Betcha thought I disappeared. I was trying to enjoy what little sun we got this weekend.
And then I got sucked into real world life for a while here I suppose. I had a very busy week last week at work and at home. Now I'm just trying to have one day with nothing to do. I have a slight headache which I am hoping will go away soon. I really need to get myself a real bed. This sleeping on the couch deal isn't very good for my body.
I finally got to talk to my granddaughter. She is so cute. She just kept saying WOW! because of the toys she had to play with at my brother's house. She was mumbling something and I couldn't really hear her, I could tell some words but not others. Then she wouldn't give my brother his phone back after she was done talking. It was funny listening to her giggle and talk to his daughters. I was cracking up at them all.
Work has been good. I got a raise and a bonus. I'm feeling so blessed right now. True money doesn't fix everything but it sure helps to pay the bills. I told my friend at work that I wonder if my boss is spying on my home computer, I was joking of course, because I was telling my friend lately that I was looking for another job.
Think I'll stay a while now.
I just didn't feel appreciated. Two years at the same job with no raise, but a greatly appreciated bonus last year. Sure she'd tell me what an excellent employee I am and how good I am with the children, but compliments don't pay bills.
That's what I was thinking at the time anyway.
So I have a fresh start here, new car, some new clothes in the future for the kids and I as well as the opportunity to look for a new place to live. This past weekend my poor daughter lost four of her best friends(you know how all your friends are your best friends at that age) to new homes. So now she has no one to play with out in the neighborhood. I'm hoping like hell the new neighbors below us are just as kind as the ones who lived there. I almost cried when I found out they were leaving. Hard to find good neighbors...especially when you live on the second floor with noisy boys.
She never complained ever about my boys being noisy although I never complained about her sons loud music. I listen to what he listens to anyway, some of that metal screamo stuff. So it's all good ya know?
At work last week I was opening one of the kids lunches and this little girl had some string cheese in it. I like to be creative not only at art, but at lunchtime as well. My favorite thing to do with the string cheese is to make little palm trees for the kids which makes them eat the cheese. I just pull strings of cheese down all around and voila'! a string cheese tree. Wow that's a tongue twister. Kind of reminds me of my favorite Dr. Seuss book, Fox in Socks, which you need to buy. Even if you don't have children, it makes for a fun time when one is drinking with friends. Try reading that after a few shots of tequila, and read it quickly. There is a line in there that says, "Through three cheese trees freezy breeze blew, and freezy breeze made these three cheese trees freeze.." or something like that. I just read it this week to our class. Fun book. Good times with my oldest (who is now 22) with that book. I had that book memorized and still remember some of the parts when we read it in class.
I loved Dr. Seuss and still do. Happy Belated Birthday Seuss. You were a child's(and's) poetic genius.
Oh, so anyway, the little girl says to me, "Miss Barb can you open my scream cheese?"
Scream cheese....okay...withhold the laughter at the expense of the poor kid's self-esteem. I had to look away. Then I looked at my friend who was at her table with her kids and I almost lost it.
So I opened her scream cheese and then she tells me, "Can you make me a tree?"
Of course I can. I am the scream cheese tree-making guru. Look out Van Gogh, I'm gonna put scream cheese art on the map here.
Maybe I can tuck the strings inside toward the cheese and make a flower.
Hmmm....*thinks really hard on how to accomplish this feat*.....I'll have to work on that one.
Forget balloon art for kids, I've got something better. I draw smiley faces on their pizza lunchables, make trees out of cheese, what's next?? ooo...I about I try using their hummus and crackers to build a house???
Nope...too involved.
I can't believe the weekend is over. It rained on us pretty good this weekend. Friday was like Hurricane Vegas out there. The winds were whipping trees and branches all over the place. I think I saw a cow fly by the window on one occasion. My wind chimes were going crazy, as was my patio furniture and the rain was just coming down in great force. By Saturday the sun came out only to disappear yesterday for a good portion of the day. It was dreary out and chilly and I didn't feel like doing much of anything really.
Mother Nature needs a Midol I think.
This non-stop snow out in the Midwest and the Eastern states is crazy. My mom and family back home will be shoveling out snow until June at the rate they are going. Sad thing is, once all that snow melts, you have to worry about flooding. It will be like watching a global warming movie about the ice caps in the arctic tundra in real time. We've got earthquakes in Texas, snow in the Midwest and East, and rain pounding the west coast. Talk about being a melting pot of diversity when it comes to people in America we are also a melting pot of weather events as well.
This song popped into my head as I was writing about these somewhat annoying and semi-catastrophic weather related events:
I couldn't help it. Love this song by the way, love the group even more. Good music from good times in my life. I'm sure the people stuck back east in all that snow are probably singing this song in their heads many a day the past month or so. Talk about freezy breezes blowing through trees making your cheese scream, all that snow would make some people(except me of course) want to burst a blood vessel in anger and frustration.
Okay, I need to get ready for work.
I'll be back soon.
I just had nothing really interesting to flap my jaws about lately. Not that this is earth-shattering, controversial type of information, but being this is my "online diary of quirky and sometimes not so quirky posts" I thought I'd share a little tidbit of info about my past week/end so you know I'm still sucking air here.
Have a great day!!!! It's Monday!
Hi Barb,
Glad you are okie dokie? Might I ever spell anything weird correctly? Not likely.
Scream Cheese. I love it. Congrats on the raise & bonus. Well deserved I'd guess.
I watched the first episode of Vikings season 2 on It was cool. I won't tell you what happens, just in case you haven't watched it yet.
I like that song btw.
Well I for one am glad you are back. Have a great week.
I liked the first episode, I started to watch the second, however, my daughter needed homework help and the boys were playing with Legos and their stuffed bears so watching anything was next to impossible. I gave up after the first ten minutes.
Hey at least you remembered how to spell weird correctly. Most people don't remember the "I" before "E" rule. So kudos to you for that LOLLLL
Hope you have a great Friday. I was going to post another blog this morning, but I'm just not feeling it. Maybe over the weekend perhaps.
Have a good one!
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