I have a question.
Answer honestly.
Why is it that when Daylight Savings time begins, we always say "We lost an hour of sleep." We didn't lose anything. We actually gained an hour of daylight. This is my glass half full/half empty way of looking at things. We GAINED more sunlight, more time to enjoy the fresh air...We didn't lose the hour, I know where my hour is, actually I know EXACTLY where it is.....it's in November, on the 2nd day to be precise.
Yes I am on my 3rd cup of coffee here already. Had about five Thin Mints(thank you Girl Scouts in front of the grocery store) and those three cups of coffee I am SO ready to go today!
Not much to do today, however. I have to go and file taxes and maybe get a bite to eat. Why do we even need to file taxes anyway? Can't they just take what they want out of our checks during the year and then give everyone a little bit back at the end? Why do we have to pay some stranger to go through the hassle of letting us know we get $100 dollars back from Uncle Sam and after we fork over 40 bucks to the tax guy we end up with a spittle of money at the end anyway?
Why do those of us out there who struggle with mathematics and logical reasoning have to hurt our brains so badly with "simplified" online tax programs just to receive a small lump sum of money we gave to Uncle Sam only to have him return it back to us? It's like putting a rent deposit on your apartment, only to have it returned to you later. If you are going to return it to me anyway, why don't I just keep it to begin with?
Does anyone still file using that book you get at the post office or library and mail in a paper return?
*hears the crickets chirping*
Speaking of that book, raise your hand if you ever read the entire book. Now raise your hand if you've ever understood what you just read.
*listens to hear those crickets still chirping*
They need a book titled "Taxes for Dummies". I'm sure there probably is one of those books out there...somewhere. Or perhaps Cliff Notes. Remember Cliff Notes?? I had Cliff Notes in high school for the Red Badge of Courage. Didn't help much. Our teacher was smarter than Cliff was and asked questions on the test Cliff didn't cover in his book. Of course she didn't share that helpful bit of info until AFTER the test.
Needless to say I did quite poorly on that test that year.
That's probably why I don't see Cliff's Notes around anymore.
Cliff probably got fired.
Then Cliff probably ended up becoming a hermit on a secluded island.
Who is Cliff anyway? Is Cliff his first or last name? Is Cliff even a guy? *shrugs*
Maybe Cliff should just take his name off the book and write a simple book called "Notes". Some topics he could write about could be.....
1. Notes for parents:
- Remember to turn off the coffee pot when you walk out the door.
- Remember Susie's Science project is still on the kitchen table.
- Look at your work shoes because little Joseph just dropped his waffles on them.
- There's a puddle in the hallway by the door either Joseph or the dog left it there. Yes, I know it's 8:35 and you will be ten minutes late to work after you drop the kids off at school if you wipe it up.....
- It's THEIR homework, not yours...remember that.
- I don't know why these 2nd grade math equations are so damn hard. How many apples did Jenny really have at the end? Go get that bag of apples out of the pantry. We'll figure this out together.
- Lisa just dropped her My Little Pony in the toilet....after she used the toilet.....
- You need to buy a larger size of diapers for Little Joseph....his just exploded....bring a hazmat suit and gloves...you'll be needing them.
- Your teenage son's Saturday Sandwich from three weeks ago is fermenting under his bed. Ever see the movie...The Blob?
2. Notes for Employees:
- Don't say what you are thinking to your boss in the heat of the moment.
- That cologne you bathe in every morning...don't! The ladies are not impressed.
- That lipstick color is so 80's; remove it at once!
- Social Networking is a no-no on the company computer; it is however acceptable on your Iphone as you crouch beneath your desk. If caught tell your boss you dropped your pen and smile politely.
- Don't gossip.
- Seriously, don't talk ill of other coworkers. Lose lips sink ships...remember that.
- Don't be a brown nose....keep a clean nose and moral standards. You may not get a promotion but your self-worth will never be questioned by you or anyone else for that matter.
- NO! You don't give a damn about who Larry in HR slept with...keep walking.
- Mom is ALWAYS right.
- Mom is ALWAYS right even when she really is wrong. Just nod and smile and keep eye rolls at bay.
- Check your attitude at the bedroom door.
- Lights out doesn't mean sock your brother into unconsciousness.
- Legos and Army Men are evil and should be removed from the floor immediately after play...or suffer the consequences later after your mother steps on one.
- When you stomp your feet in anger make sure to tell mom there was a bug on the floor.
- Your Science project is on the kitchen table.
- "Use your inside voice" means don't use the voice mom uses inside when she's angry. Your "Inside Voice" is about 90 decibels lower than mom's "Inside Voice". Remember that.
- Your parents DO love you.
- Your brother has your Iphone and he's texting your girlfriend now.
- He likes you...don't look away....smile back silly girl.
- No, you are NOT fat!
- Don't make that face at your mother, you'll regret it in five seconds
- There is something crawling under your bed. I think it's that sandwich you made three weeks ago.
- That Video game you wanted it's on sale at Walmart for $20, but the newer version just came out online for $100. Go to Walmart, Go to Walmart, Go to Walmart...*sigh*....
- Your parents have undercover spies watching your every move; if you shouldn't be doing it...DON'T! They know the guy at the Quickie Mart, they know the woman who owns that fast food joint you hang out at and that woman knows the guy at the corner liquor store. Do yourself a favor and walk away.
- Don't you post that photo! NO....not that one either! Find some clothes that make you look normal and show less skin...Thank you. Now you may post them.
- Don't get into the car, call your parents for a ride home; you'll thank them when you make it to your 30th birthday alive and well.
- Your parents DO love you.
- Your wife is always right. Go ask the kids if you don't believe me.
- Open the car door for her
- Make her breakfast....nothing fancy....coffee and some toast or a bagel. Voila! (see her smiling?)
- Tell her she is beautiful. When she wakes up crying over a grey hair she found, tell her she is beautiful.
- Notice when she is in a "mom shirt" and jogging pants with baby vomit on it and her hair is all in a disarray, tell her she is beautiful and how much you love her. Because you know it's true.
- Change a diaper; do homework with the kids; Don't tell her you worked all day. What do you think she has been doing all day? Playing Candy Crush on level 1,305? She works too.
- She is your equal, not your servant
- She loves you with no conditions; do the same
- There's a reason she cooked you that big dinner *grins*
- Don't hesitate when she asks, "Do these jeans make me look fat?"
- Listen to her; No, really listen to her. Put that remote down or better yet shut off the TV and listen...to her.
- Go ahead and ask for directions. The guy in that small desert town isn't going to remember you tomorrow, and Easter dinner will be getting cold(along with your wife's attitude) at the in-laws.
- It's okay to cry. Real men cry sometimes. Forget the crap supposed "real men" told you in the past.
- We are ALWAYS right. (Okay not really, but it's fun to make everyone else believe we think we are) Sometimes(unfortunately) we have to concede and admit our faults or sadly mistaken views of a situation
- Love your husbands unconditionally
- Cook a really, REALLY, good dinner....then be sure to offer a way to work it off ...*wink*
- Be sure to work your beauty magic in those "Mom shirts" and jogging pants; You ARE beautiful inside and out.
- Time to shave lady. You are looking like Big Foot there sister!
- It's okay to cry. You are not weak....you are human and you have a heart and feelings. It will be okay.
- He loves you so much, he just isn't good with "using his words" very well. He washed the dishes, changed two diapers, and made you coffee this morning. That's his way of saying, "I love you and I know you work hard too."
I should write my own book. I could come up with at least 100 more of each set of "Notes" here. I had more in my head, but I need to get off of this thing. I shall compile my own "Notes" For You To Ponder, Part 2 maybe this week or later on today.
Have a lovely Sunday!!! I'll be back again soon.
Funny, the sandwich thing, it's in my son's backpack. He never even notices GROSS! Good thing I search through it a couple of times a week haha
Hi Barb,
Yep. The sandwich monster under the bed. My X's oldest would forget to eat lunch. Then would hide it under the bed. Oh man, memories. Thanks for the reminder Barb.
Foreigner, Waiting for a Girl Like You. All time fav.
The Cars.
Steely Dan.
Alan Parsons Project.
Okay, which box are my oldest CD's in?
"Barbs' Notes on Life."
The, "Do these make me look fat?" Question. I'd hesitate. When the glare would singe my eyebrows I'd say something along the lines of, "What? Sorry I was distracted by your cute butt. What did you say?"
Cheese Omelet, buttered toast, OJ. Never helped me. Still did it, it just never helped. Oh well.
Rule #1, The wife is always right.
Rule #2, refer to rule #1 for any clarification needed.
Loved your version of "Cliff's Notes." Cliff was a guy that figured out a way to make a buck doing nothing useful.
Enjoy the remainder of your weekend Barb.
My kids "thing" was water bottles, half full and some with just barely a sip taken out. Slim jim wrappers and little debbie snack cake wrappers. Usually hidden under the bed or behind a dresser.
Ed, I remember the Alan Parson's project. Wow! That is definitely a blast from the past, almost like another lifetime ago or something. Whoa!!!
Glad you both enjoyed my version of "Notes". Just had an inkling to write something silly that day.
More to come this weekend.... :) Enjoy the rest of your week.
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