Although it flew by way too fast, I was happy to have a weekend that didn't require me to wake up early or go to work.
We had a nice storm yesterday. With it was tons of lightning, big, huge, bolts of lightning with thunder that literally shook the apartment. My kids enjoyed it as did I. Here is a pic of the lovely sky that graced us late yesterday afternoon into the early evening:
There is a little girl that lives below us and she was outside, in the pouring rain singing us a song in her tiny little voice. Her mom was talking to her dad outside and she was just singing away over there despite the lightning and rain that was present. My kids and I were cracking up. I told her she should go inside, but either she didn't hear me over the rain, or she didn't care. Eventually her mother told her to go in the apartment.
Next thing I know, her and her sister come outside with their Hello Kitty and Duck umbrellas and they are still chattering away with my daughter who is on the patio with the rest of us. They rather entertaining to say the least.
So I was looking at the shopping list for my kids school supplies. There are about fifteen items that they need. For starters, they need a thumb drive. Isn't that the responsibility of the school to provide that for the kids? Next they listed dry erase markers, eraser, 7 notebooks, 2 reams of copy paper(which I assume is for the teachers and not the students to use), glue sticks, 2-pocket folder, pencils, tissue, Sanitizer wipes, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Hmm....that gives me an idea. How about a beginning of the school year song to go with the list.
(Twelve days of Christmas Music in background here)
On the first day of grade school please bring this to your school...
One pocket folder
Two reams of paper
Three dry erasers
Four items in your lunch box
Fiiiiiiive packs of paperrrrrrrrrr
Six large pink erasers
Seven spiral notebooks
Eight #2 Pencils
Nine Colored pencils
Ten sticky glue sticks
Eleven pencil sharpeners
and Twelve Pack Crayola Crayons for art class.
Wow that font is huge and so is that list!
I don't even want to calculate how much all of that will cost. I'm sure it's not going to be cheap. Especially for 3 kids.
*I shake my head*
I try and help out when I can. If I have the money, I buy the product. If I don't, well then let the school provide it; NOT the teacher...the school.
Okay, it's time for me to shower and head into work. Hopefully my van will get me there and back this week. I hope so anyway.
Hope you all have a wonderful Monday.
I will see you all as soon as I can get my wits about me here and find something worth sharing. I hit a dry spell there for a while. Had some blog posts I started, but never finished.
Go figure.
Until next time.....
New MySpace 2.0 Layouts
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