Monday, March 18, 2013

The Good and the Bad

So there I was, 80-degree weather, kids in the van and tired and restless as I was driving along when all of a sudden like bad fate, my van overheats.

I pull over to the side of the road put the van in park and sit and stew. Kids are whining after only 3 minutes or so of sitting there. My oldest twin is digging his head into the youngest twins shoulder, my daughter is complaining she is thirsty(thank Goodness I didn't take the 32 bottles of water out of my van yesterday I had just bought), and I'm on the verge of a meltdown. Then my youngest twin decides to yell at me and tell me "Just go mom! I'm HOT!" I looked at him with that lovely "mom stare" and said "LOOK, the last time you guys said 'Mom go!' I did, and my van was smoking all over the place and broke down. Remember that?"

Finally silence.

So I get out of the van, pop the hood and hope the slight intermittent breeze would help it cool down faster.




So after about ten minutes of this madness, it finally cooled down enough that when I opened the radiator cap, the heat didn't spray hot water at me and I was able to pour the rest of my "spare" gallon of water and some of the bottled waters we hadn't consumed yet. I couldn't believe not ONE person bothered to pull over and see if we needed help. Van full of kids, woman on the verge of a meltdown and not one driver even slowed down to ask if I needed help. As I shut the van hood, I looked up at the sky and said "Where oh where is my knight in shining armor?"

Mine probably died in the war.

We made it home and the boys took off.

At which point my poor daughter said "I'm bored!" So then I proceeded to tell her "Let's Bake!"

So we did.

Then about half an hour before curfew here(sundown) two little girls who live beneath us came out and I explained to her mom my daughter's poor dilemma with no friends. She is very protective of her girls(rightfully so, especially where we live) and I told her that my daughter has some activities she does during the week, so if anything it would only be once every other week that she would need to hang out with her girls. Thankfully she was open to that option. For my daughter's sake, I was glad I asked.

I peek my head outside the door and I hear the one girl tell my daughter, "I never say the word ask, because it has the word ass in it --" my daughter cut her off and said, "there's a "k" at the end you know."

So I just went out to tell my daughter that she has to come in.  My daughter wanted to meet another girl who just moved here, and she is begging me for more time. The little girl playing with her says "Pleeeeease, it's her only chance!"

How could I say no to that pleading little voice?

So I said, "Fine, five more minutes and that's it."

Well, five more minutes turned into an hour later. I was chatting with the girls mom and another mom and we ended up talking for a while. Made plans for tomorrow to hang out with our kids.

My daughter was like the pied piper. All three girls followed her around wherever she ran. They had so much fun yesterday.

So despite the drama-induced start to my day with the kids, it ended with a lovely evening.

I guess it is true when they say with the bad comes the good.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Because I Love My Job

I absolutely love working with children.

The downside to this lovely career is the list of delightful maladies that can happen while working with these lovely little beings:

Colds and/or Flu: This one is the "Fun" one. Because not only can you contract a cold or flu from a child but you can also be puked on (or near) at warp speed. Most of the time there is no warning, no flashing red lights or some type of verbal alert even uttered from the child before Niagara Falls starts streaming.   You're in the middle of reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear and as you look up from the book you find little Jenny hovering over your shoes showing you what she had for breakfast. Not pretty at all to say the least. Or little Joey's nose is running like a faucet and as he manages to run to hug you and  he pulls away... it looks like a scene from Spider Man.

Just a messy, sticky string of goo from his nose to your pants.

Pink Eye(fancy name Conjunctivitis):  No matter how much you wash desks, tables, chairs, little hands and walls, somehow, some way this little virus manages to creep into your eyeball and force you to throw away all the makeup you just purchased on sale at Walgreen's.  Not to mention the "not-so-fun" feeling of having your eyelids glued together and the annoying watery itching that comes with it.

Strep Throat: An evil little bacteria that sneaks up on you out of nowhere. I can count on one hand, how many times children cover their mouth when they cough. Or they cover their mouth and then grab your face with that same hand.

Head Lice:  *shivers* Ugh...I really don't want to go there. Let's not shall we.

Getting Hit, Bit, Kicked and Slapped:  Nothing more fun than a 3-yr old throwing a tantrum. It's even worse when they are bigger and old enough to take a school bus. At that point you REALLY need quick reflexes or your shin will pay a very dear price. I got kicked in my shin one time at work, and it wasn't at a child care center either. It was at a store I worked at. Go figure.

Classroom Chaos:  It happens. Even the most well-educated, most disciplined teacher has moments where the classroom just goes crazy. I know someone who was pulling two toddlers off the table, and one was on a chair ready to climb onto said table. I also had a day like that yesterday. My children just would not sit on the reading carpet at all. As I sat the last child down on the carpet, two others popped up and began to run to the middle of the room. I'd finally get those two sat down and another THREE would jump up. This is the aerobics part of my afternoon. Who needs a gym membership when you are a teacher of overly-energetic toddlers?  I should have lost at LEAST five pounds yesterday. I was literally sweating from all that running around. Where do these kids find the energy? Is it in the fruit snacks or those new-fangled squeezie veggie/fruits? Maybe it's the yogurt puffs. Whatever it is...I want some of that.

Just think of this movie the next time you send your kid to preschool or grade school:

I hope you have a new-found appreciation of what your child's teacher does after seeing this video.  True, every day isn't like this, because most of us find the "Ferret"(see movie clip) that works to keep the classroom under control.

For the most part I do have a pretty good classroom, but on does happen...the kids win the least for about five minutes or so. 

Then normalcy finally resumes.

I taught them to meditate. Well, sort of. I was being silly and I closed my eyes and started humming. They all just looked at me. Then they joined in. It was fun. I was told by my boss I am not allowed to use the term "Meditate"(???) so we hum. Or I will say "Buzz like bees", and they hum. It's cute. That's the "Ferret" in my room.

Despite all the things that can happen on a negative aspect, I find working with children to be quite rewarding. In the last six months since I've had my classroom,  I've watched little toddlers learn their colors, say their first word/simple sentence ("want juice"), learn empathy, and color/paint a picture.  True, it does bother me some days that I spend more time with other people's children and wish so much to spend that time with my own kids.

For now though,  this is how it is. Because I do love my job, and all the children who are a part of it.

And for now I try to enjoy it the best that I can.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One Final Note...

Me after a long evening of blogging:

Days Of The Week Comments
Magickal Graphics
And my wish for those who pass by my page tomorrow:
Days Of The Week Comments
Magickal Graphics

Be Careful What You Wish For

Just a gentle reminder.

Because I had posted a blog back in January (found here ) that basically had me begging Mother Nature to turn the dial to spring. However, I find that it IS true, you should definitely BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.

Always, always be specific when making a wish. I have come to realize that is the most important thing to do. See, I asked for the dial to be turned to spring, however, I did not wish to have a "Desert Spring" but rather a "Midwest Spring". What we have now, is spring...with near-90-degree temps...(aka "Desert Spring). 

Want to see what a "Desert Spring" looks like?

Here you go:

Driving into this blinding light takes skill, let me tell you. 

Driving into it without striking a pedestrian or another vehicle....a miracle.

The fact that I got this photo while driving....even more amazing. 

So allow me to help all of you with a few guidelines of "How to Make a Wish"(like I'm some sort of expert here or something). "it's on the internet so it must be true!" ha ha!!!

Be sure when you make a wish to follow these simple rules:

1. When wishing for "a lot of money"....realize that if you wish for that someone could very well die, just so you can gain an inheritance(i.e. a lot of money). What's more important the money or the family member, like good old "Uncle Bubba" that kicked the bucket? If anyone needs to be kicking a bucket, I'd rather it be at a family picnic and the wind blows the KFC bucket on the ground.  I know this is a morbid thought(the family member dying, not the bucket falling to the ground, unless there was still chicken in it and now there are ants crawling on it, or someone kicked the bucket into a pile of....never mind).  Anyway, just remember, make a wish for your "ability to find a job that meets my basic needs" or wish "for the wind to blow a $20 bill my way" or something like that.

2.  When wishing for that "perfect guy/gal"....please be more specific. Because you can end up with a guy/gal who EVERYONE ELSE thinks is perfect, but behind closed doors he/she's someone else completely. He/She could be a Type-A personality (read here )...unless of course those are the traits you are looking for in your "perfect guy/gal" (YIKES) then I suppose don't change a thing.

3.  When wishing for that "Perfect Job"....DEFINITELY be specific! You may have the so called perfect job, but you lose out on time with family, time with friends, and the pay may be great you may drive the latest sports car, but in the end is it really worth it to have that "Perfect Job"? Refer to #1 if you need help with this.

4.  Wishing you were skinnier/more muscular/etc....accept your body as is. Consider it like a used vehicle. You can "tune it up" here and there. Maybe quit smoking or drinking; Getting more sleep; Taking the stairs vs. the elevator; Eat one less candy bar or appetizer; you get the picture. But just because you aren't a runway model or built like some WWE dude, doesn't mean you're a failure. I'm no "skinny minnie" but I'm not obese either. My little in my middle has turned to a lot in the pot, but I had seven kids. It's bound to happen. I have a muffin top, and that was always my favorite part of the muffin anyway. So there!

And finally....don't wish for harm on anyone. Don't wish for rain, snow or sleet. Because I promise you if you do, it will come with a vengeance when you least expect it. (refer to paragraph two of this blog if necessary)

This blog is for entertainment purposes only(were you entertained?...just a little?). Although I will say these are probably good rules to live by anyway.

Angel Comments
~Magickal Graphics~
This is cute.
Just wanted to post it.
So I am.
This is me, and my five youngest babies.
Love it.

A Little Bit of This and That

It's been several days since I've had a cup of coffee.

I had the most massive headache yesterday and I'm not quite sure if it was the lack of coffee, the time change, Mother Nature making a visit...or all of the above that contributed to the pounding, piercing, feeling like my head is going to explode feeling I had all day at work.

It's finally gone.

I went to bed last night at 7:30.

God I feel old.

My cousin is in town this week. I just found out today via a text from his niece, who is also my best friend in the whole wide world. I'd love to meet up with him but I have a feeling that won't happen. I'm too broke to go anywhere, but I am so lonely, company would be nice, even if he just stopped by to say hello, have a soda and run.  I miss my family. So, any family that visits this pithole of a city I live in are always welcome with a smile.

I'm really having a crappy week.

But I'm trying to keep my blog posts somewhat happy or non-drama related, so I shall just say that even though my week was crappy my coffee was on sale for 5.49 and also the Hershey bar with Almonds I already consumed, so that made my day.

The weather is getting very hot, very quickly.  It's only a matter of time before my van craps out on me. Yeah I said that...crap....that's a word my kids think is a bad word. I don't know how many times my daughter especially will say "Mommy, JJ said the 'C' word"...thinking it's something else I will say, "what word is that?" And she will whisper to me "Crap".

"Oh," and I look at her with all seriousness then proceed to tell him, "That's not nice." Of course within a matter of days or minutes he'll say it again.


I'm leaving this pit hole for a week soon. I don't want to come back here, and if it wasn't for the fact I have kids here that need me, I'd just stay back in Chicago. I miss home so bad, I will close my eyes sometimes and just picture all the memories I had when I lived there. I pretend I am sleeping on my mom's couch near the family room stairs. Or I will pretend I am in my son's room watching him play video games.  Then I wake up, look out the window and see the foul-mouthed teens and adults outside and hear the sirens and what may be gun shots on occasion and I remember just where the hell I am really at.

Anyway, I think I need this vacation. I need to go back home. I want so badly to hold my granddaughter. I want to hug my boys(my oldest who is now 21 thank you), and my 18 yr old who will soon be going to college. My how times flies.

I'm going to hug my parents and any other people I miss who I haven't seen in years. I may frighten them because in all honesty I don't want to let them go.

I have a BFF who lives back there. She is the only person who calls me on a regular basis. We check in with one another all the time. I miss her.  We laugh so hard sometimes, and cry on other times. Gee, if only I could win the lottery. Or marry a rich scratch a guy who is just looking for a nice woman with tons of kids and he'd like to help the woman get a new vehicle and send her and her kids to see her family every so often. Or he could just find that woman(me) a job that pays her enough to be self-sufficient and never have to depend on anyone ever again.
Because marriage, or even dating isn't even in my life's plan at this point. I've done both, and they scare me completely.

Men in general scare me.

It's 9:17 now. I am close to bed time for me here. I just don't want to wake up soon, because that means I have to go to work. To a job I once loved, but no longer do. Blah.

My daughter is with her father this week. She called to say good night and tell me she had a bad day. It was a bad day because she said "the boys kept fighting because dad told them to do their homework and they were fighting the whole time." Oh the drama. Poor kid. She just wants some peace like I do. I told her I was sorry she had a bad day. Then she said she loved me and good night. Five minute phone call. I love those.

Since I have nothing more to say I guess I will go.

Not like anyone is really reading this anyway. there anybody therrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre????............

*This scene from The Grinch comes to mind* 

This is me.  I literally crack up watching this.

I feel like the Grinch lately. Although I don't want to steal anything, I find myself talking to(and answering) myself a lot more lately.

Yep, it's boredom I suppose.

Anyway, heading to bed.

Unless some other ideas come to me before I lay my lovely little head down.

To anyone who reads this....have a lovely day/night.

I'll be back later (as my lovely friend Myrtle use to say):
"The Lord Willing and the Creek Don't Rise."