I am sitting here on this somewhat humid desert Sunday evening listening to Robert Jefress teach on the television while drinking a French Vanilla coffee I made in my Keurig. I don't know what happened to my Keurig. I popped the K-Cup into the slot, closed it and hit the large cup button. I went outside to place my laptop and reading glasses onto the table and ran back in to find my Keurig off and nothing in the mug I put there. Perplexed I started the process over and as I lifted the little silver handle on top to open and reshut it, all this water came pouring out. Needless to say, after several attempts I finally managed to get my coffee.
I think I may have to move my blog to more viewable waters. Seems blogger here is a thing of the past. I will still blog here, as this really is more of an online journal for my kids to read when the good Lord calls me home. Memories of mine and their lives which only one of my children has the keys to open should anything happen to me.
That's a hard decision to make. Who gets the keys to the inheritance kingdom??
Is it the oldest? Or the youngest? Is it the child who lives closest or furthest away? My mother already shared with me who gets the keys to the kingdom. I told her when the time comes for the good Lord to call them home, I would just like the Fiber Optic Christmas tree and It's a Wonderful Life set, I wil pay my respects and be on my way. I am not going to fight over money, property or any material items. If they wanna hash it out in court amongst themselves let them.They may not fight at all, but you think the most sane of families will never fight about a will/trust/estate only to find some of them lashing it out in probate court. for months or even years at a time.
I will have a memory of my many Christmases at home that I can pass on to my daughter and whatever sons are left speaking to me at my time.
I am blessed to not have those keys to the Estate Kingdom.
That is stress that I am not that blessed to tackle thank you.
I just saw my neighbor. The one who had the angry meltdown the other day. Prayer works wonders,she said hello to me. We made small talk and she went on her merry way with her cats I now refer to as thing one and thing two.
Getting back to estates, I miss going to estate sales with my daughter. She and I had a blast at those things. She found a piano instruction book from the1950's. And a turtle sitting on the toilet reading a paper knick knack. We laughed at that for days. I found a whole set of 2 mugs, 2 biscuit/cookie plates and dinner plates with a Christmas scenery on them for $4. I didn't use them this year, but i will use them this year I suppose.
I hear the hummingbird in the tree out here. I love the mornings on my patio the most.
I can hear the doves cooing, the hummingbirds humming with the robins and the sparrows and wrens. It's a variety of aviary friends I have here in the mornings. I am heading back to work this week, so excited to see everyone, but I am going to miss watching and listening and talking to my feathered friends here.
I hear the dove now. She must know I am talking about her. She says hello I suppose.
Devin Dawson is on the tv right now. I am listening to the country music on Youtube. I love this guy's music. My favorite is Dan and Shay. I was so upset when this stupid covid garbage started and the whole country was shut down. Not only was the country shut down....but so were my chances of my daughter and I seeing Dan and Shay in concert at T-Mobile arena this October. It was going to be an early sweet sixteen gift to my daughter(her birthday is a month after).
Well, I suppose I will go for now.
Need to start another blog elsewhere as well as maintain this one for the sake of my children.
Have a blessed week.
2 John 3: Beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
(I saw this verse on someone's license plate...love it!)
Welcome to my random blogging about anything and everything under the sun. Stop by, sit a spell and enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation with me.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Friday, May 22, 2020
Quarantine....Stuck Inside The Same Old Scene
Well this has been a most entertaining ride to say the least these past two months.
We've gone from "time to get up for work and school," to "What am I going to wear to church this morning??....My Christmas peguin night shirt or my leggings and a tee?"
This whole quarantine thing has been crazy. I am glad we are getting back to "somewhat normal" around these parts. I have always said normal is overrated, but in this case I will take some normal back for the sake of my sanity.
I am sitting out on my patio. I just went to Lowe's yesterday with my daughter and we picked up a few more arrangements to put out here. It looks really nice. Although I do wonder how long these plants will last considering the great oven is about to open, with temps reaching 107 next week.
I hate the heat.
I hate the desert.
It's okay though, this lovely apartment I have and the nice floral arrangement out here make me not hate it so much. It's bearable. I like my neighbors. I like my job, I like most, if not all of the people I work with. There are some who have some personality quirks or some differences of opinion, but who doesn't have some quirks that make them utterly unique? Right?
Let's see what has been going on.
First as you can tell, I finally got the internet. After 6 years of not having it, I finally paid the 200 bucks I owed them(which I shouldn't have had to owe them to begin with, that's a blog for another day) to turn it on against my will. I lived fine without it, but I needed it not only for my daughter's schoolwork, but also for MY work, because while we were on quarantine over here we had home work to do. Literally. Work we did from home in the form of books on liberty, and freedom and rights. I loved reading them, except a pamphlet called "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine. And another book I cannot remember the title (that's how much I "loved" it) who had authors whom I could not get into their style of writing. No matter how hard I tried, or how hard I tried to reread each paragraph I just couldn't get into what they were saying.
But I managed to understand it enough to answer the questions in each study guide given to us every week and do the work that needed to be done, to earn the check they so graciously gave us during this time of uncertainty and chaos. I thank God for this job every day. I do. I thank God in conversation with my friends and family, and in prayer and reflection.
These have been trying times for many folks.
Including my neighbor.
I won't go into detail, but I can tell the stress has gotten to her, and I just continue to pray for her in the hopes that she gets her unemployment check soon. Because this poor woman is scared. She has anxiety. And she is having some issues with the lack of funds and available opportunities to do what she likes to do like visit friends and go out to eat and just live her best life.
She just wants her normal back. 😊
I just figured out I have an emoji keyboard on this thing. i found it on accident actually. Then had to Google how I got it to pop up.
During quarantine, pre-internet time that is, my daughter and I tried so hard to keep our sanity we did our best to entertain one another. We did pretty good, and the first 3 weeks we did fairly well actually and enjoyed this little work/school sabbatical. By week four though, it wasn't that much fun anymore. We played Uno, Battleship, Sorry and Mille Bornes(awesome game, Love it for game nights). We baked, we took walks to the mailbox and walks to the local grocery store down the street.
Our big field trip during quarantine was the trip to the grocery store and our favorite game was "Where's the toilet paper?" A more intriguing version of Where's Waldo? only with looking for the Cartoon Charmin Bear Family instead of Waldo. And then of course there is our major event....the trip of all trips.....to the Las Vegas Strip....an eerie, reality-inducing sight to see of what quarantine has really done to the economy.
I hate driving to the strip. Tourists are not my friends. Signs with Scantily clad women on the sides of big trucks and taxi-cabs are not my friends and Strip Drivers, especially at night, most definitely are not my friends.
But this trip was something my daughter wanted to do, as did I.
I knew there would be minimal traffic, minimal people at best on a bike or two perhaps. I wasn't prepared for this though. It really was an eerie sight. Like something out of War oof the Worlds or some post-apocolyptic movie.
This wasn't what I expected to see. My daughter took this picture. Because, as you obviously can figure out, one of us had to drive.
We also took a trip to a local park out here.
Let me tell you this story.
I am deathly afraid of heights. However, this local park nearby has a small mountain that people hike on from time to time. I have also seen coyotes and other wildlife at this park early in the morning and late at night. It's really beautiful here. I had tried to climb this mountain several years ago when my middle men graced us with their beautiful presence for 4 days. I had somewhat of a panic attack trying to climb this mountain and two weeks ago, I was determined to do my best to get to the top of that stupid thing.
Here is a view from how far I managed to get:
With my daughter at my side we trudged up the trail in the 95+ degree temps that day. I had my bottle of water and my shades and I was feeling brave. My daughter grabbed my arm as we made it close to the top of the mountain when all of a sudden, ....out of nowhere.....my body began to shake...and then freeze. I felt like I was going to fall backwards on the steep incline of that mountain. I couldn't move.
I tried.
I truly tried.
I wanted to do it.
My daughter told me to sit. So I sat. A couple passed us by going up and I smiled and took a drink of my water. My daughter stood nearby and I almost cried because I was so mad at myself. I saw the people at the top enjoying the scenery and I saw the people on bikes and walking on their way up to where I sat. My leggings and palms were now covered with sand and I was still mad at myself for not completing this huge task I had set out for myself.
She helped me off the ground and we went home.
I felt defeated.
We would try again another day. Preferably before the oven-like temps set in for the summer.
I will wait for the next "cold front" to hit and then....we'll conquer it again.
https://dl.glitter-graphics.com/pub/926/926601do9y3g7tff.gif -- go to www.glitter-graphics.com
I have been dealing with a cough that simply won't go away.
It was REALLY REALLY bad in the beginning. I was sick the Thursday before quarantine. I had some stomach issues(which I will not share at the moment) that Thursday and Friday. I asked to leave work early, I showed up thinking I could leave around lunchtime, but I was told I had to stay. If I didn't love my job so much I probably would complain about that, but I survived the day and lived to tell about it plus complaining does nothing for anyone but make them (and the others around them I am sure) more miserable than they already feel.
Anyway....slight tangent there....it started with that flu-like thingy, and a low-grade fever(99.9 ) with a slight cough. I managed to make it home and into bed. I popped some DAYQUIL and hoped for the best. Saturday I felt a wee-bit better and my daughter and I headed out for a bit for breakfast. But by Sunday it got worse, with a hacking cough that I couldn't stop. I was on the phone with my mom and she yelled at me to get into the doctor and get this cough fixed. I was crying so hard, because in all honesty I was scared.
My doc started me on Zpack and a prescription expectorant....then the following week it was Doxy....and it still wasn't gone, and I would start coughing and start choking. I threw up several times during the course of this mystery cough thingy. I choked a couple times while I stood over the toilet or the trash can in the middle of the night. And I was really scared because I was alone and I couldn't catch my breath. I had this post nasal drip going on and coughing up clear to light phlegm which doc said was good it wasn't green. She prescribed Fluticasone thinking it was allergies and Claritin-D. I had an X-ray and I had more meds....she gave me an inhaler and this time a cough suppresant with codeine. I got a humidifier and cough drops like Halls to clear my nasal passages and soothe my throat.
Still couldn't get rid of this thing.
I don't know what THIS is. It still gives me a scare. My daughter panicked one night two weeks ago. I had fallen asleep on the couch while my daughter and I were binging on Netflix. I woke up around 1 a.m.and could.....not.....catch....my......breath. She stared at me, and I could see the fear in her eyes...."MOM...ARE YOU OKAY?!!!MOM! MOM!!" I could feel my eyes getting wider and I was trying not to frighten her. I put my index finger up motioning for her to just wait a minute. I tried to breathe in but couldn't. My airway was blocked. I was getting mad and scared all at the same time. Finally, I tried to just push air out as hard as I could and it cleared my airway. I coughed and coughed and then got some water.
Turns out my cousin has had the same symptoms and she lives in Indiana and has had this thing since December. ENTs and Xrays and meds still can't cure her either. And she is coughing up green crap.
How can nobody fix this?
I stopped going to the doctor. I can't afford another Xray(or anymore meds for that matter)
I just pray that God heals this soon. In His timing it will be better.
He gave me another day, to enjoy his beautiful blessings; the Robin's nest in the tree outside my patio, the cool winds I hear and feel each time they blow, the coffee I am drinking with a little bit of FALL inside it in the form of Pumpkin Spice, the company of my daughter who is healthy and makes me laugh....and most importantly....a cough that didn't killl me.
Some people didn't have that luxury thiese past few months.
So I truly DO count my blessings, every....single....day.
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."-Phillipians 4:6
We've gone from "time to get up for work and school," to "What am I going to wear to church this morning??....My Christmas peguin night shirt or my leggings and a tee?"
This whole quarantine thing has been crazy. I am glad we are getting back to "somewhat normal" around these parts. I have always said normal is overrated, but in this case I will take some normal back for the sake of my sanity.
I am sitting out on my patio. I just went to Lowe's yesterday with my daughter and we picked up a few more arrangements to put out here. It looks really nice. Although I do wonder how long these plants will last considering the great oven is about to open, with temps reaching 107 next week.
I hate the heat.
I hate the desert.
It's okay though, this lovely apartment I have and the nice floral arrangement out here make me not hate it so much. It's bearable. I like my neighbors. I like my job, I like most, if not all of the people I work with. There are some who have some personality quirks or some differences of opinion, but who doesn't have some quirks that make them utterly unique? Right?
Let's see what has been going on.
First as you can tell, I finally got the internet. After 6 years of not having it, I finally paid the 200 bucks I owed them(which I shouldn't have had to owe them to begin with, that's a blog for another day) to turn it on against my will. I lived fine without it, but I needed it not only for my daughter's schoolwork, but also for MY work, because while we were on quarantine over here we had home work to do. Literally. Work we did from home in the form of books on liberty, and freedom and rights. I loved reading them, except a pamphlet called "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine. And another book I cannot remember the title (that's how much I "loved" it) who had authors whom I could not get into their style of writing. No matter how hard I tried, or how hard I tried to reread each paragraph I just couldn't get into what they were saying.
But I managed to understand it enough to answer the questions in each study guide given to us every week and do the work that needed to be done, to earn the check they so graciously gave us during this time of uncertainty and chaos. I thank God for this job every day. I do. I thank God in conversation with my friends and family, and in prayer and reflection.
These have been trying times for many folks.
Including my neighbor.
I won't go into detail, but I can tell the stress has gotten to her, and I just continue to pray for her in the hopes that she gets her unemployment check soon. Because this poor woman is scared. She has anxiety. And she is having some issues with the lack of funds and available opportunities to do what she likes to do like visit friends and go out to eat and just live her best life.
She just wants her normal back. 😊
I just figured out I have an emoji keyboard on this thing. i found it on accident actually. Then had to Google how I got it to pop up.
During quarantine, pre-internet time that is, my daughter and I tried so hard to keep our sanity we did our best to entertain one another. We did pretty good, and the first 3 weeks we did fairly well actually and enjoyed this little work/school sabbatical. By week four though, it wasn't that much fun anymore. We played Uno, Battleship, Sorry and Mille Bornes(awesome game, Love it for game nights). We baked, we took walks to the mailbox and walks to the local grocery store down the street.
Our big field trip during quarantine was the trip to the grocery store and our favorite game was "Where's the toilet paper?" A more intriguing version of Where's Waldo? only with looking for the Cartoon Charmin Bear Family instead of Waldo. And then of course there is our major event....the trip of all trips.....to the Las Vegas Strip....an eerie, reality-inducing sight to see of what quarantine has really done to the economy.
I hate driving to the strip. Tourists are not my friends. Signs with Scantily clad women on the sides of big trucks and taxi-cabs are not my friends and Strip Drivers, especially at night, most definitely are not my friends.
But this trip was something my daughter wanted to do, as did I.
I knew there would be minimal traffic, minimal people at best on a bike or two perhaps. I wasn't prepared for this though. It really was an eerie sight. Like something out of War oof the Worlds or some post-apocolyptic movie.
This wasn't what I expected to see. My daughter took this picture. Because, as you obviously can figure out, one of us had to drive.
We also took a trip to a local park out here.
Let me tell you this story.
I am deathly afraid of heights. However, this local park nearby has a small mountain that people hike on from time to time. I have also seen coyotes and other wildlife at this park early in the morning and late at night. It's really beautiful here. I had tried to climb this mountain several years ago when my middle men graced us with their beautiful presence for 4 days. I had somewhat of a panic attack trying to climb this mountain and two weeks ago, I was determined to do my best to get to the top of that stupid thing.
Here is a view from how far I managed to get:
With my daughter at my side we trudged up the trail in the 95+ degree temps that day. I had my bottle of water and my shades and I was feeling brave. My daughter grabbed my arm as we made it close to the top of the mountain when all of a sudden, ....out of nowhere.....my body began to shake...and then freeze. I felt like I was going to fall backwards on the steep incline of that mountain. I couldn't move.
I tried.
I truly tried.
I wanted to do it.
My daughter told me to sit. So I sat. A couple passed us by going up and I smiled and took a drink of my water. My daughter stood nearby and I almost cried because I was so mad at myself. I saw the people at the top enjoying the scenery and I saw the people on bikes and walking on their way up to where I sat. My leggings and palms were now covered with sand and I was still mad at myself for not completing this huge task I had set out for myself.
She helped me off the ground and we went home.
I felt defeated.
We would try again another day. Preferably before the oven-like temps set in for the summer.
I will wait for the next "cold front" to hit and then....we'll conquer it again.
https://dl.glitter-graphics.com/pub/926/926601do9y3g7tff.gif -- go to www.glitter-graphics.com
I have been dealing with a cough that simply won't go away.
It was REALLY REALLY bad in the beginning. I was sick the Thursday before quarantine. I had some stomach issues(which I will not share at the moment) that Thursday and Friday. I asked to leave work early, I showed up thinking I could leave around lunchtime, but I was told I had to stay. If I didn't love my job so much I probably would complain about that, but I survived the day and lived to tell about it plus complaining does nothing for anyone but make them (and the others around them I am sure) more miserable than they already feel.
Anyway....slight tangent there....it started with that flu-like thingy, and a low-grade fever(99.9 ) with a slight cough. I managed to make it home and into bed. I popped some DAYQUIL and hoped for the best. Saturday I felt a wee-bit better and my daughter and I headed out for a bit for breakfast. But by Sunday it got worse, with a hacking cough that I couldn't stop. I was on the phone with my mom and she yelled at me to get into the doctor and get this cough fixed. I was crying so hard, because in all honesty I was scared.
My doc started me on Zpack and a prescription expectorant....then the following week it was Doxy....and it still wasn't gone, and I would start coughing and start choking. I threw up several times during the course of this mystery cough thingy. I choked a couple times while I stood over the toilet or the trash can in the middle of the night. And I was really scared because I was alone and I couldn't catch my breath. I had this post nasal drip going on and coughing up clear to light phlegm which doc said was good it wasn't green. She prescribed Fluticasone thinking it was allergies and Claritin-D. I had an X-ray and I had more meds....she gave me an inhaler and this time a cough suppresant with codeine. I got a humidifier and cough drops like Halls to clear my nasal passages and soothe my throat.
Still couldn't get rid of this thing.
I don't know what THIS is. It still gives me a scare. My daughter panicked one night two weeks ago. I had fallen asleep on the couch while my daughter and I were binging on Netflix. I woke up around 1 a.m.and could.....not.....catch....my......breath. She stared at me, and I could see the fear in her eyes...."MOM...ARE YOU OKAY?!!!MOM! MOM!!" I could feel my eyes getting wider and I was trying not to frighten her. I put my index finger up motioning for her to just wait a minute. I tried to breathe in but couldn't. My airway was blocked. I was getting mad and scared all at the same time. Finally, I tried to just push air out as hard as I could and it cleared my airway. I coughed and coughed and then got some water.
Turns out my cousin has had the same symptoms and she lives in Indiana and has had this thing since December. ENTs and Xrays and meds still can't cure her either. And she is coughing up green crap.
How can nobody fix this?
I stopped going to the doctor. I can't afford another Xray(or anymore meds for that matter)
I just pray that God heals this soon. In His timing it will be better.
He gave me another day, to enjoy his beautiful blessings; the Robin's nest in the tree outside my patio, the cool winds I hear and feel each time they blow, the coffee I am drinking with a little bit of FALL inside it in the form of Pumpkin Spice, the company of my daughter who is healthy and makes me laugh....and most importantly....a cough that didn't killl me.
Some people didn't have that luxury thiese past few months.
So I truly DO count my blessings, every....single....day.
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."-Phillipians 4:6
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