Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another Day, Another Blog Post

Oh My Goodness!!!

I just watched the most amazing movie ever with my boys. They wanted to see Lone Survivor so bad and so did I. I was skeptical because of the "R" Rating, however, I asked various people if there were any nude scenes or sexual scenarios and they said no. What they failed to mention however, was the brief snippet the one soldier shared about who he is at the beginning of the movie. It was about 2 minutes and my boys didn't ask what he was talking about so I assumed they weren't really paying attention anyway, because they seemed like they were getting bored already and we were only about 10 minutes into the movie. 

We cried like babies throughout the movie. It was such a good movie I can't remember the last time I saw a movie that intense and emotionally charged. We were literally on the edge of our seats.  When the movie was over I told my boys, "War is not just a video game, it's real. You get it right?" They nodded their heads and knew what I was implying as they were still wiping tears from their eyes. 

My daughter is at a birthday party/sleepover with her bestie today. So that's why I decided to take the boys to the movie. $21 for admissions and $17 for concessions later and we had our bucket of popcorn and keg o' soda with straws and we headed to the theater to find our seats. 

I tried to tip the guy behind the counter who waited on us. He was really nice. I have never seen a movie theater concession employee as nice as this guy was to my kids. He talked to them, not AT them, he wasn't rushed or rude or anything. I've NEVER had that type of service at a movie theater ever. So I wanted to show my gratitude in the form of a few singles (four to be exact) for his kindness. My youngest twin wanted a soda/Hi-C mix and my other son wanted a mix of all the fountain drinks combined(blech!) Anyway, he refused the tip and when I went to pay for my order I told the cashier "I tried to give him a tip and he wouldn't take it. That was nice of him," with a smile upon my face.  

She didn't say a word to me. Didn't even acknowledge with a smile, smirk, anything about my comment. 

I need to make sure I write to the company and let them know about this guy. I got his name....unfortunately I didn't get the chick's name at the register. 

Lucky for her I suppose.


So I wrote all of that yesterday. I never did come back and finish this blog. I got tired all of a sudden. It was a long day for us yesterday. I had to drive clear to the other side of town to drop my daughter off, then drive way north to the theater. I had woke up at 7 a.m. to make sure we got to Target to pick up my daughter's friend's gift and get her to the party on time at noon. She got there a little bit earlier than the party started because she wanted to help her set up the activities. Bless this little girl's heart, she was counting down the days until the party and sleepover. 

I hope she had fun. I will be picking her up in a few hours here.

Not much planned for today. A trip to In and Out burgers which is by far the best burger next to Fuddrucker's that I've ever eaten. It's $2.25 for a standard burger. And they load up the lettuce, special sauce and tomatoes for ya. It's a good deal. I never knew until one day when  a friend of mine and I were eating there (many years ago) that there are bible verses on the french fry containers. It's on the bottom corner in teeny weenie print. 

Interesting tidbit of trivia in case you were wondering and are ever out in Vegas. 

They also have a "secret burger" called an animal burger as well as their famous animal fries. The Animal Fries are definitely tasty. Fattening no doubt, and not good for your cholesterol, but like drinking all night and enjoying those margaritas and shots of tequila in your twenties and feeling the effects the morning after, it's worth every calorie and cholesterol point to partake in those animal fries. They load them with cheese, special sauce and grilled onions.


It's a meal in itself.

Forget salads. I'll take an animal fry to go please...extra napkins as well.


What else is going on around here?

I have an apartment that needs serious cleaning and I'm sitting here procrastinating...blogging....which I suppose is still doing something productive just not in the sense of making my home cleaner. 


I'll get it eventually. The dirt and toys on the floor aren't going anywhere.



Okay now that that's settled, what else can I yammer on about?

I can't believe it, I have nothing to chatter about.

That's scary.

I guess it's my subconscious mind telling me to get off my lazy ass and get some housework done. 

So I guess I'll do that.

Have a lovely Sunday.

I'll be back again soon......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi B,

Oh man, Fuddruckers. I haven't eaten at one in ??? I can't remember how long. Of course it should be noted I can't remember why I went in the kitchen ten minutes ago either. I did stand there contemplating the universe for a bit. Then I couldn't remember why I was standing in the kitchen. Don't get old, trust me on this.

I hope your little one had a good time. She sounds like a little angel.

That was never said about me. Good kid, sure. Angel, nobody was willing to go that far out on a limb. Not even my mom. I would be stretching it a bit with the "Good." Of course I had access to information on my behavior that I was, shall we say, unwilling to divulge even under torture. So I sure wouldn't be ratting myself out for free.

Good luck with the cleaning. I myself have a chance at making the 2018 winter Olympics in the Luge event. I'm going to go practice on the couch for a couple of hours. I know I'm pushing myself, but I just feel the need.

When I wake up, In mean when I'm done practicing I'll check back to read of your victory over dirt & dust, dirty dishes etc.

Take a break Barb, you're making me tired.
