This is what living in the desert looks like in the middle of summer from my patio...
Let me tell you sitting on my patio with the heat radiating from the sun like that is no picnic.
Which is why, on any given day when the mercury skyrockets over a hundred, my ass is indoors.
Of course being indoors may save my body from feeling like I'm dying, but if someone knocks on my door , I may end up blind one of these days. That is what happened to me a couple of weeks ago when a friend of my boys came knocking on my door. I went to look out the peep hole and was practically blinded by the light permeating through the hole.
There is no escaping the damaging effects of the sun out here, no matter where I go.
We have a pool, however, I don't swim, and even if I did, the walk to the pool alone would feel like it's killing me for sure.
And it's only a matter of time before my van craps out and dies on me for good in this heat. Yesterday after I did all my running around, I could hear my radiator sizzling like someone was grilling burgers under the hood.
Who chooses to move here and STAY?!
People are crazy to live in the desert. I am not here by choice, but by obligation. I am counting down the years until my daughter turns 18. She and her brothers can go to college, stay here and bake with their father in this or they can come with me back to the balmy midwest or east coast even where beaches, rain and snow abound.
I can't take much more of this.
I'm surprised I've lasted this long.
I would do anything, and I mean just about anything to be able to stand in 3 feet of snow, scraping the ice off of my windshield in subzero weather or shoveling my driveway. I would love nothing more than to hear the sounds of thunder and see a bolt or two of lightning with a torrential downpour of rain to follow.
Anything beats this desert living.
Although for shits and giggles, I thought about going out onto the parking-lot blacktop and trying to fry an egg on a piece of aluminum foil.
Wouldn't that be funny?
My neighbors would probably think I'm crazy. Not that I care if they did anyway.
At 9:51 this morning it was 102 degrees. I haven't turned my air back on yet. But it is starting to get a tad bit toasty in my apartment so I think I might have to cave in and turn it on. I just can't believe the heat out here.
At 9:51 this morning it was 102 degrees. I haven't turned my air back on yet. But it is starting to get a tad bit toasty in my apartment so I think I might have to cave in and turn it on. I just can't believe the heat out here.
If I wanted to live in an oven I'd of married the Pillsbury dough boy.