"Weather" You Like It Or Not
For the second morning in a row a little hummingbird has graced me with his presence.
He comes by and I watch him poke his little head into the buds on the tree outside my patio and then flutter off to another branch. I am so mesmerized just sitting there watching him. This morning, however, he was being bothered by a bee who decided he wanted that same flower bud on the tree. The bird would back up then the bee would go in then the hummingbird would stop hovering and go back in as if he was telling that bee, "I found this first. Go find your own branch."
This exchange went on for about a minute or so, then the hummingbird just decided to head to another branch.
No use fighting over the same thing, it's better to just walk(or fly) away sometimes.
I'm sitting here watching Minute to Win It while drinking some Gevalia Medium Blend Coffee with some Caramel Machiatto creamer and eating some Baklava I made last night. Today I'm going to make some banana muffins and then if time allows I might even throw in some lemon squares later. This is what I do when I get bored...I bake...and then I eat.
Of course I will share with my friends at work and my kids who will be here in the morning. I'm certainly not going to eat all 24 muffins and the whole roll of Baklava(although I could if I had the chance to).
It's a beautiful morning out here.
By Thursday we are suppose to reach a high temp of 74 degrees. Let me just say, although I am grateful that we haven't had a frigid winter, *knocks on wood*, I feel bad that my poor family and friends back home are stuck in something that resembles this:
Add to that subzero temps that make your eyeballs and nostrils freeze the minute you walk out your front door. They had temps that ranged anywhere from -35 to -45 degrees below zero.
I had called my mom this morning and asked her, "How is the weather in Alaska this morning?"
Let me just say those Hoosiers for the most part hate this weather, including my mother.
I, however, would love nothing more than to be out in that weather. Go ahead and call me crazy, because if crazy loves the snow, despite the temps then I suppose I am crazy.
To be able to hear the snow crunch underneath my boots, to make a snowball, build a snowman(although not in the subzero temps as that is impossible to do with frozen solid snow), watch snowflakes dance in the wind as I look out the window, I would definitely take a month's worth of subzero temps just to be able to dance and play in the snow with my kids.
Like that 80's song, "Don't know what you got til it's gone."
Complain all you want to about the snow, the freezing temps and the ice on the roads, when you are sitting in the middle of the desert valley on a hot 99-degree evening sweating your ass off, with a breeze that makes it feel like you are standing in front of an open oven, I guarantee you will most definitely appreciate the subzero temps a little more...
...and the snow.
Mother Nature is not happy or is going through menopause or something. Because while we are having unseasonably warm temps out here on this side of the continent, everything east of Colorado and beyond is like a giant commercial freezer.
I am not looking forward to another desert summer here. Less than eight years and I can be done with this stuff. Sad thing is, less than eight years my kids will be adults.
Young adults.
To every pro there is a con I suppose.
When I think about how long I've lived in this cesspool city, eight years is basically a walk in the park for me.
It's done and I can move finally.
My boys plans when they graduate are to join the Navy like their dad did. My daughter wants to be a veterinarian.
So they won't be in this state either when I choose to leave anyway.
That's me telling myself it's okay to follow through on my dreams to move.
For now though, I'll just roll out of bed every morning and try to make the best of each day for the next 2,925 days that I am stuck here. Yes, that's right I figured it out on the calculator.
I need a countdown clock of some kind to mark the momentous occasion.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
And for those of you wondering where yesterday's blog post went, it's back in my drafts and yes, I did read the comments.
Thank you.
And for the record no, I don't know the other name of the other hall besides Valhalla. Guess I'll have to watch the show Vikings to find out.
Feb 27 cannot come soon enough.
I have another blog post coming but will post it later on today.

1 comment:
Hi B,
The hall is "Freyja's Hall, Sessrumnir."
It's located on "Freyja's field, Folkvangr."
Also called the "Peoples Field." It's where half of the slain in battle go.
I've never lived in snow country. But being a long haul truck driver, I worked and drove in it a bunch.
So there you go. More then you wanted to know I'm certain.
Enjoy your evening/night B.
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