Monday, February 11, 2013

An Angel to Rescue Me

Angel Comments
~Magickal Graphics~
I absolutely love, love love this picture.
When I look at this it reminds me of my own angel, who rescues me from the loneliness of singledom.
A man who is thoughtful, compassionate, strong and knows how to comfort me when I need a shoulder to cry on.
There I stand on an island of stones, alone...frustrated...amid the storms in my life, and he appears out of nowhere to rescue me.
I know everyone tells me "You don't need a man", but as I've said before, they aren't single...they have a man already. 
Easy for them to say.
To have a man to laugh with, share the days events with, and cuddle with would be such a blessing.  A man who would treat my children as if they were his own.  
I can dream, can't I?
Am I allowed to want love in my life, despite the opinions of many married friends?
I'm human, I have feelings, I have a heart and desires, and my utmost desire is to be truly loved just ONCE in my lifetime.  Truly loved, without conditions, by a good man.
Not by the men who milked the cow and left it out to pasture so to speak.
I have other things on my plate right now, so it's not like I'm looking for a man, but it would be so lovely to have an angel appear out of nowhere and kindly save me from myself.
Because truth is, being single sincerely sucks.

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