Like when it rains it pours, both in the literal AND metaphorical sense of that phrase in my life at this moment in time.
What a crazy 48 hours I've endured. My weekend of "planning to relax and veg out" didn't quite come to fruition this past weekend.
I can't even tell you what I did Saturday. It's mainly a blur, because of the sheer fact this cold/allergy/my body telling me I can't have fun/whatever it is won't leave me. It's ruined my whole entire weekend, and then the mayhem of Mother Nature visiting me and not in the form of rain either was the final straw for me here.
I'll lay off the period talk for the sake of the men who may venture to read this blog, although let it be known that any man who dare to read my blog, take note that talk of periods, sore boobs, and any other female parts may be fodder for conversation on my blog here from time to time. Also the words poop, sex, fart and proper (and not so proper) names for parts of ones anatomy may also be shared here. And for those overly-sensitive females who can't handle a little humorous post here and there about such topics, you've been warned as well. Go read a post on how wearing horizontal lines makes you look larger than you actually are or something. You probably shouldn't be here.
No party poopers aloud on my porch.
Oh yeah, I'm going to go to bed now.
That's right.
You heard me.
I'm going to bed now.
It's Tuesday evening, 11:11(does this make me a lightworker? I always see the numbers 1:11 and 11:11; I jest, but maybe I am who knows...please google it if you are still stumped by the lightworker comment or nothing else will be comprehended as you read the rest of this post as your subconscious mind will still be thinking "what in sam hill is a lightworker?")
Too late.
It's 11:12 now.
Well here it's technically 11:12, but wherever the hell you are whenever you read this it might be 2:27 or 3:54. So don't make a wish now, unless of course you already did. But then you have to tell me if it came true. Because maybe making wishes on exact numbers(especially the ones for some reason) is not really good luck. Maybe we are all such morons that we wish on 11:11, but truth is the person who started all this madness probably made a wish at 10:34 and all his/or her dreams came true and they don't want anyone else to have good things happen to them too. So they lied about the time.
This is why I'm going to bed.
This post is going absolutely nowhere.
2,434 views on my blog and only a spittle of comments?? What the hell is wrong with this picture?
*taps microphone*
"Hello...? Hello!"
*Loud Piercing squeak emits across the internet*
*Looks back behind the curtain(yeah, there is a curtain on the internet didn't you silly people know that?)*
"Is this thing on Lloyd?!"
*Taps again*
"Hello?? Anyone hear me out there?! Can you all just tell me why so many people have passed by my blog and not said anything? Hello world! Other than Anon*(aka Ed), Stephanie, Rochelle...ummm where are the rest of you folks out there at?"
*does a little dance, unbuttons top button, .....exposes.......
wait for it....
.....A TANK TOP UNDERNEATH MY SHIRT....HA! You thought I was going to expose something else didn't ya! Like the diamond necklace I'm wearing beneath the tank top*wink*(shit, if I was wearing a diamond necklace under my shirt, my ass would not be sitting here on a Tuesday night. That reminds me...check the megamillions numbers...I might be a winner. If you don't see me next'll know why...I'll be out wearing my diamond necklace).
Or maybe you hoped I would pop out a boobie.
Okay you want to see it....I'll show you a boobie....make sure the kids aren't around.....wouldn't want them scarred for life now would ya. it goes.....
BEST BOOBIE EVER (not spam ....I promise)
Did you like that?! Betcha did.
*Laughs out loud to self*
If a blogger is blogging and laughs out loud and nobody is around to hear her, is what she said still funny?
It's now 11:34.
You all realize that I was going to bed shortly before 11:11 and then my damn brain started thinking about random things and my fingers started typing them and next thing I know I'm here now talkin' about boobies and making up my own philosophical observations on reality.
I keep thinking this isn't my real life, but the life of someone else.
Okay.....I really am out of here. My damn nose is running like crazy.
And I have to pee.
You all have a lovely day/night/afternoon.
I'm really going to bed.
Feel free to leave a comment on how many times I said "Okay" in this blog post.
I'll write more about the weekend, when I feel better.
Well snap a towel and call me whipped it's time for bed folks......