*Once again a lovely post from me to you, started yesterday and finished today*
Today has been rather hectic.
I woke up this morning, rather abruptly at 6 a.m , and couldn't go back to sleep . I sat outside and called my mom to find out the details of my cousin's service arrangements(despite the fact I cannot attend...distance being the issue there 1700 miles away).
You should have seen all the blackbirds that were all over the lawn outside my apartment complex this morning. I had never seen so many of those birds in my community since I moved here.
And I've been out many early mornings since I've lived here almost two years. It was nice to see birds other than pigeons grazing on the grounds for a change. It was like a scene from that 1950's movie The Birds. I came inside and wanted to wake the kids to show them all the birds and when I went to the window, they were gone.
Then about an hour later, I got this really achy feeling all over. My head had this piercing pain on the right side and just above my right eye. I managed to get a cat nap when my ex picked the kids up for their game. I had to go shopping for more cake items for my boys party and to be honest, I was not in a frame of mind to sit through a whole game for two hours. I'd of snapped at someone for sure.
I went to Wally World after a brief nap, and within seconds of me walking through the door there is a woman with that panicked look on her face that every mother knows when they've lost a kid in a store,( even if the kid just walked around to the gum display on the other lane beside her). As I walk past this mother, I hear her asking her son(who was about 10 or 11) "Where is she?"
I continued walking in a slow, dazed crawl as I pushed the shopping cart forward. I hear that poor mother screaming "Hailey! Hailey where are you?" I continue perusing the aisles not really sure what I'm looking for and as I look to my left down one of the aisles, I see this tiny little girl with blond hair, blue eyes in a pink sweatshirt with this look of fear on her face standing in the girls' clothing department. I slowly walk down the aisle towards her and smile. I didn't want to startle her, and as I got closer I said "Are you looking for your mommy?" in that high-pitched voice we use sometimes when talking to little ones. She said nothing. I then asked her "Are you Hailey?" She nodded.
I told her "Your mommy is looking for you. Come with me sweetie, it's okay."
The sheer fact that she came with me scared me a tad bit. This poor kid could have walked off with anyone. I did look for a store associate, but seriously, when do you ever find someone at ANY store when you really need them? Just like that cop you need when the asshat in the Camaro cuts you off and dodges a red light. You keep saying "Where is a cop when you need one?"
*ooops, tangent thought there*
I walked towards the front of the store with little Hailey down the main aisle. As we were walking I see her mom and brother turn down our aisle and I motion to the mom with my hand in the air pointing down to her daughter who was next to me and the cart. I said with a grin, "She was in the girl's clothing section shopping for clothes I guess." The mom didn't say anything to me, acknowledging she heard my comment, she just hugged her daughter and I just kept on walking in my dazed and confused and utterly ill state.
I was just glad it was me and not some crazed psycho with bad intentions that found her.
So today is Sunday. I finally managed to bake my boys' cake last night. Made a full sheet cake, dear goodness that's a lot of cake. So I let it cool down because the last time I tried in a hurried fashion to remove the cake from the pan half of it stuck to the pan and I had to do "cake surgery" to repair the damages because the pan hadn't cooled enough when I tried to remove it. So I thought I learned my lesson last time and made sure to double grease and flour the pan and let it set until morning before I attempted to remove it.
I have my oldest twin help me out. He carries the cake to the table, I cut the cardboard and wrap it like crazy in aluminum foil so it was sturdy. I flip the pan over, tap it lightly to remove it and lift up the pan....no cake.
So now my son and I are banging on the bottom of the cake pan like we are smashing a spider or something. I flip it over...still no cake on the board.
Now I'm REALLY annoyed.
Now I'm REALLY annoyed.
I take an offset mini-spatula and attempt to nudge it around the sides and up just enough so it wouldn't stick then we flipped it again.
Wouldn't ya know it? The damn thing stuck again and part of the edge and a piece of the top and bottom were still in the pan. So there I was looking at all three kids who are now gathered around, watching me try to get this sucker on the board and I tell them "I shall work my baking magic. Time for surgery!"
And I iced the hell out of that cake putting it back together. They were helping me figure out which pieces went where.
So now it's setting in the fridge. We have a trip to the store to make and then I have to decorate it. The boys are anxiously awaiting their moment to help decorate their cake. This should be interesting.
We're going with a football theme. I'll have to post a pic when it's done.
Been there! Parchment is my new best friend lol. So scary about the girl!!! I was at shopko the other day and a little boy came out of the store by himself and started wandering around the parking lot! I think, some parents!!
Hi B,
A friend & I were going into Wally World and we see a kid. Maybe 4 or 5 wandering around the parking lot totally alone. We freaked.
He put the truck in park and went and stood by the kid while I was on the running board looking around trying to spot the frantic parent looking for a lost kid. You'd think they'd be easy to spot wouldn't you?
After a couple of minutes the grandfather wandered over and took the kid. We watched as he walked 3 isles to give the kid to grandma.
And they didn't seem concerned at all. That is scary.
Where's the pic of the Cake, Please.
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