I just got done doing some dishes and mopping my floor. I stepped outside on my patio and saw the light from the moon glowing brightly. I had to get a photo of it....so I did.
Not exactly a professional quality photo, but a good one I suppose for the crappy camera phone I have. No flash, no fancy additions, just point, click voila'!
It's a little blurry, but looks kind of cool in all it's "blurriness".
I tried cleaning the lens and this is what I got:
Looks a little blue to me. That song lyric "Blue Moooooon, you saw me standing alonnnnnne, without a love of my own...." was running through my head after I looked at this photo. I don't know the rest of the words, but it fits me I do believe.
So why am I up so late, on a night before a Wednesday work day(vs. a Friday work day)? Well, I just can't sleep.
I had a long day at work and even longer evening when I got home. I ran to the store in record timing. Within 30 minutes I was back home. 5 minute drive to the store, 20 minutes or so in the store shopping and 5 minutes back home. Then the kids got home after their dad dropped them off, and my boys started fighting. This led to my oldest twin giving my youngest twin a bloody nose with a Nerf gun.
The irony, right? Nerf Gun? Really?
Then my son picked up my shoe, and tried to pummel his brother with it. I finally managed to get my son down on the couch by grabbing his arms from behind and told him to chill out. As he is placing the ice pack I got him (paper towel/ice rendition of an ice pack) on his nose all pissed off at his brother and his brother is fuming as well in all their madness, I heard a new song come on the Holiday Music Channel. My daughter is just standing in the middle of the living room with a balloon in her hand staring at me and grinning, when this song came on:
....and the next thing I know.....
I start dancing.
Really goofy dancing. Like sixties beach party dancing, and my oldest twin is getting madder because he doesn't want to laugh and my youngest twin has this smirk on his face. Before I know it, my youngest twin and my daughter are laughing at me and then I said "Come on let's dance!" So my daughter begins to dance with me.
The boys are slouched at opposite ends of the couch and I get closer to my oldest twin making goofy faces at him and shaking my legs and my not so tiny bum and next thing I know he is in stitches while trying to be mad.
So yeah, this is what I highly suggest you do the next time you witness a fight breaking out. Whether that fight be between your kids, you and your husband/wife, or someone at the bar there's only one thing you can do to stop the fists or words flying out:
Break out in dance and a rather quirky facial expressions.
They will either think you are crazy.
Or they will join in.
I highly suggest a good polka.
This one comes to mind:
Got to love a good polka!
*grabs broom and dustpan and swirls around floor in socks; clicks heels in the air*
So yeah, I think I'm onto something here.
Forget all those parenting magazines you've read, all the months or years of counseling you or your kids have been to.
No need for bullying anymore either.
Everyone just get up and dance.
Dance all your problems away....
This is my solution for world peace:

That's it! Just move with the music and let all the problems melt away. Dance away your bills, dance away your stupid boyfriend who just dumped your perfect self, dance away that in-law who won't stop meddling in your marriage.
Dance, dance, dance.
Dance, dance, dance.
Dance as goofy and as crazy as you can.
Because we all need a little fun "crazy" once in a while, as life can sure throw us some whoppers of problems from time to time. I was totally stressed by the time I got home from the store and knew I had to make dinner and clean the mess before me in my apartment. I was under a time constraint, but I got a lot done in the 30 minutes I had left to cook and clean after my 30 minute shopping spree.
Know how I got a lot done(including cleaning out my pantry)?
I was dancing around my kitchen before my kids even got home. Monster Mash came on and I was just a dancin' like there was no tomorrow. No one except the birds saw me, and they didn't seem to mind. Everything that was on my mind; crappy van stalling on me, bills that need paying, worrying about my future and life in general....POOF!
Gone, just like that!
Gone, just like that!
Okay, I need to get off this thing. It's almost midnight and no amount of dancing is going to cure my tired ass tomorrow at work...well it might a little bit...because I dance all around with those cute little buggers at work. I get in a good giggle or two as well.
Enjoy life. Listen to the music and when life gets you down, turn up that radio/stereo/CD player/TV and just get off your ass and DANCE!
Hi B,
Sounds like a plan. I might give it a try if I ever need to stop a confrontation.
If I get arrested, just to be up front about it, I'll rat you out.
I'm just saying.
*looks around the room*
Who, me? Rat me out?? I don't know anything. I didn't see anything.
*points finger at you*
"it's all his fault officer, he started it, he was doing the macaraena first! I don't know what blog he's talking about, never heard of it before."
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