Monday, December 23, 2013

Ho, Ho, Ho We Won't Have Snow

Miscellaneous Christmas Comments
I can't believe tomorrow is already Christmas Eve!
I don't know who is more excited, me or my kids.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, however, that's all it is...just a dream. Our temps are going to be in the 60's for the most part. Highly unlikely I will see any snow around these parts of the country.  I have a better chance of winning the lottery and I didn't even buy a ticket.
Yesterday I got so much baking done, but it felt like it took forever. 
Here is one of the results of my toil and labor over a mixing bowl and hot oven:
My youngest twin son and I were eating these like they were going out of style.
We couldn't stop.
I gave him the ones without cherries on them. 
He doesn't like cherries.
How can we be related?
My daughter turned her nose up at these and my other twin son spit them out into the trash as I held the bag open for him. I can understand why my daughter doesn't want to eat them, after the Thanksgiving Day Hurl(and no this is not an Olympic event) I was not offended by her lack of desire to consume one of these pretty little pastries.  But how could my oldest twin son not like them?  
I'll just blame it on the antibiotics he is taking at the moment.
Perhaps he'll have a change of heart come Wednesday when he's done with the meds.
One can be hopeful.
By the time I was done baking I was so sore, my feet felt like I had run a marathon. I just wanted a shower and a good movie to watch with the kids. We played one game of Sorry! and we didn't even finish. My boys had these guns they bought from Wally World, some kind of Nerf rifle thing that you load the foam bullets into, just like a rifle, and shoot. They were shooting the Christmas tree, the lid to the Sorry! box and even my patio door window. 
I'd  had enough by this point. I wanted to just go to bed. 
But they, apparently, weren't done.
Finally around oh, ten thirty or so they settled down. I told them earlier that there were tons of needy kids in the community and that if they didn't knock it off and listen I'd send their gifts to those kids.
One boy in our community keeps asking me for a present.  I feel bad because I'd love to get him something small. I still might run to the dollar store and pick up something for him and his four siblings and I am going to give them some baked goodies. I may also have to replace the ball that was his brother's which my son kicked and it landed on top of our carport. Then I asked these guys from one of the sattelite vans that was parked out here if they had a ladder. 
I'm a real dork.
They looked at me and grinned and then pointed.  The ladder was hoisted on top of their van. Duh! I told them I've had a long day here. Give me a break and I laughed. I asked them if they could get the kid's football down and they said sure after they were done. Well, those lying asshats didn't help us. They drove off in their vans about an hour later. We were still out there. And the one boy pointed as they drove away. I was so mad.
I hope Santa throws a few rocks in their stocking this Christmas.
All the kids were so upset and so was I.
Thanks idiots for not helping out some neighborhood kids. You weren't doing me a favor, you would have been helping out some kids.
This just goes to show that men can't be trusted, period.
Oh well.
So I may have to replace that ball if we can't get it down. 
We'll see.
I am looking forward to getting to work, just so I can get in my 9 pitiful hours and head back home with my kids. We are all so excited about Christmas. 
I just wish it would snow. I miss Christmases with snow. My kids and I watch all these Christmas movies and all they keep saying is "I want to have snow!" 
Sure we can drive to the mountains out here, of course one or all of my kids would have to push us up the hill only to have to roll back down. My van would never make it to the mountains.  We have a place called Red Rock and it's one straight road with little side stops along the way that you can turn into. I would love to go up there sometime and just be with nature. It's so quiet and still up there. Unfortunately, that is just as likely to happen for me as the snow.
Again, I say, Oh well....
It's almost that time of day to start rattling my kids around and get dressed. 9 Hours really isn't that long is it?
It will fly by like the blink of an eye, or Santa's sleigh even.
I hope to be back later.  But I have a feeling my kids will be busy little bees today, with all the excitement of tomorrow just twirling around in their little heads.
I just hope the damn Turkey thaws in time.  I got a 15-pounder of the Butterball variety and that sucker was still rock solid when I poked him last night. 
Looks like he'll be going for a swim in the kitchen sink this evening. That's what my mom said to do anyway. That's what my grandma use to do. Clean the sink out really good and then stick him in there. Change the water every couple of hours and voila' he's ready to cook. 
It's already 7:12 here, look at that! I knew this day would fly by. I started this blog at 6:34 time is just flying by here. I need some coffee, better go make some before we all head into my work.

Hoping for a fun day!!! Happy Christmas Eve Eve folks!

  I leave you with my absolute most favorite Christmas Song ever!


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