Magickal Graphics
I was doing a little thinking this morning about this holiday.
I have been seeing photos and salutations such as this nice design:
It got me wondering about how Memorial Day can possibly be associated with the word "Happy". Isn't that an oxymoron of sorts?
I mean, I get the Happy behind the phrase Happy New Year, or the Happy behind Happy Valentine's Day, but to place Happy in front of Memorial Day just doesn't seem right at all to me.
Men and women have died for many years serving this country of ours.
Where is the happiness in that?
Here is a brief history of the holiday and my thoughts shall continue following this little excerpt of mine.
In 1862 General John A. Logan called for a national day of remembrance for those who had fallen during the Civil War. It was honored as a time to decorate the headstones of those who lost their lives and a time for reflection and prayer. It was termed Decoration Day.
After World War 1, Congress felt the need to honor those Americans who lost their lives during ALL wars. So the Uniform Monday Holiday Act took effect, and since then Memorial Day as it was later termed was a day to honor those whose lives were lost during wartime.
So as you can see, nowhere in there does it state that one needs a barbecue, or some cheesy store sale to honor this holiday, nor does anyone even need a day off of work. Yet, here we are, decades later, and I bet half the kids out there don't even know why we have the day off and I'm guessing half the adults probably don't even care.
Sad really.
I'm not saying we should be all depressed and sulky on this holiday,
I'm just saying, there should be some reverence behind this holiday. Remembrance with thoughts such as this one:
Parades are good, I always get goose bumps whenever I am at a parade and they play the Star Spangled Banner and the jets fly over. I think of all those soldiers who lost their lives, family and friends whom I know serving now and it just gets me every time. I feel a tear or two well up in me. It's more than "just another parade" to me. It really does make me think of those who have fought for this country.
I'm also not saying "Ban Memorial Day Barbecues", but I'm just saying somewhere along the way, the translation of the true meaning behind this holiday got lost somewhere. Know what I mean? It's the "Unofficial start of summer", or it's "The day you can finally wear white again."
Who comes up with this stuff anyway?
This is just my random opinion. One may agree or disagree or simply not care either way.
I just thought I'd share my opinion on this.
Because someone died for my freedom to share my opinions.
Thank you to the dear soldiers who did(and still do) that, so that I can share.