My life is still in a tad bit of disarray but I'm not going to fret about it. We only get one life and I'm not going to waste mine by consuming my tiny little brain with things that are simply out of my control.
So I will just sit back and enjoy the ride as though I'm sitting on the front seat of a roller coaster going down a steep incline.
Fun times.
Work has been interesting to say the least.
I got peed on by a 2 1/2 year old and felt like my day couldn't have gotten worse.
Then my employer had me sign a paper stating that I was aware that I would need healthcare coverage by October 13 of this year. That didn't make my day at all. I barely make enough to cover the bills I have, how am I suppose to scrounge up the extra nickles and dimes to cover health insurance.
I haven't been to a Doctor or ER in years. Three years ago, maybe four, was the last time I saw a doctor.
I figure if there is something wrong with me, one morning I just won't wake up. Or I'll "wake up" only to find my name in the obits with information on how I passed.
I don't need to pay some rich doctor to tell me I'm dying.
That is in fact, if I am dying.
Let me rephrase that, because we are all dying every day; I should have said I don't need to pay some rich doctor to tell me I'm dying of some God-forsaken disease or terminal illness. Clearly if there was nothing they could do for me anyway, I just saved myself hundreds of dollars by not knowing. And even if they could save me, would I rather have spent that money on a trip to the movies with my kids or another round of mini golf, or would I rather spend that money on horse pills or sitting in a doctor's office waiting room for 2 hours only for him/her to tell me that this mole that looks like Spongebob on my arm isn't really cancerous.
I don't understand why one needs insurance anyway.
I didn't ask to be born. I made a choice to buy a car, so of course I must insure it. I didn't make the choice to be here, my parents did. And technically they didn't make the choice either.
I was an "OOOPS" baby.
Perhaps there should be a clause in that law that states that if you were an "OOOPS" baby, then you don't have to get coverage.
Because you weren't really planned.
People plan to go to college, plan to buy a home, plan for retirement. Some people plan for a baby; others don't.
So the Oopsies like myself should have a way out of this ridiculous law.
And I get it, a lot of folks(myself included at one time) aren't insured and head to an ER. I had a panic attack and couldn't get my hands to open and my arms began to do this weird thing like a venus fly trap when it catches a fly. No matter what I did, no matter how hard the paramedic tried to talk to me, I was calm and breathing okay finally, those claws of mine would not open. I felt like a lobster.
I was terrified but tried not to show it, because my three young children, who were with me at the time I was driving and had this attack, were terrified as well.
I went to the ER.
I was seen by a doctor.
Yes, I couldn't afford to pay the bill, but the nice woman in the office, got me a form to fill out and I was "excused" from payment a few months later. I don't make it a habit of using the ER as my general practitioner, but I'm a tax paying citizen and if my taxes are paying for the lazy fools out there who refuse to work or abuse the system (or the illegal folk who milk it up) to get care, then why shouldn't I be able to cash in on what I put in?
I should be allowed one free pass so to speak.
And I got it.
And I haven't been to an ER since that day.
Now the government is going to penalize you if you don't have insurance.
This is the dumbest thing I have heard.
Clearly if you can't afford the insurance, how are you suppose to afford to pay the penalty? What are they doing to do? Take your first-born child? Take all your clothes and the crappy vehicle you drive? I have about $40 in my piggy bank that sits on my desk. I suppose if they invest it, eventually it could grow enough to make a profit that will cover the penalty for me not being able to afford the insurance.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.
Of course this is just MY opinion.
And opinions are like noses, everyone has one.
Hi B,
Thank You for coming back. [:{)
You scared the crap out of me B. I was coming to put a reply on your last blog. And I got the email notice that a newer blog was up, it was the one saying you were shutting down your blog.
So I go to my favs click on your blog and it's closed to me. I couldn't even read it through my link. So back to the email, no way that way either.
So I open a Gmail account. Didn't help. So I felt like crap cause I didn't get to say Goodbye to you. Or offer my email address.
I felt sad for a couple of days. But I'm way happier now. You are back. And I for one am super happy about it.
You are my Hero, I feel odd writing that your my Heroin, sounds creepy to me. Plus I think I spelled it wrong? sigh
I better go and read this blog. I just was in a hurry to say Hello, so I did it first.
Thank You Again for coming back. ;)
Hi Ho I'm From Idaho,
I'm not, but that frigging commercial is stuck in my brain on "Replay."
Sponge Bob? I have a tattoo that looks like a Bengal tiger on my chest. I guess that's not really the same thing? Forget I mentioned it. Moving along.
Congress, morons. Lets pass this, THEN read it. What idiot came up with that idea? Oh yeah, that Demo woman that's in charge of whichever house or senate. Pelosi?
I keep asking that same question. I don't have enough money so how do I pay for the penalty? I sure don't have enough for the insurance, that's why I don't have insurance already!
For once I'm not to upset to be disabled on Medicare. Almost every day I was. At least until this brilliant plan BO came up with. That's Barack Obama. His buddies call him B O, but I'm not that disrespectful. Not yet anyway.
Bummer about the pee incident.
Give Sponge Bob a kiss goodnight, if you can reach?
Thank You Again & Again for Coming Back, I missed you.
My new thumbs are healing nicely. Makes hitting the space bar much easier. (From Previous Comment.)
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