I finally registered my car.
I'm good to go until 2015.
Yay me!!!
Although the wait at the DMV was enough to put me in a standing coma. I kid you not. I couldn't sit, there were way too many people there in those chairs, and the energy floating around that place made me uneasy. I know I was uneasy because I was gnawing on my straw. I don't EVER gnaw on my straw, haven't gnawed on a straw since I was probably in high school, but I had gnawed that sucker to death and I'm surprised that I could still get soda out of it it was clamped so tight.
This one woman kept giving me this evil look; like I was trying to steal her boyfriend or something. I wanted to say "Honey, two things here. Number one he's not as hot as you think he is and two I have better things to do with my time like register my car so go get a life."
Then there was a couple with a kid sitting in front of where I was standing. They were practically making out and I thought the guy was going to suck the skin off of the woman's face. Geeze people, get a damn room, your PDA is grossing me out here.
I didn't like the fact that I had to stand for 90 minutes, but it sure beat listening to the music these women behind me were listening to on their phone while I sat in a chair for only 10 minutes.
Apparently it was a cover of Toni Braxton's, Unbreak My Heart. I had flashbacks to my early 20's when that song started playing. And whoever was singing it, was really, really off key. That's when I decided to get out of the chair, because I felt myself wanting to turn around and tell those women to "shut that shit off please."
And that is not like me AT...ALL.
My number was 927 when I got there they were only on 617. I had a while to go.
While I'm standing near the doorway of the DMV, this guy comes barreling down the aisle mumbling "Jesus F****N Christ!" I've seen too many Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington movies to let my thoughts wander about this guy. I had to think a happy thought...I want to bake mini cheesecakes. What do I need to buy at the store? Which store will I go to?.....
And there was this mom there with her son. We shall call him Joey for the purpose of this blog post. I heard him tell the little old lady behind me what his name was. Anyway, poor little Joey had his fill of the DMV and apparently so did his mother. Although I wasn't really all that fond of Joey's mother, I kind of felt a tiny bit bad for her having to endure Joey's restlessness, because I have been where she was myself many a time.
Joey was about 3 1/2 with curly dark hair and cute as a button. Joey decided to play with the payphone, yelling into it then slamming it, then screaming. Then he decided he was going to run around in circles rather quickly, oblivious to the people around him as he continued to twirl around. His mom proceeded to call him crazy, and also a brat and at one point said to him, "What the hell are you doing?" Okay, I will raise my hand and say that yes, I have had a motherly meltdown in public before, but swear words are not allowed, nor is name calling.
This poor kid just wanted to go. He was bored, and I wanted to try and help her calm the kid down, but I was still too busy gnawing on my straw. I did look in my purse to see if I had a hot wheel or paper and crayons or something to give the kid to entertain him, but I had nothing. Nothing but gum that had fallen out of the box it was in(my purse smelled really minty) and a bunch of receipts from about 10 different transactions at my grocery store and the local Walgreens.
Then they finally got their number called. I'm still standing by the door and next thing I know I see Joey zipping in and out of the line cords they had set up for the lanes to get to information. He is zipping up then down then up again. Some woman said, "Are you looking for your mom?" I yelled to Joey, "Hey Joey, your mom is over there!" and I pointed to where his mom was now standing and I could tell this was probably going to be his last trip to the DMV from the look on her face.
Grandma will be taking Joey to the park or zoo next time.
My number was finally up. I was so happy. Although I couldn't dance for joy if I wanted to because my legs felt like Jello from being so tense and standing so long and my feet hurt. I was tired and I just wanted to go. Finally got my tags and I was out the door by 4:30. Did I mention the DMV closes at 4??
Went to the grocery store.Got some fish that was on sale, just one, because it was just me here tonight. I headed to produce and noticed they didn't have my orange peppers that I like to use to cook my rice with. So I walk over with a yellow pepper and ask the produce guy, "Hey, I know this is going to sound like a really stupid question, normally I use the orange peppers, but you don't have any are these any spicier or do they taste the same?"
Dude looks at me, grabs the pepper, slices it with the box cutter he is using and hands me a piece. I took a bite and he looks at me and says, "Taste any different?" I said, "Nope."
And I walked away and thanked him for the sample.
He ate the rest of the pepper by the way like he was eating a Granny Smith apple or something.
If only he were good looking, this could have been a love story in the making. Perhaps I could write a fictional book about it. I could hear the trailer for the movie now...."They shared produce, now they share a bed."
*I'm laughing out loud to myself here. I know, I know. I need to get out more. But I couldn't help it, what I just wrote was really funny to me and it was so funny that I even snorted a tiny bit when I laughed...beats peeing my pants I suppose*
Oh, so anyway, I'm walking through the store singing with Lionel Richie as I'm walking through the aisles, he wasn't really there of course, but he was on the music player thingy in the store, anyway, I get my fish and I get my soda, and I get some rice and I leave with my purchases. As I walk out the door there is this little girl scout in her little green uniform who asks the person in front of me if they'd like to buy some cookies. They said "No," and kept walking. I said, "I WILL!" and waved to her. So I got myself a box of Peanut Butter Patties.
Yum, Yum, Yum!!!
As I was driving home I stopped in a Walgreen's parking lot. I don't know what made me do this, but I checked my bags for all my groceries. I couldn't find my Fish!!!! I was not happy. I checked the front floor of my car, nothing. Dammit! I didn't want to lose fish in my car. It would be like that scene from grumpy old men(good movie and yes I realize the title of a movie should be capitalized but I'm too lazy to go back and fix it). So I find my receipt and call the store. Of course they have it, still on the counter near the cashier, but I am almost home now. Now I'm mad. Well, not really mad, annoyed is more like it. Thankfully they said I could go to the store that was closer to where I live and get my fish replaced.
So I go to the meat department after checking with the front manager who I know pretty well after shopping there since I moved here two years ago. The damn kid behind the counter is washing dishes. He sees me through the window and makes me wait. I will be honest I don't like the guys in this meat department. They aren't very helpful at all. And the dude in charge back there on nights, is cocky. I heard him talking to an older customer one time about "how important" he is.
*eye roll*
Whatever dude.
I felt like I was annoying these guys by asking them to separate the fish for me from the prepacked meat department packaging into a single fillet. Because I told them I was replacing just one that they didn't bag at the other store and showed him my receipt.
Why does this feel like I'm saying more than I need to about the stupid fish here?
So I finally get home.
I put away what needs to be refrigerated. I eat the California Roll that I bought and I peruse my Facebook. Now I'm just sitting here deciding if I want to go to bed now, at 8:15, or bake those mini cheesecakes, or just go watch TV.
Decisions, Decisions.
The complicated life of the single woman home alone on a Saturday night with no kids to keep her company.
I think I'm going to go to bed, wake up early tomorrow, bake and do some more cleaning.
Today was too busy for me. Seriously it was.
I need a mani/pedi.
Yeah, right. My idea of a mani/pedi is putting lotion on my hands when they get so dry they burn from washing them a hundred times a day at work, and cutting my toenails when they begin to curl.
JUST KIDDING!!! I cut my toenails on a regular basis. I can't stand long toenails...drives me insane.
I know I shouldn't have to post about the fact I was kidding, but you never know these days, some people will start a rumor about me not cutting my toenails until they curl and I'll end up on the cover of the Enquirer and next it will be CNN and pretty soon I'll lose my job simply because people said I let my toenails curl before I cut them.
Wasn't I leaving?
I was leaving... how the hell did I get on the topic of toenails?
This is what happens when I need sleep. You'd think I am drunk but I swear to you I'm not.
Good Night.
Welcome to my random blogging about anything and everything under the sun. Stop by, sit a spell and enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation with me.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
I'm procrastinating here.
I should be cleaning and I'm about to shower and head out the door but I am waiting on my laundry to dry. So here I sit....
My favorite past time.
My head is a little better this morning after crying my eyeballs out last night and then talking with my granddaughter's mom last night. My heart still hurts for all of them, but my head is at least functioning a little better today.
I was talking with my daughter yesterday before school. And of course I'm on the potty trying to do my business in there, and she opens the door and starts telling me about this girl from school and what she said to her on the playground. I gave her this look of raised eyebrows and a grin and she says, "Oh, I should wait huh?" and she shuts the door, then she opens it up again and begins talking about the girl from school as though my being on the toilet is not reason enough for her to wait and the look I gave her never happened.
So I listened to her carry on with her story.
Apparently some girl made a crack about my daughter's jeans. These manufacturers clearly have never tried placing the clothing they make for little girls on an actual girl, but rather store bought mannequins that have bottoms the size of Mars to hold them up. Because my poor daughter is a skinny little thing, and any jeans that are on her hiney slide right down her. Belt or no belt, doesn't matter, they seem to have a mind of their own. What kid at age 9 by the way, needs a "low rise" pair of jeans for that matter? They all seem to be cut just barely below the hip line.
*shakes head*
So my poor daughter tends to wear longer shirts to alleviate the sliding drawers syndrome she is plagued with when she wears jeans(thank God shorts season is just around the corner those fit her much better believe it or not) so as not to reveal anything that needs not to be revealed, and apparently one nasty little girl in her class told her, "Why do you wear those I can see your butt!"
Well, I told my daughter "next time she says that to you, or anyone says that to you, simply say 'What the heck are you doing lookin' at my butt?' then laugh and walk away."
Then she proceeds to tell me she never thinks of things to say to come back with when kids are mean. I told her I am the same way and usually have an arsenal of things "I should have said"...after the fact.
I told her people are going to be mean and frankly she needs to learn the motto, Kill 'em with kindness.
Words to live by.
Why do kids need to be so mean anyway?
I explained this to my daughter why bullies bully others.
*They have low self-esteem and making people feel bad about themselves makes them feel powerful.
*They are attention seekers. They want everyone to know they exist. Thing is what the bullies don't realize is that more than half the people who see them existing don't really like them.
*Maybe they are picked on at home. If that's the case refer to the kill 'em with kindness idea. They need more love and not necessarily attention.
*Girls are especially mean because it's just part of their nature sometimes. Anyone who has ever seen the movie Mean Girls can relate to what I'm saying here. Some girls just want to fit in while other girls want to be the one everyone wants to fit in with. Again, it's that whole "look at me and notice how pretty and popular" thing most(not all) girls long for growing up.
*Hormones...enough said there.
My daughter then told me about a boy in her class, who last year, decided to tell all his friends and the whole second grade class that my daughter was his girlfriend. She didn't want to tell me about it because I know the kids aunt and we are friends(more like acquaintances at this point). I told her that she(my daughter obviously) comes first, before friends. I will talk to the aunt who can talk to the mom if she wants me to. She said he didn't do it this year. I told her she should be flattered that this boy thinks she is pretty, but it wasn't nice of him to do that. I told her obviously if they don't sit at lunch together, and they don't talk on the playground then clearly they are not boyfriend and girlfriend(too funny in second grade, but scary because these kids really do have "boyfriends and girlfriends" in second grade). All the kids will see that she is not dating this boy( I had to giggle when I wrote that...sorry...dating?? really??In second grade?? Their version of dating: "Can I buy you a chocolate milk and will you go out on the playground with me and play dodgeball?..seriously??)
Hope that is the case and he's fine.
For the kids sake and his too anyway.
Well, five days until the premiere of season 2 of my Vikings. Goodness I can't wait to get my Ragnar and Lagertha fix in. I'm anxious to see what Lagertha does to Ragnar when she finds out that he had a "feast" (so to speak) with another woman.
This should be interesting.
Okay, not exactly my greatest blog here. But my mind is still swirling with different things and I need to do some stuff today that requires getting in the car and driving.
Not too thrilled about that at all.
But it must be done.
Have a great weekend.
I'll try and post something more comical later.
I'm just not "feelin' it" right now.
I should be cleaning and I'm about to shower and head out the door but I am waiting on my laundry to dry. So here I sit....
My favorite past time.
My head is a little better this morning after crying my eyeballs out last night and then talking with my granddaughter's mom last night. My heart still hurts for all of them, but my head is at least functioning a little better today.
I was talking with my daughter yesterday before school. And of course I'm on the potty trying to do my business in there, and she opens the door and starts telling me about this girl from school and what she said to her on the playground. I gave her this look of raised eyebrows and a grin and she says, "Oh, I should wait huh?" and she shuts the door, then she opens it up again and begins talking about the girl from school as though my being on the toilet is not reason enough for her to wait and the look I gave her never happened.
So I listened to her carry on with her story.
Apparently some girl made a crack about my daughter's jeans. These manufacturers clearly have never tried placing the clothing they make for little girls on an actual girl, but rather store bought mannequins that have bottoms the size of Mars to hold them up. Because my poor daughter is a skinny little thing, and any jeans that are on her hiney slide right down her. Belt or no belt, doesn't matter, they seem to have a mind of their own. What kid at age 9 by the way, needs a "low rise" pair of jeans for that matter? They all seem to be cut just barely below the hip line.
*shakes head*
So my poor daughter tends to wear longer shirts to alleviate the sliding drawers syndrome she is plagued with when she wears jeans(thank God shorts season is just around the corner those fit her much better believe it or not) so as not to reveal anything that needs not to be revealed, and apparently one nasty little girl in her class told her, "Why do you wear those I can see your butt!"
Well, I told my daughter "next time she says that to you, or anyone says that to you, simply say 'What the heck are you doing lookin' at my butt?' then laugh and walk away."
Then she proceeds to tell me she never thinks of things to say to come back with when kids are mean. I told her I am the same way and usually have an arsenal of things "I should have said"...after the fact.
I told her people are going to be mean and frankly she needs to learn the motto, Kill 'em with kindness.
Words to live by.
Why do kids need to be so mean anyway?
I explained this to my daughter why bullies bully others.
*They have low self-esteem and making people feel bad about themselves makes them feel powerful.
*They are attention seekers. They want everyone to know they exist. Thing is what the bullies don't realize is that more than half the people who see them existing don't really like them.
*Maybe they are picked on at home. If that's the case refer to the kill 'em with kindness idea. They need more love and not necessarily attention.
*Girls are especially mean because it's just part of their nature sometimes. Anyone who has ever seen the movie Mean Girls can relate to what I'm saying here. Some girls just want to fit in while other girls want to be the one everyone wants to fit in with. Again, it's that whole "look at me and notice how pretty and popular" thing most(not all) girls long for growing up.
*Hormones...enough said there.
My daughter then told me about a boy in her class, who last year, decided to tell all his friends and the whole second grade class that my daughter was his girlfriend. She didn't want to tell me about it because I know the kids aunt and we are friends(more like acquaintances at this point). I told her that she(my daughter obviously) comes first, before friends. I will talk to the aunt who can talk to the mom if she wants me to. She said he didn't do it this year. I told her she should be flattered that this boy thinks she is pretty, but it wasn't nice of him to do that. I told her obviously if they don't sit at lunch together, and they don't talk on the playground then clearly they are not boyfriend and girlfriend(too funny in second grade, but scary because these kids really do have "boyfriends and girlfriends" in second grade). All the kids will see that she is not dating this boy( I had to giggle when I wrote that...sorry...dating?? really??In second grade?? Their version of dating: "Can I buy you a chocolate milk and will you go out on the playground with me and play dodgeball?..seriously??)
My kids stopped by with their dad this afternoon to pick up some of their clothes and blankets to take back to dad's house. I have to say that he seemed a bit out of sorts and although I don't worry about the guy, he did have me somewhat concerned as he was deep in thought and looked rather tired or "not well" in my opinion. I do hope the guy's alright, he's not my best friend by any means, but we get along for the most part and he is my kids' dad so I hope he is okay there. He said he was just tired.
Hope that is the case and he's fine.
For the kids sake and his too anyway.
Well, five days until the premiere of season 2 of my Vikings. Goodness I can't wait to get my Ragnar and Lagertha fix in. I'm anxious to see what Lagertha does to Ragnar when she finds out that he had a "feast" (so to speak) with another woman.
This should be interesting.
Okay, not exactly my greatest blog here. But my mind is still swirling with different things and I need to do some stuff today that requires getting in the car and driving.
Not too thrilled about that at all.
But it must be done.
Have a great weekend.
I'll try and post something more comical later.
I'm just not "feelin' it" right now.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Oh, The Tears....
"He's not an addict," he says.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
What a Weekend!
Had a really good weekend with my kids.
Despite the bedtime fiasco of Saturday with the sleepover(check two posts ago) the whole weekend was fun. We did end up going golfing, because I realized that taking away a fun family day simply because they disregarded a bedtime issue was a bit extreme. I woke my one son up early and my other son wasn't able to go outside with my son and their friend to play because he was still sleeping. So that was punishment enough for both of them I thought.
We did go mini golfing, then we headed to this cool retro 60's themed restaurant for some dessert. A photo of Jimi Hendrix was atop the restroom door on the wall and peace signs and those flower power stickers were everywhere. I felt like I was five again. God, I miss that era in clothes, designs and music. They had games for the kids to play, magic 8 ball and a rubik's cube as well to play for the kids and those who are "kids at heart". We got a dessert that was two giant doughnuts filled with Raspberry, Peanut Butter and Banana topped off with dehydrated bananas and a huge scoop of ice cream with chocolate syrup drizzled all over it.
My boys tore into that thing(we shared the whole plate, it was huge) and I kept telling them to slow down and savor it, because #1 there were four of us partaking of this delectable dessert and #2 they'll get a huge stomach ache from all that doughy, sugary richness.
After that we went back home and I made steaks and mashed potatoes and gravy with some mini wheat bread and cole slaw. We played some foosball, and watched some TV. Breakfast Club was on and we sat and watched that movie. It was on Family Channel, and they didn't exactly edit it enough for me, being on a so called "family channel" but I just explained what certain things were when they asked me to. Like the word "Virgin", it's in the bible and they read it, so I associated it with that. "It's a woman who hasn't had sex, just like Mary in the bible."
They aren't getting any younger and I'd much rather explain things to them than to have some 10 or 11 year old kid explain it with some totally "out there" explanation. I want my kids to be comfortable talking to me about normally taboo topics, ESPECIALLY sex. Drugs and drinking follow behind that topic and of course dating, and how my boys should treat a girl and how a girl should be treated so my daughter understands. Because as scary as it it, my kids(my boys in particular) have already come to me with questions about things kids in their 4th grade class have said to them that they have no clue what it means(about sex) or they tell me about kids who do drugs.
That is scary.
Where are these kids parents?
Anyway, yesterday we went to a friend's house and they played with her kids and my friend and I chatted with each other. Then after about four hours of being there, we had to go as it was dark and getting late and her kids needed to go to bed and so did mine.
We went to get some sandwich bags at the store and I got some granola bars for their lunches for today. As I walked down the card aisle there was this weird looking guy kneeling by the cards and he looked at me and smiled...creepy....and I just smiled and kept walking. Well, when I went to get my kids from the toy aisle, I briefly passed by him again and he is grinning at me. I didn't smile back that time. He gave me a bad feeling. I watched him walk out the door and could see him out of the corner of my eye as I talked to the kids he was still looking at me.
As I was thinking about that guy this morning, this song popped into my head:
I'm glad that whole event is over. Creeped me out royally. I made sure he didn't follow us home, I glanced around for people in their cars and people standing around and he was nowhere to be found. I even checked my rearview mirror to make sure he wasn't behind us as I entered our community.
So now it's Tuesday. Only four days left to go until another weekend. I can't wait either. I will be cleaning up like crazy and maybe spend the day at the DMV registering my car. I don't know yet though, I might wait until the end of the month. I'm just too lazy this week to be honest.
Well, have a lovely Tuesday. If you are in the midwest or eastern states, please stay safe and be extra careful this week. As if Mother Nature hasn't shown enough of her wrath on humanity in the from of deadly arctic temps and tons of snow, now she's decided she is going to clear it all away in one fell swoop with severe thunderstorms to boot.
Let's give Mother Nature a Xanax or something. Chocolate perhaps? Someone plant a cocoa tree in your backyard, along with some coffee trees and vanilla beans or something. She is a tad bit hormonal these days it seems.
I have to go. Time to get ready for work. Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Let's sing a song shall we? Get that blood going and our butts out of bed...COME ON NOW~!! GET UP AND DANCE!!! :)
Despite the bedtime fiasco of Saturday with the sleepover(check two posts ago) the whole weekend was fun. We did end up going golfing, because I realized that taking away a fun family day simply because they disregarded a bedtime issue was a bit extreme. I woke my one son up early and my other son wasn't able to go outside with my son and their friend to play because he was still sleeping. So that was punishment enough for both of them I thought.
We did go mini golfing, then we headed to this cool retro 60's themed restaurant for some dessert. A photo of Jimi Hendrix was atop the restroom door on the wall and peace signs and those flower power stickers were everywhere. I felt like I was five again. God, I miss that era in clothes, designs and music. They had games for the kids to play, magic 8 ball and a rubik's cube as well to play for the kids and those who are "kids at heart". We got a dessert that was two giant doughnuts filled with Raspberry, Peanut Butter and Banana topped off with dehydrated bananas and a huge scoop of ice cream with chocolate syrup drizzled all over it.
My boys tore into that thing(we shared the whole plate, it was huge) and I kept telling them to slow down and savor it, because #1 there were four of us partaking of this delectable dessert and #2 they'll get a huge stomach ache from all that doughy, sugary richness.
After that we went back home and I made steaks and mashed potatoes and gravy with some mini wheat bread and cole slaw. We played some foosball, and watched some TV. Breakfast Club was on and we sat and watched that movie. It was on Family Channel, and they didn't exactly edit it enough for me, being on a so called "family channel" but I just explained what certain things were when they asked me to. Like the word "Virgin", it's in the bible and they read it, so I associated it with that. "It's a woman who hasn't had sex, just like Mary in the bible."
They aren't getting any younger and I'd much rather explain things to them than to have some 10 or 11 year old kid explain it with some totally "out there" explanation. I want my kids to be comfortable talking to me about normally taboo topics, ESPECIALLY sex. Drugs and drinking follow behind that topic and of course dating, and how my boys should treat a girl and how a girl should be treated so my daughter understands. Because as scary as it it, my kids(my boys in particular) have already come to me with questions about things kids in their 4th grade class have said to them that they have no clue what it means(about sex) or they tell me about kids who do drugs.
That is scary.
Where are these kids parents?
Anyway, yesterday we went to a friend's house and they played with her kids and my friend and I chatted with each other. Then after about four hours of being there, we had to go as it was dark and getting late and her kids needed to go to bed and so did mine.
We went to get some sandwich bags at the store and I got some granola bars for their lunches for today. As I walked down the card aisle there was this weird looking guy kneeling by the cards and he looked at me and smiled...creepy....and I just smiled and kept walking. Well, when I went to get my kids from the toy aisle, I briefly passed by him again and he is grinning at me. I didn't smile back that time. He gave me a bad feeling. I watched him walk out the door and could see him out of the corner of my eye as I talked to the kids he was still looking at me.
As I was thinking about that guy this morning, this song popped into my head:
I'm glad that whole event is over. Creeped me out royally. I made sure he didn't follow us home, I glanced around for people in their cars and people standing around and he was nowhere to be found. I even checked my rearview mirror to make sure he wasn't behind us as I entered our community.
So now it's Tuesday. Only four days left to go until another weekend. I can't wait either. I will be cleaning up like crazy and maybe spend the day at the DMV registering my car. I don't know yet though, I might wait until the end of the month. I'm just too lazy this week to be honest.
Well, have a lovely Tuesday. If you are in the midwest or eastern states, please stay safe and be extra careful this week. As if Mother Nature hasn't shown enough of her wrath on humanity in the from of deadly arctic temps and tons of snow, now she's decided she is going to clear it all away in one fell swoop with severe thunderstorms to boot.
Let's give Mother Nature a Xanax or something. Chocolate perhaps? Someone plant a cocoa tree in your backyard, along with some coffee trees and vanilla beans or something. She is a tad bit hormonal these days it seems.
I have to go. Time to get ready for work. Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Let's sing a song shall we? Get that blood going and our butts out of bed...COME ON NOW~!! GET UP AND DANCE!!! :)
good times,
strange people
Monday, February 17, 2014
Turn On The Music
I'm sitting here in my room drinking my coffee and eating my Thin Mints, singing this song, "chair dancing"(you know, boppin' up and down in one's chair or while driving when listening to music...if there is no music that is usually a sign one needs to use the bathroom I suppose) and as I'm chair dancing and singing this really uplifting, "let's get moving" song, the video kept stopping and my computer kept on freezing. I yelled out, "Aw come on!" and I hear my daughter giggle outside my (Open) bedroom door.
I had no idea she wasn't asleep out there and was in my own little world over here in my room yelling at the stupid computer every time it froze on me.
I said, "Oh, you're awake? This stupid puter keeps freezing my song! Remember this CD I had?" and she says, "yes." We listened to this artist's music in my van more times than I can remember. Then when I moved here, I lost her CD. I was so mad. Then I found her CD in my closet when I was cleaning it out one day, but I don't know where I put it.
So I am resorting to listening to her gentle and sometimes energetic voice in song via the internet on Youtube.
Here's the song by the way:
I was thinking about all the beautiful music that is out there. Music from different cultures and spiritual beliefs. I happen to be a big fan of Celtic music, New Age Music, Indian Music and a plethora of other music. For the record I don't really "do" country, but I do like a little bit of Rascal Flatts from time to time, Martina McBride and Keith Urban every now and then. And that Florida Georgia Line they had a nice little hit there...umm...Cruise I think it's called...*heads to YouTube*...Yeah, it's called Cruise. I think I'll post that one here too.
Why not....
My kids and I were listening to some random music on YouTube just now. Music that is uplifting and filled with positivity or something good to just dance to. Here's another one of our favorites. My daughter and I agree that this music reminds us of fairies:
Speaking of Fairies, I'm looking forward to getting our fairy garden going here. I think I might pick up a few things for it later on today. I can't wait to get it either. I'm just as excited as my daughter is I think, maybe even more.
Here's a Christian Song that is very positive:
This is a good, positive song. So yeah, I'm a big fan of all types of music. I like something that makes me feel good about my day and surrounds me and my kids with positivity.
I remember talking to a friend of mine at work about that song "Gorillas" by Bruno Mars. I had no idea what the lyrics were, my kids would sing the song in the car and to be honest I was too busy concentrating on driving that I didn't bother to listen to the lyrics. Then my friend said, "Umm...that song is not kid appropriate you know."
I just looked at her with a puzzled expression. Apparently most of Bruno Mars' music isn't kid appropriate. She also explained Locked Out of Heaven to me and I was thinking, "OH MY!"
Definitely not kid appropriate.
I remember when Rhiana's S and M song came out.
I actually like that song. I like most music and rarely do I care to learn the lyrics, I just like the beat or the music in general or the artist's voice. And when my daughter was about five or six I think(whenever it came out, she's 9 now so do the math yourself please and thank you ha ha), and when I heard her singing this in the bathroom, I asked her, "Do you know what this song is about?" She said "No." And the thing is she really didn't. She was just singing the words. That was it was to her was just words, and not words with meaning.
Know what I'm saying here?
Then years before that, that song Second Chance came out and she use to sing, "Hey Lady's Comet," instead of "Hailey's Comet" in the Chorus part of the song. She was (and still is) so cute back then.
This song makes me miss my oldest son. It makes me think of him. Long story for another day why, but I think of him and I think of the time my daughter sang this to him and he was smiling when she did.
Good times back then, good times.
Anyway, this concludes my playlist for today.
I have some baking to do and we are heading to a friend's house for lunch. I'm looking forward to spending time with this friend of mine. She is a new found friend and one I enjoy talking to a lot.
Have a lovely Monday.
Until later.........
I had no idea she wasn't asleep out there and was in my own little world over here in my room yelling at the stupid computer every time it froze on me.
I said, "Oh, you're awake? This stupid puter keeps freezing my song! Remember this CD I had?" and she says, "yes." We listened to this artist's music in my van more times than I can remember. Then when I moved here, I lost her CD. I was so mad. Then I found her CD in my closet when I was cleaning it out one day, but I don't know where I put it.
So I am resorting to listening to her gentle and sometimes energetic voice in song via the internet on Youtube.
Here's the song by the way:
I was thinking about all the beautiful music that is out there. Music from different cultures and spiritual beliefs. I happen to be a big fan of Celtic music, New Age Music, Indian Music and a plethora of other music. For the record I don't really "do" country, but I do like a little bit of Rascal Flatts from time to time, Martina McBride and Keith Urban every now and then. And that Florida Georgia Line they had a nice little hit there...umm...Cruise I think it's called...*heads to YouTube*...Yeah, it's called Cruise. I think I'll post that one here too.
Why not....
My kids and I were listening to some random music on YouTube just now. Music that is uplifting and filled with positivity or something good to just dance to. Here's another one of our favorites. My daughter and I agree that this music reminds us of fairies:
Speaking of Fairies, I'm looking forward to getting our fairy garden going here. I think I might pick up a few things for it later on today. I can't wait to get it either. I'm just as excited as my daughter is I think, maybe even more.
Here's a Christian Song that is very positive:
This is a good, positive song. So yeah, I'm a big fan of all types of music. I like something that makes me feel good about my day and surrounds me and my kids with positivity.
I remember talking to a friend of mine at work about that song "Gorillas" by Bruno Mars. I had no idea what the lyrics were, my kids would sing the song in the car and to be honest I was too busy concentrating on driving that I didn't bother to listen to the lyrics. Then my friend said, "Umm...that song is not kid appropriate you know."
I just looked at her with a puzzled expression. Apparently most of Bruno Mars' music isn't kid appropriate. She also explained Locked Out of Heaven to me and I was thinking, "OH MY!"
Definitely not kid appropriate.
I remember when Rhiana's S and M song came out.
I actually like that song. I like most music and rarely do I care to learn the lyrics, I just like the beat or the music in general or the artist's voice. And when my daughter was about five or six I think(whenever it came out, she's 9 now so do the math yourself please and thank you ha ha), and when I heard her singing this in the bathroom, I asked her, "Do you know what this song is about?" She said "No." And the thing is she really didn't. She was just singing the words. That was it was to her was just words, and not words with meaning.
Know what I'm saying here?
Then years before that, that song Second Chance came out and she use to sing, "Hey Lady's Comet," instead of "Hailey's Comet" in the Chorus part of the song. She was (and still is) so cute back then.
This song makes me miss my oldest son. It makes me think of him. Long story for another day why, but I think of him and I think of the time my daughter sang this to him and he was smiling when she did.
Good times back then, good times.
Anyway, this concludes my playlist for today.
I have some baking to do and we are heading to a friend's house for lunch. I'm looking forward to spending time with this friend of mine. She is a new found friend and one I enjoy talking to a lot.
Have a lovely Monday.
Until later.........
Sunday, February 16, 2014
A Sleepover Bedtime Story
Another Valentine's Day come and gone.
I survived it.
Thank Goodness.
It was very nice actually. I got some amazing gifts from my students, a card from my friend/coworker and a card from my youngest twin son who took time out to thank me for taking them to Burger King.
To me Valentine's Day is basically another day on the calendar. I don't cry into a glass of wine while watching sappy romantic comedies wishing I had someone to share that day with. Because the truth is I have three very wonderful little people to share that special day with.
My kids had a sleepover last night. I told them lights out at 1 a.m. no later. Because it's a weekend and a sleepover and I figured I'd give my kids the benefit of the doubt when it came to trusting them with their bedtime as well as letting them stay up just a little bit later than the usual midnight pumpkin time. I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning(I fell asleep on the couch about 11:30) to find all three boys on their phones playing games all laying on the floor in my room. I was not a happy camper at all.
Number one it was way past their allotted bedtime.
Number two they were in my room.
My son proceeds to tell me that was where his phone charger was and he needed to charge his phone. I explained to him that there are four other outlets in his room to charge his phone at, and there was no reason they needed to be in my room. My computer is in here, but thankfully it is password protected so they couldn't get on because I shut it off earlier last night.
I was not happy at all.
I think I was angrier at myself for falling asleep to begin with. Just one and a half hours longer and I could have sent them all to bed on time.
But no, I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. And before I felt myself fluttering off to sleep, I told them what time to go to bed...
...in English...
...a language I know they understand well.....
...but apparently not well enough to to go to bed on time.
At least they weren't loud and noisy like the last time my kids had someone over here. They had decided that they were going to shove balloons in their shirt and jump up against the wall in their room to pop them. It was way after one in the morning when they did that, and that was the LAST time they had a sleepover....last summer.
My daughter and her friend were asleep. Her lava lamp was on as was her bedroom light still. All the lights in the apartment were on too. I'm surprised the beams didn't radiate out into the darkness of our neighborhood that early in the morning causing chaos and panic amongst my neighbors.
Now I'm sitting here, finally done fuming and wondering what we are going to do today. I had plans for mini golf but that just went out the window when they broke the cardinal rule...not listening to my directions when it came to bedtime.
Maybe I'm overreacting, but I don't think so. I trusted them to do what I asked them to do. That's it, nothing more.
A simple request.
I will have to let their house guest know when they wake up, I am not angry with him, but with my boys. Because they know better. Sure, the kid could have told them, "hey your mom said 1 a.m." but what kid is going to do that when he's at another friend's house? I'll cut him some slack here. He's a nice kid.
He didn't eat much either.
I told him he eats like a bird and he laughed at me. I kept trying to feed him more pizza rolls, tacos, and corndogs, but he just wanted the ten pizza rolls I gave him and the two thin mints that he grabbed out of the sleeve of cookies I had offered to him. One tiny cup of soda and that's all he wanted. I even offered him some chips, he didn't want any. He was very polite too.
Quiet and Polite.
Those are the kinds of kids I like spending the night.
Unfortunately for my boys it will be a long time coming before they get another chance at a sleepover.
They blew it.
It might be two years before they get another one....if they're lucky.
I might just decide to give them another break in another couple of months. But they will have to prove they are worthy of my trust, something broken that is hard to repair.
I was really looking forward to 18 holes of mini golf.
It's suppose to be a nice day out today too.
*stomps foot on floor, hunches over and drags feet walking away*
I survived it.
Thank Goodness.
It was very nice actually. I got some amazing gifts from my students, a card from my friend/coworker and a card from my youngest twin son who took time out to thank me for taking them to Burger King.
To me Valentine's Day is basically another day on the calendar. I don't cry into a glass of wine while watching sappy romantic comedies wishing I had someone to share that day with. Because the truth is I have three very wonderful little people to share that special day with.
My kids had a sleepover last night. I told them lights out at 1 a.m. no later. Because it's a weekend and a sleepover and I figured I'd give my kids the benefit of the doubt when it came to trusting them with their bedtime as well as letting them stay up just a little bit later than the usual midnight pumpkin time. I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning(I fell asleep on the couch about 11:30) to find all three boys on their phones playing games all laying on the floor in my room. I was not a happy camper at all.
Number one it was way past their allotted bedtime.
Number two they were in my room.
My son proceeds to tell me that was where his phone charger was and he needed to charge his phone. I explained to him that there are four other outlets in his room to charge his phone at, and there was no reason they needed to be in my room. My computer is in here, but thankfully it is password protected so they couldn't get on because I shut it off earlier last night.
I was not happy at all.
I think I was angrier at myself for falling asleep to begin with. Just one and a half hours longer and I could have sent them all to bed on time.
But no, I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. And before I felt myself fluttering off to sleep, I told them what time to go to bed...
...in English...
...a language I know they understand well.....
...but apparently not well enough to to go to bed on time.
At least they weren't loud and noisy like the last time my kids had someone over here. They had decided that they were going to shove balloons in their shirt and jump up against the wall in their room to pop them. It was way after one in the morning when they did that, and that was the LAST time they had a sleepover....last summer.
My daughter and her friend were asleep. Her lava lamp was on as was her bedroom light still. All the lights in the apartment were on too. I'm surprised the beams didn't radiate out into the darkness of our neighborhood that early in the morning causing chaos and panic amongst my neighbors.
Now I'm sitting here, finally done fuming and wondering what we are going to do today. I had plans for mini golf but that just went out the window when they broke the cardinal rule...not listening to my directions when it came to bedtime.
Maybe I'm overreacting, but I don't think so. I trusted them to do what I asked them to do. That's it, nothing more.
A simple request.
I will have to let their house guest know when they wake up, I am not angry with him, but with my boys. Because they know better. Sure, the kid could have told them, "hey your mom said 1 a.m." but what kid is going to do that when he's at another friend's house? I'll cut him some slack here. He's a nice kid.
He didn't eat much either.
I told him he eats like a bird and he laughed at me. I kept trying to feed him more pizza rolls, tacos, and corndogs, but he just wanted the ten pizza rolls I gave him and the two thin mints that he grabbed out of the sleeve of cookies I had offered to him. One tiny cup of soda and that's all he wanted. I even offered him some chips, he didn't want any. He was very polite too.
Quiet and Polite.
Those are the kinds of kids I like spending the night.
Unfortunately for my boys it will be a long time coming before they get another chance at a sleepover.
They blew it.
It might be two years before they get another one....if they're lucky.
I might just decide to give them another break in another couple of months. But they will have to prove they are worthy of my trust, something broken that is hard to repair.
I was really looking forward to 18 holes of mini golf.
It's suppose to be a nice day out today too.
*stomps foot on floor, hunches over and drags feet walking away*
Thursday, February 13, 2014
It's a Thursday Blog Post...Just Because
Thank goodness it's Thursday. I can't wait for the weekend, it's going to be busy but a fun busy around here. I'm taking my kids out for some fun stuff this weekend, and then Sunday I am going to let them have a sleepover with a friend of theirs at our place. Monday we were invited to dinner at a friend's home and my kids were so excited when I told them the news.
Good times good times.
I had a brief moment of sadness this morning. It's my granddaughter's birthday and I can't be there with her to celebrate. I want so much to see that little bundle of happiness. She turns two today. I miss her so much. I want so badly to just hop on a plane and go see her. If only I could do that. I was balling my eyes out when I posted her pic this morning on my Facebook page with birthday wishes for her. I wanted to call her but I don't have her mom's new number. I'm sure I'll talk to her eventually it just won't be today. Her momma is really busy and I know how hard it is to juggle being a single mom with work, housework, taking care of kids and everything else that comes along.
I had a fairly good week at work. Actually it was a good week for the most part. My two year anniversary is coming up on Monday and I feel the desire to bake something to celebrate this momentous occasion. I talked to my boss and I felt really good after our little chat. I never know when to talk to her about things, because she is such a busy person and I don't know how she does it. We have a couple of campuses and she is constantly going from one to the other to the other. If you want to stay thin...own a business. Forget diets. If you suffer from insomnia own a business. Because I don't know when my boss actually sleeps.
Anyway, I had a pretty good day yesterday. And tomorrow is Valentine's day and I have to make sure all our little friends have their Valentine's Day bags they decorated lined up and ready to go for their gifts. They turned out really cute. We also made some cute puppies out of hearts yesterday and those are really, really adorable. I'll have to post a pic on my blog here before we take them down. I was giggling at some of them, because where the ears should go they had the eyes glued, and where the eyes were suppose to be the nose was. I love it. I don't tell them how to put it together, I just make a sample and let them do their own thing. It is, after all, their art not mine.
So with tomorrow being "Single's Awareness Day", ahem, I mean, Valentine's Day a coworker of mine and I were talking about that a few days ago. I told her I'm not even bummed about it. To me it's just another day on the calendar. I won't lie, the first year I was single, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
I cried.
I won't lie here.
But each successive year it got easier and easier to be single. I told my coworker, "Look at us(she's single too), we can watch whatever we want on TV, we can sprawl out all over the bed, eat whatever we want to eat whenever we want to eat it, go anywhere we want to go and our money is really OUR money." Not to mention, there is no arguing over the way the toilet paper roll should be put on the holder, or if we forget to put the cap on the toothpaste or not.
It's a beautiful life....singledom that is.
That's not saying there aren't some nights I miss cuddling with a nice fella. But I have two ten year old fellas right here and a daughter who I can cuddle with if I need a few extra hugs on a good or bad day or vice versa. It's not so bad.
Life is okay for now. Actually life is good. And to add the drama or obligation of a committed relationship to a man at this point in my life, just doesn't seem feasible right now.
Maybe when I'm fifty, and my kids are older and I am wiser and hopefully make better choices when it comes to giving my heart away.
But for now, I'm content with singledom.
I enjoy time spent with my babies. I enjoy lounging around in my jammies on a Saturday morning, coffee on my desk blogging or playing games online or heading out shopping for a thing or two here and there. It's not so bad really.
So for all of those folks out there who are pining away looking for that perfect Mr. or Mrs. "Right", or Mr. or Mrs. "Right Now", hang in there, be patient and enjoy your peace and solitude. It really isn't as bad as you think being single.
Take on the perspective of the glass is half full vs. half empty and I guarantee it will help you greatly in surviving the single years.
For all my fellow single souls out there, this is for you(love this song):
Good times good times.
I had a brief moment of sadness this morning. It's my granddaughter's birthday and I can't be there with her to celebrate. I want so much to see that little bundle of happiness. She turns two today. I miss her so much. I want so badly to just hop on a plane and go see her. If only I could do that. I was balling my eyes out when I posted her pic this morning on my Facebook page with birthday wishes for her. I wanted to call her but I don't have her mom's new number. I'm sure I'll talk to her eventually it just won't be today. Her momma is really busy and I know how hard it is to juggle being a single mom with work, housework, taking care of kids and everything else that comes along.
I had a fairly good week at work. Actually it was a good week for the most part. My two year anniversary is coming up on Monday and I feel the desire to bake something to celebrate this momentous occasion. I talked to my boss and I felt really good after our little chat. I never know when to talk to her about things, because she is such a busy person and I don't know how she does it. We have a couple of campuses and she is constantly going from one to the other to the other. If you want to stay thin...own a business. Forget diets. If you suffer from insomnia own a business. Because I don't know when my boss actually sleeps.
Anyway, I had a pretty good day yesterday. And tomorrow is Valentine's day and I have to make sure all our little friends have their Valentine's Day bags they decorated lined up and ready to go for their gifts. They turned out really cute. We also made some cute puppies out of hearts yesterday and those are really, really adorable. I'll have to post a pic on my blog here before we take them down. I was giggling at some of them, because where the ears should go they had the eyes glued, and where the eyes were suppose to be the nose was. I love it. I don't tell them how to put it together, I just make a sample and let them do their own thing. It is, after all, their art not mine.
So with tomorrow being "Single's Awareness Day", ahem, I mean, Valentine's Day a coworker of mine and I were talking about that a few days ago. I told her I'm not even bummed about it. To me it's just another day on the calendar. I won't lie, the first year I was single, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
I cried.
I won't lie here.
But each successive year it got easier and easier to be single. I told my coworker, "Look at us(she's single too), we can watch whatever we want on TV, we can sprawl out all over the bed, eat whatever we want to eat whenever we want to eat it, go anywhere we want to go and our money is really OUR money." Not to mention, there is no arguing over the way the toilet paper roll should be put on the holder, or if we forget to put the cap on the toothpaste or not.
It's a beautiful life....singledom that is.
That's not saying there aren't some nights I miss cuddling with a nice fella. But I have two ten year old fellas right here and a daughter who I can cuddle with if I need a few extra hugs on a good or bad day or vice versa. It's not so bad.
Life is okay for now. Actually life is good. And to add the drama or obligation of a committed relationship to a man at this point in my life, just doesn't seem feasible right now.
Maybe when I'm fifty, and my kids are older and I am wiser and hopefully make better choices when it comes to giving my heart away.
But for now, I'm content with singledom.
I enjoy time spent with my babies. I enjoy lounging around in my jammies on a Saturday morning, coffee on my desk blogging or playing games online or heading out shopping for a thing or two here and there. It's not so bad really.
So for all of those folks out there who are pining away looking for that perfect Mr. or Mrs. "Right", or Mr. or Mrs. "Right Now", hang in there, be patient and enjoy your peace and solitude. It really isn't as bad as you think being single.
Take on the perspective of the glass is half full vs. half empty and I guarantee it will help you greatly in surviving the single years.
For all my fellow single souls out there, this is for you(love this song):
Sunday, February 9, 2014
The Weekend is Over Already?
I had the busiest day of my weekend.
I woke up this morning around 6:30 or so and played some Papa Pear, had some chocolate swirl coffee that I got on sale yesterday and some chocolate creme Oreos. Then I started feeling a bit "icky" thought I was coming down with something so I took a nap and woke up around noon. Called my ex to call the guy who was going to fix my brakes. We set a time of 2:00.
Okay, I get dressed, I'm on my way and the light on my radio/clock panel starts flickering, then it just shuts off. The radio still works, I can change the stations and volume and all that, I just can't see what station I'm on or what time it is. So I'm in my car and I'm talking to it, "Okay, I am treating you well, I changed your oil, your fluids in the transmission, don't conk out on me now." I shut off the radio and turned it back on, the display came back, only to go away when I hit a bump on the road.
I get to the guy's house and he goes to get the brake pads that the previous owner had purchased for the car. He opens the box and shakes his head.
It's the wrong brake pads.
No way.
So we head down to the auto parts store and I get some "organic" brakes that were the cheapest ones. I also have to have my rotors turned, but he said I'll be okay until I can save up a little more money to do that. I don't understand how brakes can be organic to begin with. You don't eat them. They can be recyclable or they can even be "earth friendly" but organic?? I didn't quite understand that concept. There are no GMOs in brake pads, so maybe that's why they are organic??
What should have been about an hour's worth of work, turned into a two hour fest of maintenance. I'm not complaining, because this friend of my ex was really thorough. He even checked the rear brakes just to make sure they were okay. I can tell you, I now know how to replace brake pads, but truth be told, I'll still have him do it instead should I ever need them done again.
I headed out to Target to find my kids some socks and underwear. Dear God $11.64 for a five pack of underwear!!!!! I could sew about ten pairs for that price. And socks were almost $8. Don't they have any generic cotton plants to make these socks and underwear with??
I also got myself some make up and a make up brush that was on sale for a buck. I'm trying a new eyeshadow color, we'll see how this goes.
I may end up looking like Tammy Faye Baker(remember her in all her glory, with all her caked on makeup that made her look like something out of the circus?? Then she'd cry...well...you get the deal here), let's hope not though. I'm going with some blue hues for a change. I have hazel eyes, and I usually wear purples and pinks and light mauve colors, but I'm kind of purpled out here. So I'm going with something new.
I went to Wally World and got myself two shirts and a pair of jeans that were on sale for $9. That was a steal pretty much. I won't pay more than $12 for a pair of jeans or shorts. I'm frugal that way. Which is why I only own two pair of capri pants that I bought last year around tax time when I had a little extra money.
The only pair of shorts I owned, denim ones, are now filled with holes all over. Although, I see some styles like that are coming back again. So I guess my old holey pants are cool. So I guess I'll wear them around the house this spring until I can afford another pair on sale.
I also got a back pack for my son, because his dad's dog ate a huge hole in the one he had at the beginning of the school year. I will give that dog a talking to if she eats this one too.
I got home and called the kids dad. He had called me during my shopping spree at Target and to be honest I heard what he said but I wasn't really listening. He's having some issues, and I'm not going to air his laundry here, this is my blog not his, but I told him "I didn't want to seem like an insensitive bitch, so let me see if I can help you out with this(dilemma he's in)." So we chatted, and what I assumed would be a quick and simple five minute conversation turned into a good twenty minute talk.
It was nice actually. Good that we can communicate without name-calling or wishing ill-will on one another like some divorced/separated/broken up couples often do, especially when they have kids. I was giving him some cheap and easy dinner recipes for the kids to eat, ones that I know they really, really like. As we were talking he mentioned he is making them lobster and shrimp scampi with steak. I told him I don't have a broiler and haven't made steak since I've lived here. As we are talking, I look in the drawer thingy on the stove beneath the oven, and what do you know?
I've been here two years and never knew that pan was in there. How crazy is that?
Wait, it gets better.
He goes to look in his lower drawer thingy on the stove and finds two broiler pans in there. We were both cracking up.
Because he bought the one he was using.
Anyway, so I'm just glad he and I can be civil to each other. Maybe we can even be friends again. Like real friends, not like "Oh we have kids together we need to be nice to each other" but friends. Hang out with the kids and go to barbecues and stuff and just be good old fashioned friends.
That would be nice.
Anyway, I kept trying to go, but he kept on talking.
So I let him talk.
Because what else did I have to do anyway? And it was actually kind of fun chatting with the guy. He's a pretty funny fella.
And it wasn't awkward or annoying or anything like that. It was kind of like when I talk to other friends of mine.
Maybe I should mark this date on my calendar. Who knows if we'll have another friendly conversation again in this lifetime?
I'm sure we will...maybe....I think.
Oh well....
I finally made my dinner and damn was it good! I had tilapia and I fried it in some oil and then seasoned it with garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper. When it was done I poured some melted butter that I put lemon juice and pepper in and stirred around and goodness was that stuff good! I made rice to go with it. That was tasty too. Reminded me of the rice my grandma use to make. Smelled like her kitchen in here.
Loved that.
Now I'm just sitting here doing absolutely nothing.
Well...except for blogging of course.
I need to go clean my kitchen. Then maybe bake some lemon squares. I've been wanting to do that forever.
I owe my friend D all the edges of a pan of lemon squares, she only likes the edges. And she stayed late for me last week, so I owe her.
Big time!
Okay, I'm off this thing for now.
Have a lovely week.
I'll try and come back tomorrow, but making no promises whatsoever.
I leave you with this beautiful pic and thought for tomorrow:

Magickal Graphics
I woke up this morning around 6:30 or so and played some Papa Pear, had some chocolate swirl coffee that I got on sale yesterday and some chocolate creme Oreos. Then I started feeling a bit "icky" thought I was coming down with something so I took a nap and woke up around noon. Called my ex to call the guy who was going to fix my brakes. We set a time of 2:00.
Okay, I get dressed, I'm on my way and the light on my radio/clock panel starts flickering, then it just shuts off. The radio still works, I can change the stations and volume and all that, I just can't see what station I'm on or what time it is. So I'm in my car and I'm talking to it, "Okay, I am treating you well, I changed your oil, your fluids in the transmission, don't conk out on me now." I shut off the radio and turned it back on, the display came back, only to go away when I hit a bump on the road.
I get to the guy's house and he goes to get the brake pads that the previous owner had purchased for the car. He opens the box and shakes his head.
It's the wrong brake pads.
No way.
So we head down to the auto parts store and I get some "organic" brakes that were the cheapest ones. I also have to have my rotors turned, but he said I'll be okay until I can save up a little more money to do that. I don't understand how brakes can be organic to begin with. You don't eat them. They can be recyclable or they can even be "earth friendly" but organic?? I didn't quite understand that concept. There are no GMOs in brake pads, so maybe that's why they are organic??
What should have been about an hour's worth of work, turned into a two hour fest of maintenance. I'm not complaining, because this friend of my ex was really thorough. He even checked the rear brakes just to make sure they were okay. I can tell you, I now know how to replace brake pads, but truth be told, I'll still have him do it instead should I ever need them done again.
I headed out to Target to find my kids some socks and underwear. Dear God $11.64 for a five pack of underwear!!!!! I could sew about ten pairs for that price. And socks were almost $8. Don't they have any generic cotton plants to make these socks and underwear with??
I also got myself some make up and a make up brush that was on sale for a buck. I'm trying a new eyeshadow color, we'll see how this goes.
I may end up looking like Tammy Faye Baker(remember her in all her glory, with all her caked on makeup that made her look like something out of the circus?? Then she'd cry...well...you get the deal here), let's hope not though. I'm going with some blue hues for a change. I have hazel eyes, and I usually wear purples and pinks and light mauve colors, but I'm kind of purpled out here. So I'm going with something new.
I went to Wally World and got myself two shirts and a pair of jeans that were on sale for $9. That was a steal pretty much. I won't pay more than $12 for a pair of jeans or shorts. I'm frugal that way. Which is why I only own two pair of capri pants that I bought last year around tax time when I had a little extra money.
The only pair of shorts I owned, denim ones, are now filled with holes all over. Although, I see some styles like that are coming back again. So I guess my old holey pants are cool. So I guess I'll wear them around the house this spring until I can afford another pair on sale.
I also got a back pack for my son, because his dad's dog ate a huge hole in the one he had at the beginning of the school year. I will give that dog a talking to if she eats this one too.
I got home and called the kids dad. He had called me during my shopping spree at Target and to be honest I heard what he said but I wasn't really listening. He's having some issues, and I'm not going to air his laundry here, this is my blog not his, but I told him "I didn't want to seem like an insensitive bitch, so let me see if I can help you out with this(dilemma he's in)." So we chatted, and what I assumed would be a quick and simple five minute conversation turned into a good twenty minute talk.
It was nice actually. Good that we can communicate without name-calling or wishing ill-will on one another like some divorced/separated/broken up couples often do, especially when they have kids. I was giving him some cheap and easy dinner recipes for the kids to eat, ones that I know they really, really like. As we were talking he mentioned he is making them lobster and shrimp scampi with steak. I told him I don't have a broiler and haven't made steak since I've lived here. As we are talking, I look in the drawer thingy on the stove beneath the oven, and what do you know?
I've been here two years and never knew that pan was in there. How crazy is that?
Wait, it gets better.
He goes to look in his lower drawer thingy on the stove and finds two broiler pans in there. We were both cracking up.
Because he bought the one he was using.
Anyway, so I'm just glad he and I can be civil to each other. Maybe we can even be friends again. Like real friends, not like "Oh we have kids together we need to be nice to each other" but friends. Hang out with the kids and go to barbecues and stuff and just be good old fashioned friends.
That would be nice.
Anyway, I kept trying to go, but he kept on talking.
So I let him talk.
Because what else did I have to do anyway? And it was actually kind of fun chatting with the guy. He's a pretty funny fella.
And it wasn't awkward or annoying or anything like that. It was kind of like when I talk to other friends of mine.
Maybe I should mark this date on my calendar. Who knows if we'll have another friendly conversation again in this lifetime?
I'm sure we will...maybe....I think.
Oh well....
I finally made my dinner and damn was it good! I had tilapia and I fried it in some oil and then seasoned it with garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper. When it was done I poured some melted butter that I put lemon juice and pepper in and stirred around and goodness was that stuff good! I made rice to go with it. That was tasty too. Reminded me of the rice my grandma use to make. Smelled like her kitchen in here.
Loved that.
Now I'm just sitting here doing absolutely nothing.
Well...except for blogging of course.
I need to go clean my kitchen. Then maybe bake some lemon squares. I've been wanting to do that forever.
I owe my friend D all the edges of a pan of lemon squares, she only likes the edges. And she stayed late for me last week, so I owe her.
Big time!
Okay, I'm off this thing for now.
Have a lovely week.
I'll try and come back tomorrow, but making no promises whatsoever.
I leave you with this beautiful pic and thought for tomorrow:
Magickal Graphics
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Positivity and Giving Thanks
I'm back.
I was sitting here watching TV and caught the last half hour of that movie "You've Got Mail". Cute movie, old movie, one of the classic romantic comedies of the 90's. It was the 90's I think.
I opened up my Smirnoff Cherry Lemonade frozen thingy. It's quite tasty and after this blog I'm heading to bed. I knew it would make me tired, because I'm a lightweight and I don't drink but maybe two times a year. I use to have Margarita weekend birthdays, but I stopped those about 3 years ago. Probably because my birthday hasn't been on a weekend.
I've been having such introspective thoughts this evening, even more so after opening my frozen drink.

I've been busy studying Buddhism. I find their philosophy very intriguing. They have a positive spin on even the most dire of circumstances. I like it. It's refreshing. I have adapted some of Buddhist teachings in my own life. I do a meditation every morning that a friend of mine told me about. And if I can't do it in the morning, I chant it to myself at work, or do it in the evening. I try to stay positive no matter what happens. I give thanks for every little thing. I try to keep peace about me no matter what happens in my day.
For instance, without going into detail there was a situation with someone me and a friend of mine had to deal with. Normally, I would have gossiped and talked ill of this person out of sheer frustration. Instead, I told my friend that I had listened to my meditation music and nothing was going to ruin my day. Not even this person's negative attitude. She stormed out of the room we were in and slammed the door behind her. I wasn't going to let her mood control mine. I understood her frustration, and while it wasn't warranted in the moment, she went her way and I continued with my day.
End of story.
There is also another person I deal with frequently. An "acquaintance" of sorts. This person use to get to me with her superior persona. But lately, I am finding that the more I extend peace her way, her words don't get my goat so to speak anymore.
Am I growing spiritually?
Not sure.
I'm just enjoying this little bit of quiet in my head and peace flowing through my body.
It's a pleasant change.
Now if I could just pass this peaceful place onto my children, our lives would be good. I know it would take something like a miracle for my kids to be more peaceful and less stressful and angry, but I believe anything is possible.
Including my kids behaving a little better.
Just better.
I don't know what I believe to be honest. Is there a God isn't there a God? Or a Goddess? Or some great and powerful Oz? I do know for a fact that someone is watching over me, maybe it's my ancestors or a guardian angel, or my ancestors who really are guardian angels.
But there are so many variables to having faith in any one certain deity, I just can't be sure.
So I just sit down every night, or whenever I have a complex situation or even if my day is going good. I will say, "Whoever is listening, give me a sign," or "Help me out here please, I'm lost." I usually find the answers or a blessing is given to me and I give thanks for that blessing.
It's kind of like anonymous donors. Someone gives a gift to a charity. The charity publicly thanks them. The blessings of donations continue to flourish. It could be from the same anonymous donor, or a known donor but giving thanks, in my opinion anyway, is like circling the universe with a warm hug of love.
And when one feels the love it is often reciprocated.
Even on a bad day.
So, that's my philosophy on philosophy of Buddhism and spirituality in general.
I don't like the word religion, it's too constricting. The word Spirituality, however, leaves the door open for other belief systems to embrace your beliefs and join you.
Does that make sense to you?
It does to me.
Okay, I'm going to go for now. Yes, this is my three blog limit for the day.
It's only 9:30 here and I am so tired.
Too much thinking and too much drinking makes Barbie really tired.
Have a lovely night/day/morning wherever you are.
Thank you for stopping by.
I'll be back tomorrow I am sure.
Until then........Breathe....

~Magickal Graphics~
I was sitting here watching TV and caught the last half hour of that movie "You've Got Mail". Cute movie, old movie, one of the classic romantic comedies of the 90's. It was the 90's I think.
I opened up my Smirnoff Cherry Lemonade frozen thingy. It's quite tasty and after this blog I'm heading to bed. I knew it would make me tired, because I'm a lightweight and I don't drink but maybe two times a year. I use to have Margarita weekend birthdays, but I stopped those about 3 years ago. Probably because my birthday hasn't been on a weekend.
I've been having such introspective thoughts this evening, even more so after opening my frozen drink.
I've been busy studying Buddhism. I find their philosophy very intriguing. They have a positive spin on even the most dire of circumstances. I like it. It's refreshing. I have adapted some of Buddhist teachings in my own life. I do a meditation every morning that a friend of mine told me about. And if I can't do it in the morning, I chant it to myself at work, or do it in the evening. I try to stay positive no matter what happens. I give thanks for every little thing. I try to keep peace about me no matter what happens in my day.
For instance, without going into detail there was a situation with someone me and a friend of mine had to deal with. Normally, I would have gossiped and talked ill of this person out of sheer frustration. Instead, I told my friend that I had listened to my meditation music and nothing was going to ruin my day. Not even this person's negative attitude. She stormed out of the room we were in and slammed the door behind her. I wasn't going to let her mood control mine. I understood her frustration, and while it wasn't warranted in the moment, she went her way and I continued with my day.
End of story.
There is also another person I deal with frequently. An "acquaintance" of sorts. This person use to get to me with her superior persona. But lately, I am finding that the more I extend peace her way, her words don't get my goat so to speak anymore.
Am I growing spiritually?
Not sure.
I'm just enjoying this little bit of quiet in my head and peace flowing through my body.
It's a pleasant change.
Now if I could just pass this peaceful place onto my children, our lives would be good. I know it would take something like a miracle for my kids to be more peaceful and less stressful and angry, but I believe anything is possible.
Including my kids behaving a little better.
Just better.
I don't know what I believe to be honest. Is there a God isn't there a God? Or a Goddess? Or some great and powerful Oz? I do know for a fact that someone is watching over me, maybe it's my ancestors or a guardian angel, or my ancestors who really are guardian angels.
But there are so many variables to having faith in any one certain deity, I just can't be sure.
So I just sit down every night, or whenever I have a complex situation or even if my day is going good. I will say, "Whoever is listening, give me a sign," or "Help me out here please, I'm lost." I usually find the answers or a blessing is given to me and I give thanks for that blessing.
It's kind of like anonymous donors. Someone gives a gift to a charity. The charity publicly thanks them. The blessings of donations continue to flourish. It could be from the same anonymous donor, or a known donor but giving thanks, in my opinion anyway, is like circling the universe with a warm hug of love.
And when one feels the love it is often reciprocated.
Even on a bad day.
So, that's my philosophy on philosophy of Buddhism and spirituality in general.
I don't like the word religion, it's too constricting. The word Spirituality, however, leaves the door open for other belief systems to embrace your beliefs and join you.
Does that make sense to you?
It does to me.
Okay, I'm going to go for now. Yes, this is my three blog limit for the day.
It's only 9:30 here and I am so tired.
Too much thinking and too much drinking makes Barbie really tired.
Have a lovely night/day/morning wherever you are.
Thank you for stopping by.
I'll be back tomorrow I am sure.
Until then........Breathe....
~Magickal Graphics~
I'm Randomly Bantering About Nothing Really Important At All Here
Here's a picture of a cloud I took this evening as the sun was setting.
It looked like the face of a cat on my cell phone, but the larger picture doesn't look so much like that. I guess you need to use your imagination.
It looks like a cat, sort of when the photo is this small, but when I view it larger then it doesn't look so much like a cat. But the clouds are still pretty cool.
My day was so crazy. I'm glad it's almost over. I bought myself a smirnoff squeezie. Yeah, I've been working around toddlers and preschoolers way too long when I refer to a frozen alcoholic drink as a squeezie.
I got my transmission fluid done, my oil changed, I got my check cashed for the van that I sold and had towed away, then I went to the grocery store and spent fifty bucks there for a few things. Came home, had some dinner and now I'm trying to get motivated to clean my apartment.
So far the motivation has left the station and hasn't come back.
Then I wanted to pay my cable bill while at the store. I know I put the bill in my purse, but as my luck would have it, I couldn't find the damn thing anywhere. So I told the girl behind the counter, who is really nice by the way, that I guess I wasn't meant to pay that bill today.
"I'll come back tomorrow", I told her.
We'll see.
Maybe not.
I'd like to go shopping for some clothes for me. And I still have a gift card for $50 to Marshall's that I have yet to use. Not to mention a $25 gift card to Bath and Body Works. Not quite sure I'll make it to either of those places, but I sure as hell am going to try anyway.
My son also needs a new backpack. His dad's dog ate it...literally tore a hole in it. So I need to find that too. And all my kids need new underwear/socks and that kind of stuff. So, I at least have to make it to Wally World or Target whichever I feel like driving to. Both are about the same distance.
Now there is some kid screaming at the top of his lungs. I know it's not my kids they are with dad this week. So, whoever it is, they need to pick up their cell phone and dial whoever they are looking for. This is really annoying. Worse than a non-stop, ever-blaring car alarm.
Well, I really I have nothing more to say.
Oh, here's a funny for ya as I make my exit here.
So my ex came back here with the kids for a brief nanosecond to get some of their things. He gave me a ride back to the car place, because the guy said it would be done between two and three. It was 2:30 when he dropped me off. Around 3:20 I am sitting in the waiting area and I hear the guy(who mind you, saw and grinned at me through that window they have so you can make sure they don't accidentally cut a wire they shouldn't and babysit your car basically while repairs and maintenance are done) he is calling my house and leaving a message, "Hi Barb, this is (insert place here) and your car is just about ready." As he is finishing the phone call, I peek around the corner and say "Here I am!" He is looking at me totally dumbfounded and says, "Oh, you're here already, why did I call you?" and he is grinning from ear to ear.
I couldn't help it, was quite hilarious to say the least.
At least he was a good sport about it.
Okay it may not be hilarious to you, but I'm guessing it's one of those "had to be there moments" of some kind.
I'm running out of stuff to say. So I'll just end this now.
I need some type of pick me up here, to get my writing juices flowing.
Who knows maybe after my frozen drink I'll come back later....if I don't pass out from exhaustion first.
It looked like the face of a cat on my cell phone, but the larger picture doesn't look so much like that. I guess you need to use your imagination.
It looks like a cat, sort of when the photo is this small, but when I view it larger then it doesn't look so much like a cat. But the clouds are still pretty cool.
My day was so crazy. I'm glad it's almost over. I bought myself a smirnoff squeezie. Yeah, I've been working around toddlers and preschoolers way too long when I refer to a frozen alcoholic drink as a squeezie.
I got my transmission fluid done, my oil changed, I got my check cashed for the van that I sold and had towed away, then I went to the grocery store and spent fifty bucks there for a few things. Came home, had some dinner and now I'm trying to get motivated to clean my apartment.
So far the motivation has left the station and hasn't come back.
Then I wanted to pay my cable bill while at the store. I know I put the bill in my purse, but as my luck would have it, I couldn't find the damn thing anywhere. So I told the girl behind the counter, who is really nice by the way, that I guess I wasn't meant to pay that bill today.
"I'll come back tomorrow", I told her.
We'll see.
Maybe not.
I'd like to go shopping for some clothes for me. And I still have a gift card for $50 to Marshall's that I have yet to use. Not to mention a $25 gift card to Bath and Body Works. Not quite sure I'll make it to either of those places, but I sure as hell am going to try anyway.
My son also needs a new backpack. His dad's dog ate it...literally tore a hole in it. So I need to find that too. And all my kids need new underwear/socks and that kind of stuff. So, I at least have to make it to Wally World or Target whichever I feel like driving to. Both are about the same distance.
Now there is some kid screaming at the top of his lungs. I know it's not my kids they are with dad this week. So, whoever it is, they need to pick up their cell phone and dial whoever they are looking for. This is really annoying. Worse than a non-stop, ever-blaring car alarm.
Well, I really I have nothing more to say.
Oh, here's a funny for ya as I make my exit here.
So my ex came back here with the kids for a brief nanosecond to get some of their things. He gave me a ride back to the car place, because the guy said it would be done between two and three. It was 2:30 when he dropped me off. Around 3:20 I am sitting in the waiting area and I hear the guy(who mind you, saw and grinned at me through that window they have so you can make sure they don't accidentally cut a wire they shouldn't and babysit your car basically while repairs and maintenance are done) he is calling my house and leaving a message, "Hi Barb, this is (insert place here) and your car is just about ready." As he is finishing the phone call, I peek around the corner and say "Here I am!" He is looking at me totally dumbfounded and says, "Oh, you're here already, why did I call you?" and he is grinning from ear to ear.
I couldn't help it, was quite hilarious to say the least.
At least he was a good sport about it.
Okay it may not be hilarious to you, but I'm guessing it's one of those "had to be there moments" of some kind.
I'm running out of stuff to say. So I'll just end this now.
I need some type of pick me up here, to get my writing juices flowing.
Who knows maybe after my frozen drink I'll come back later....if I don't pass out from exhaustion first.
She's Gone and I'm Happy
The Beast is gone!
It was a bittersweet moment watching this guy tow my van. A lot of memories with my kids in that van over the past seven years it has been ever so loyal to me. Despite the few breakdowns it had, the overheating, the stalling, the brakes going out, and the time I sat on the side of the road because my gas ran out and the gauge was broken so I was unaware how low it really was as I sat on the side of the road, hood up and not one person out of the 234 vehicles that passed by me that day(yes, I was so bored I counted the cars) in the blistering 110 degree heat that summer day, this van had a lot of good times attached to it.
I drove my son, who is now 22 in that van when he was just 16 years old. I picked him up many a night well into midnight in that van. I remember going for my TB test for work and stopping at Walgreen's parking lot where I use to pick him up from the bus stop...and I cried. I remembered him sitting in that passenger's seat with me and talking about his evening.
I remember taking my kids to see Santa in that van when my two middle men still lived with me. Trips to doctors and school functions all are memories in that van. Trips to picnics and summer days at the splash park with my middle men and the other children of mine.
Then there are some not so nice memories that I'd much sooner forget than rehash that happened with the van.
I'm glad she's gone, but I will miss her somewhat.
It's a new beginning now. A new car a new lease on a better life for me and my kids. New memories to make, new things to come into our lives, new, positive days ahead. I'm trying to stay focused on the good things that are to come and trying so hard not to think about my positive bubble popping.
Because I tend to do that. Good things happen to me and I always wait for the bad things to follow directly behind it. Every time I find myself doing that, I stop that negativity train in it's tracks and focus on the good things I already have:
A job for starters: Granted some days are somewhat drama-induced and stressful, but for the most part I like what I do. It's fun. It's fulfilling and it's a paycheck.
A new running vehicle: Which will get my children and I safely to our destinations, not to mention it's a pretty sweet looking ride too.
My health and my children's health: Yes, there are some days that I wish I could not feel so tired or have aches and pains that I never even knew existed in my twenties. But I can still walk, talk, hear and see. I'll take my blessings where I can get them.
A place to live: Granted, this isn't "home" to me, but it's a place to lay my sometimes weary, achy self when I need to.
Food on the table: Probably the biggest blessing for me and my kids, who some days could eat me out of house and home.
I'm procrastinating at the moment. I should be getting the tune up done on my car, but I'm sitting here instead. I needed a brief respite from the busy-ness of my morning. Yes, busy-ness isn't really a word, but oh well.
I had a good week overall.
Now I need to get going. It's going to be a couple of hours for my car to be tuned up. And I'm going to grab a bite to eat while I'm waiting then take the long walk back home.
Thankfully it's a nice day out today. 67 degrees for the high.
I just don't feel like leaving my apartment. Guess I'll clean it while I'm waiting on my car to be done.
I'll be back later I'm sure.
But until then....have a great day folks!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
My Happy Birthday
He also asked a female server, carrying a huge pile of dishes if she could tell our server to sing to me, apparently on his second trip out of our booth to the "bathroom".
We were going to go to Denny's or Ihop and we probably should have instead.
Monday, February 3, 2014
My Recap of the Past Twenty-Four Hours
I'm sitting here...just waiting....for this car I hope is in good condition.
My ex went to check it out for me, and he is going to let me know if it's in good condition. I had to leave work early so I could come home, call the insurance, call the tow place to get my Beast and figure out how much it would cost to register the new vehicle. This is such a pain, because stuff I should be able to do on the weekend, I have to do in one day.
I have to run to the insurance office and pay and get proof of insurance. I also have to run to the DMV which is on the other side of town. Then I have to hopefully get back to work before the end of shift so my poor friend doesn't have to work a ten hour day. She was kind enough to stay late for me if I don't get back, but the day she was having already, I really want to get back there soon. What's meant to be will be however, and we'll just see what happens. I may or may not get back there.
I am just waiting on the ex to call back and let me know when he is coming to get me. He is looking at the car with a mechanic friend of his. So hopefully it's a good car.
While I'm waiting I guess I'll just share some random things.
I watched the Superbowl. The team I picked won and the team my boys picked lost. Every one kept saying it was a boring game, didn't seem so to me, but I guess that's because I don't normally watch football. It was exciting for me, especially when my team would intercept the ball. The first time it happened, I yelled out, "Thank you little orange man for giving my team the ball!" then I started to giggle and the boys were cracking up at me.
I have been watching the buzzfeed on Facebook about the "Un-American Coke Ad" that apparently played(and I missed...probably because I was in my neighbor's apartment downstairs when my daughter was playing with the neighbor's kids and I was looking for my daughter's shoes, which we later found out were still in my daughter's bedroom). This Coke ad has people's panties in a twirl. Apparently, our National Anthem can only be sung in English, despite the fact our country is filled with a mish mosh of ethnicity. If anyone should complain it's the Native American. Thankfully my Polish ancestors weren't the ones who took their land as they didn't come here until 1900. And I have to say that the Native Americans are the only ones who would have any right complaining about what language the National Anthem should be sung in anyway.
Was there even a Native American in the ad???
Either sing the National Anthem in all languages, or don't sing it at all; that should solve everyone's problem.
Apparently that was the idea behind Coke's ad. They sang it in all the languages...at least that's how I interpreted the ads to be. Because every time I try to view it, it freezes up on me. I went to Youtube and even CNN's page when I clicked on the link on Facebook and I got an Esurance ad and then a black screen.
So...just going by here say and not actual fact, I can only come to the conclusion that some Americans who are all immigrants(except the aforementioned Native Americans) have a problem with immigrants of other countries singing our country's National Anthem in their native tongue.
Which spaceship did these individuals arrive on? Because last time I checked, we all are ancestors of someone who came in on a boat or by foot many moons ago.
I get so tired of people complaining about this race or that race, this language or that one, who is gay and who isn't, who buys cloth diapers and who buys disposable, who drinks Coke and who drinks Pepsi.
Seriously people, get over it already. It's like a bunch of kids on a grade school playground fighting over who has the nicer backpack.
Get a life.
Stop meddling in other people's lives and stop complaining so damn much. Life's too short. If we all just learned to get along and play nice with others life would be so much less complicated and more enjoyable.
I like all people, provided they are respectful and they don't hurt me or my children or my family and dearest friends.
Don't hurt anyone period.
Be kind.
Learn to laugh a little.
Learn to be accepting of others. It doesn't mean you have to agree with them, it just means you need to respect them.
Being open-minded has a lot of advantages.
I have one more story to share and then I have to go. I finally got the call. My ex is on his way. He said this car is "sweet!" and if I didn't need this one so bad, he'd of bought it for himself.
I told him I'll buy him a case of beer for all the running around he's doing.
So anyway, last night my daughter was reading her book to me from school. It's called Totally Crushed, about two girls who like the same boy.
Cute. Typical girly pre-teen book every girl reads.
She was reading it out to me, and she said "Anabelle told her friend Fo-Bee..." I saw the spelling of the name and I burst into tears from laughter. She said "whaaaaaaaaaat?" I said, "Honey," and I tapped her leg, "That's FEE-BEE(Phoebe)!" Oh my God, I could not stop laughing. Then she is laughing and we are both cracking up at each other laughing. This lasted a good five minutes. Even the boys were laughing at us laughing.
Never a dull moment around here.
Well, I need to go. Can't wait to get my new ride. It needs an oil change and brake pads. Other than that it's good to go.
So grateful for the little blessings in life.
Have a wonderful week.
I'll be back on the weekend.
My ex went to check it out for me, and he is going to let me know if it's in good condition. I had to leave work early so I could come home, call the insurance, call the tow place to get my Beast and figure out how much it would cost to register the new vehicle. This is such a pain, because stuff I should be able to do on the weekend, I have to do in one day.
I have to run to the insurance office and pay and get proof of insurance. I also have to run to the DMV which is on the other side of town. Then I have to hopefully get back to work before the end of shift so my poor friend doesn't have to work a ten hour day. She was kind enough to stay late for me if I don't get back, but the day she was having already, I really want to get back there soon. What's meant to be will be however, and we'll just see what happens. I may or may not get back there.
I am just waiting on the ex to call back and let me know when he is coming to get me. He is looking at the car with a mechanic friend of his. So hopefully it's a good car.
While I'm waiting I guess I'll just share some random things.
I watched the Superbowl. The team I picked won and the team my boys picked lost. Every one kept saying it was a boring game, didn't seem so to me, but I guess that's because I don't normally watch football. It was exciting for me, especially when my team would intercept the ball. The first time it happened, I yelled out, "Thank you little orange man for giving my team the ball!" then I started to giggle and the boys were cracking up at me.
I have been watching the buzzfeed on Facebook about the "Un-American Coke Ad" that apparently played(and I missed...probably because I was in my neighbor's apartment downstairs when my daughter was playing with the neighbor's kids and I was looking for my daughter's shoes, which we later found out were still in my daughter's bedroom). This Coke ad has people's panties in a twirl. Apparently, our National Anthem can only be sung in English, despite the fact our country is filled with a mish mosh of ethnicity. If anyone should complain it's the Native American. Thankfully my Polish ancestors weren't the ones who took their land as they didn't come here until 1900. And I have to say that the Native Americans are the only ones who would have any right complaining about what language the National Anthem should be sung in anyway.
Was there even a Native American in the ad???
Either sing the National Anthem in all languages, or don't sing it at all; that should solve everyone's problem.
Apparently that was the idea behind Coke's ad. They sang it in all the languages...at least that's how I interpreted the ads to be. Because every time I try to view it, it freezes up on me. I went to Youtube and even CNN's page when I clicked on the link on Facebook and I got an Esurance ad and then a black screen.
So...just going by here say and not actual fact, I can only come to the conclusion that some Americans who are all immigrants(except the aforementioned Native Americans) have a problem with immigrants of other countries singing our country's National Anthem in their native tongue.
Which spaceship did these individuals arrive on? Because last time I checked, we all are ancestors of someone who came in on a boat or by foot many moons ago.
I get so tired of people complaining about this race or that race, this language or that one, who is gay and who isn't, who buys cloth diapers and who buys disposable, who drinks Coke and who drinks Pepsi.
Seriously people, get over it already. It's like a bunch of kids on a grade school playground fighting over who has the nicer backpack.
Get a life.
Stop meddling in other people's lives and stop complaining so damn much. Life's too short. If we all just learned to get along and play nice with others life would be so much less complicated and more enjoyable.
I like all people, provided they are respectful and they don't hurt me or my children or my family and dearest friends.
Don't hurt anyone period.
Be kind.
Learn to laugh a little.
Learn to be accepting of others. It doesn't mean you have to agree with them, it just means you need to respect them.
Being open-minded has a lot of advantages.
I have one more story to share and then I have to go. I finally got the call. My ex is on his way. He said this car is "sweet!" and if I didn't need this one so bad, he'd of bought it for himself.
I told him I'll buy him a case of beer for all the running around he's doing.
So anyway, last night my daughter was reading her book to me from school. It's called Totally Crushed, about two girls who like the same boy.
Cute. Typical girly pre-teen book every girl reads.
She was reading it out to me, and she said "Anabelle told her friend Fo-Bee..." I saw the spelling of the name and I burst into tears from laughter. She said "whaaaaaaaaaat?" I said, "Honey," and I tapped her leg, "That's FEE-BEE(Phoebe)!" Oh my God, I could not stop laughing. Then she is laughing and we are both cracking up at each other laughing. This lasted a good five minutes. Even the boys were laughing at us laughing.
Never a dull moment around here.
Well, I need to go. Can't wait to get my new ride. It needs an oil change and brake pads. Other than that it's good to go.
So grateful for the little blessings in life.
Have a wonderful week.
I'll be back on the weekend.
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