Hello World!!!
I am back....if only for a moment.
I had a really weird week. For starters, I have been having really weird dreams lately.
They involve...of all things...…
Everyday this week I have dreamt of babies:
-Holding a baby
-Soothing a baby
...and the scariest of all(not the actual dream just the notion of this happening)...me being pregnant and feeling the baby moving. No joke I actually FELT this "baby" move in my "stomach" in my dream. It was so weird I "felt" an elbow or something moving....
….then I woke up.
Oh my goodness!!! I hit some button on this chromebook and yes I spelled that wrong but if I go back to correct it I will be here for four hours typing two paragraphs of blogging. So anyway, I hit that stupid button and it scared the crap out of me because it highlighted my words in yellow and blue and some "computer man voice" was reading my blog.
My daughter is here with me and I have two little friends who are coloring with us here. I did a sketch. I would share it with you however, I am afraid if I tried to take a pic with this and post it I would send it to someone in Poland or the arctic.
I accidentally spit on my screen here and my daughter was laughing at me because I went to wipe the tiny spittle off my screen with my thumb and I moved the whole page to the left and was like "whoa cowgirl! where'd it go?"
I figured it out.
Back to the baby dreams....
probably due to the meds I am on...
because last week....
I fell....
I fell at work.
In front of five students, my co-teacher and a parent.
Missed a day of work.
Barely made my ladies bible study on Friday...she had no stairs so I made it work.
Made church on Sunday.
And tried to work the rest of this week from Monday on without being a big baby about it.
My neighbor teacher next door yelling at me to be a baby and stay off my leg another few days.
I didn't listen.
I survived!!!
I am a child of God!!!!(my favorite song)
Anyway....I am gonna go before I throw this Chromebook through the window and scare the children. Who puts the mouse thingy right where you are supposed to rest your wrists???
Insanity I tell you.
Anyway....thanks for reading.
Be back in two weeks.....
Psalm 27
People in the Artic need art too.
Bummer about you getting injured.
Me? My email got hacked took two days to get it back.
Canceled cards & all the fun stuff, just in case.
Take care, Ed - Eb says Hi.
Sorry to hear about your email. :(
I wondered why I hadn't seen any response from ya on here.
Nice to see ya.
It's been a really, really long week for me here.
How 'bout you?
HI EB! *waves*
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