Monday, April 14, 2014

Good Morning...

Well good morning fellow readers and passers-by.  

This is going to be a "quickie post" but I thought I'd share how my weekend went for us here at my humble little home. 

For starters, I'm back on the smoking wagon.  This doesn't mean I don't want to quit, it just means I don't want to inadvertently throw a shoe at someone or something or end up saying something I will regret later to the wrong person(basically my kids). I caved last night and bought a pack of smokes. 

I'm not going to feel bad about it either.

This was an addiction that had me for over 15 years. It's not going to cure itself over night. I will say quitting cold turkey made me a mean, ugly person and even my kids were saying to me, "Mom go smoke, we're tired of you yelling at us all the time."

They had a point. 

And it made me angry that I got angry so there I was, coffee cup in tow this morning with a Camel light attached to my lips out on the patio.

This quitting thing sucks.  It sucks because I want to quit, but the way I did it made me a horrible, nasty person.

So I will wean myself off these stupid things. 

Those who choose to throw judgment in my direction, go ahead, because you're the one with the real problem and obviously no friend of mine. 

The rest of you, thank you for your support and encouragement. 

Went to see a movie with my kids yesterday.  It was pretty good. I won't share any spoilers, but I will say I'm curious about a few things that happened during the movie.

We saw Noah.

Now I read an article that was fluttering around Facebook about how some folks were apparently in a frenzy due to the fact that Noah was either Directed or Written or Produced(can't remember) by an Atheist.  Not sure if it is true or not, and to be quite honest I don't really care who directs/stars/produces or writes a movie, if I want to see it, I'll go. Ozzy Osbourne supposedly ate a bat head at a concert circa 1970 something and I still love his music and always will(and I think his wife Sharon is awesome).  I wanted to see this movie prior to the review, but naturally, the little rebellious soul in me wanted to see it even more after reading that review. And the kids really wanted to see it so we went.

Part of me was bummed I had read that review. Because all throughout the movie I was finding "Atheist-based" things that maybe aren't even Atheist at all, but just one writer/director/producer's version of how they perceive the biblical story of Noah.

For instance, (and no there are no spoilers here) in the very beginning(no pun intended...ha ha).... of the movie that is....they showed these Transformer-like Rock things that I wasn't sure what they were. Of course Noah eventually explained to his son Shem that is was, in fact, Watchers(i.e. fallen angels that God had punished and turned into'll have to see the movie to understand why  they were turned into stone. Guess it beats being a pillar of salt and disappearing completely, eh?).  These Watchers were against man and so the story of "Noah" began....

Now call me crazy, but I don't recall any such story of any angels being turned to stone. Nor do I recall any castaways on Noah's ark.  I also can't remember twin girls being born. Maybe my biblical recollection is a little hazy or maybe my brain is just so fried I've forgotten all these events prior to the big flood.

I also noticed they only referred to God in the biblical sense once during the whole movie. The rest of the time he was called "The Creator". I realize according to biblical stories he is the creator, however, in the bible I believe they still refer to him as "God, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth".

My kids and I were literally on the edges of our seats during some of the "battle scenes" and my poor daughter was leaning forward so much so that I thought she was going to grab popcorn out of the bucket of the older gentleman and his wife in front of us. I had to gently coax her back into her seat in an upright position. 

She grabbed my hand twice.

We all jumped once.

And for a moment, we almost cried.

It was a good flick.

Well worth the admission fee I paid at the box office, despite the forty dollar price I paid for the giant refill bucket of popcorn and keg o' sodas that were five bucks each. Yeah, five bucks for a damn $1 soda. Call me crazy once again, I paid it for all four of us.

Do the math and figure out just how much that bucket of cholesterol laden buttery popcorn actually cost us.

After we got home from the movie I decided to go ahead and try to get some cleaning done. My daughter was outside tending to her fairy garden(pics to follow in next post) and my boys were outside. The sun was setting and I was on the couch when I see my son run in the door and grab something. I ask him what he is doing. He says the neighbors locked themselves out of the room.


So I venture out the door behind him, and he zips into the apartment downstairs and I soon follow. Apparently the door they have for their bedroom locks from the inside only.  Not exactly child-friendly locks in my opinion. After they tried breaking into the bedroom window, using a credit card, screwdriver and butter knife to open the door from the inside, I told them I had an offset-spatula they could use to maybe pry it open. I ran upstairs, retrieved said spatula and returned.

After about 20 minutes of getting to know my new neighbors and their girls the man managed to pry open the door and it popped open.

Applause from all of us and cheers of relief.

Not only does tragedy bring communities together but so do locked bedroom doors.  They invited my kids over tonight to play with their kids.

Nice people.

Well, I went a little overboard here, but hey, at least I got a full blog in today.

Have a wonderful Monday folks.

Days Of The Week Comments
Magickal Graphics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Barb,

The Road To Nowhere Leads To Me.
(I have a cigarette lighter in my hand burning over my head)
(I just set my hair on fire when my arm got tired. Stupid song)

Man popcorn is waaaaay expensive.
Good to know the flick was good!
Thanks for the heads-up.

Sadly I only know 2 neighbors out of 24. Doesn't say anything good about me does it!

I wasn't sure how going "Cold Turkey" would work out. But you tried. And haven't stopped trying. Kudos to you Barb.

I hope you have a good week.
Mine got better today, the IRS decided I can have my tax return.
Filed the first week of February, electronically.
Basic deductions, nothing fancy.
Sweet of them to give me my money back.
It's not much, but its mine and I want it.

Have a great week Barb,
Ed aka Eb