to these women for what they do. I couldn't do it. I do not like to share my toys. If he's mine, he's all mine or he can hit the damn road thank you. I'm too old for playing games...hang on let me rephrase that...I'm a sprite 43 year old, who is not OLD, just too MATURE for game playing....unless there is role playing involved....and a french maid's outfit...and....


Anyway....okay, pay attention....back to reality here.

Oh, for those of you who read my last post with the "Boobie" link in wasn't an actual boobie as in a breast, like I would post a pic of my breast(or anyone else for that matter)*giggles*, it was, in fact a photo of a bird. I laughed so hard when I read the comments on that.  This is the link to that blog: A Lot About Nothing 

I can't believe how early it is getting dark around here. Makes me want to crawl under a blanket and go to bed by 8:00. The sun had set by 8:00 tonight. How depressing.  I realize the seasons change, but why can't we adjust the clocks so that at 8:00 at night it's still bright and 8:00 in the morning it's still dark?


Hmm....I wanted to bake nut cups this evening.  Then I realized that I didn't have cream cheese a MAJOR component in the dough recipe for said nut cups. I was pissed. Well not really pissed, more like disappointed. I had such a taste for those little suckers. Now with darkness falling upon me so early, it makes me want to bake. Like a pregnant woman who cleans like crazy before her labor begins(called Nesting if you must know), my biological baking clock goes into baking mode once the nights start getting longer. I don't even need a reason or holiday, I just have the urge to "bake something", so I do.

It's 9:00 and I just realized I didn't eat any dinner. I had potato crusted cod I fried up for lunch with some rice, and I have one more fillet that I can cook if I really want to for dinner.

However, I may just throw my laundry in the dryer, fold the socks that are in there now and go to bed.

Who knows?

I hope you all have a lovely start to your week.  Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, I have started as of yesterday, posting uplifting quotes on the bottom of each blog. Some might be smart ass quotes, others will be inspirational or thought-provoking...depending on what floats my boat at the time.

I go with my gut.

Okay, toodles to all of you who have passed by. Please, leave a comment.  Go ahead. Keep trying until it posts. It has a pop up window, so if you have a pop-up blocker that is half your problem right there. If there is an option that says "allow pop ups for this awesome blog site only" click yes. :)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power
the world will know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix-

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