Sunday, March 23, 2014


I am listening to a song from a group called Clannad.  It's some type of mellow Celtic Music and it's absolutely beautiful. Kind of a nice way to wind down from my somewhat hectic day I had today.  I don't know if "hectic" is really the word I would use..."busy" is more appropriate I suppose.

I could fall asleep listening to this.  It's so relaxing. I closed my eyes and just released every negative stressful feeling in my body. 
Some people may take a bath and light some candles(raises hand), others might take a walk, or pray or sit in a quiet library to release stress.  
I personally like to meditate.
I find it just as refreshing as a bath with candles. Sometimes I will light candles when I meditate. Other times I just will sit wherever I am and take deep, cleansing breaths.
I sometimes have to do this at work as well. When I have to use the restroom and the day is very stressful or someone has upset me, I will be washing my hands and close my eyes and just take a breath.
That one breath can make a lot of difference in one's day.
Trust me.
I am trying to remain positive. I had this dark, ugly energy surrounding me earlier, a feeling actually more than an energy, and I think after cleansing my stones and closing my eyes and breathing I am feeling much, much more at ease.  I have some cream cheese on the counter and I am going to do some baking before I head to bed.
The key to keeping it together even when days aren't challenging is in fact relaxation. It seems to make days better like an ice cream sundae on a hot summer day.
It's like the added cherry on top of an ice cream sundae.  Makes the day even more special. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Barb,

First thing I thought was "Frankie Goes to Hollywood" but not so.

To Relax, Whale Song. Not with the music, I own a couple of those too. But just the Humpback Whales 'singing' or communicating really. Anyway it relaxes me.

Also Gregorian Chants. I don't understand Latin, kinda like listening to Ozzie Osborn talking. The Chants relax me, while Ozzie just confuses me.

Thanks for posting Barb.
Have a good week.
