Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Be Careful What You Wish For

Just a gentle reminder.

Because I had posted a blog back in January (found here ) that basically had me begging Mother Nature to turn the dial to spring. However, I find that it IS true, you should definitely BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.

Always, always be specific when making a wish. I have come to realize that is the most important thing to do. See, I asked for the dial to be turned to spring, however, I did not wish to have a "Desert Spring" but rather a "Midwest Spring". What we have now, is spring...with near-90-degree temps...(aka "Desert Spring). 

Want to see what a "Desert Spring" looks like?

Here you go:

Driving into this blinding light takes skill, let me tell you. 

Driving into it without striking a pedestrian or another vehicle....a miracle.

The fact that I got this photo while driving....even more amazing. 

So allow me to help all of you with a few guidelines of "How to Make a Wish"(like I'm some sort of expert here or something). "it's on the internet so it must be true!" ha ha!!!

Be sure when you make a wish to follow these simple rules:

1. When wishing for "a lot of money"....realize that if you wish for that someone could very well die, just so you can gain an inheritance(i.e. a lot of money). What's more important the money or the family member, like good old "Uncle Bubba" that kicked the bucket? If anyone needs to be kicking a bucket, I'd rather it be at a family picnic and the wind blows the KFC bucket on the ground.  I know this is a morbid thought(the family member dying, not the bucket falling to the ground, unless there was still chicken in it and now there are ants crawling on it, or someone kicked the bucket into a pile of....never mind).  Anyway, just remember, make a wish for your "ability to find a job that meets my basic needs" or wish "for the wind to blow a $20 bill my way" or something like that.

2.  When wishing for that "perfect guy/gal"....please be more specific. Because you can end up with a guy/gal who EVERYONE ELSE thinks is perfect, but behind closed doors he/she's someone else completely. He/She could be a Type-A personality (read here )...unless of course those are the traits you are looking for in your "perfect guy/gal" (YIKES) then I suppose don't change a thing.

3.  When wishing for that "Perfect Job"....DEFINITELY be specific! You may have the so called perfect job, but you lose out on time with family, time with friends, and the pay may be great you may drive the latest sports car, but in the end is it really worth it to have that "Perfect Job"? Refer to #1 if you need help with this.

4.  Wishing you were skinnier/more muscular/etc....accept your body as is. Consider it like a used vehicle. You can "tune it up" here and there. Maybe quit smoking or drinking; Getting more sleep; Taking the stairs vs. the elevator; Eat one less candy bar or appetizer; you get the picture. But just because you aren't a runway model or built like some WWE dude, doesn't mean you're a failure. I'm no "skinny minnie" but I'm not obese either. My little in my middle has turned to a lot in the pot, but I had seven kids. It's bound to happen. I have a muffin top, and that was always my favorite part of the muffin anyway. So there!

And finally....don't wish for harm on anyone. Don't wish for rain, snow or sleet. Because I promise you if you do, it will come with a vengeance when you least expect it. (refer to paragraph two of this blog if necessary)

This blog is for entertainment purposes only(were you entertained?...just a little?). Although I will say these are probably good rules to live by anyway.


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